Tuesday, September 8, 2009

California's Fickle Fires

What is discouraging about this item is not the update per se (my printed matter says "Crews gaining control of Calif. blaze," and cable news -- less than a minute, I promise you -- is now saying under control.... by Sept 15), it's just the YO-YO of FEAR and CRISIS!

When the AGENDA CALLS for a CRISIS, the MSM BLARES it from the rooftops! Then it GOES AWAY, only to be raised when they peck away at you later. Plant the propaganda seed in your brain, then water it, when the big boom or whatever comes, you'll already be thinking, yup, makes sense, next progression.

Or is this case, I feel like the MSM is wanting to MINIMIZE THIS as CALIFORNIA BURNS all year!!!! If you read through my posts on this issue, you find the only reason it was covered when and how it was is because government and media collaborate on image-enhancing agendas to make authorities look good and then make the problems go away as they continue to fester. One could almost call it a lie, although the tactics used during the descriptive terminology is so filled with qualifiers that it is not technically a lie. Often, however, the coverage is so one-sided and biased towards whatever agenda-pushing interest is being promoted it is hard to even read the newspaper anymore.

You pile on the contradictory articles and mixed messages along with a healthy dose of daily insults and I guess you can see why I am the way I am. It's depressing. Even if Americans were to pick up a newspaper, they wouldn't learn anything. They would be fed such propaganda as to the point of hurtfulness.

That's coming from someone who used to love newspapers, readers. I used to voraciously devour the New York Times in my college days, and continued to read and purchase them for a number of years. That all stopped over two-and-a-half years ago, and I never visit the times site (although I do visit the bastard step-child Globe, my only MSM exposure) now.

And it is strange. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I need no longer even read blogs or other things because I can see things for what they are now no matter what the issue. Just ask yourself which agenda the MSM would be pushing with their story. It doesn't matter what the issue because they will always serve the globalist/Zionist/corporatist masters that control them.
Thus is the state of AmeriKa's newspapers today.

"Wildfire flares up; crews change plans" by Associated Press | September 8, 2009

LOS ANGELES - Just as firefighters were intensifying their efforts yesterday to contain the flames menacing the foothill neighborhoods of the San Gabriel Valley, another part of the deadly fire in the Angeles National Forest flared up....

“Even the mountain goats won’t climb in there because it’s so steep and rugged,’’ US Forest Service spokesman Nathan Judy said.

The flames have reached the bottom of the south face of Mount Waterman, which has a small ski area on its northern side. The cost of the fire fight has climbed to $57.6 million....

I made that remark somewhere following this story in the Globe. When it starts affecting rich elites like them (and all AmeriKan MSM), they bring you a story and take notice.

Meanwhile, epidemic problems of joblessness, poverty, and homelessness remain unaddressed. Banks and war-looters get their trillions and the whole thing just keeps rolling along -- to the same end as some of these California trees if you must know.

Meanwhile, LA County sheriff’s and fire investigators continued their homicide investigation into the fire. Officials have said the cause of the fire was arson but have released no findings.


Or, if you have a CUI BONO question in mind: Touring the wreckage

Gee, THEY SURE WOULD BENEFIT, wouldn't they? So you burn a few others out, so what? Any institutions or organizations that would charge usurious rates and rip-off taxpayers for profit is beyond nothing.

Don't worry, I'm sure the media and authorities will come up with some bs lie for all this.

Los Angeles County firefighters Tedmund Hall and Arnaldo Quinones were killed in a vehicle accident Aug. 30 while seeking an escape route for their inmate fire crew after flames overran their camp on Mount Gleason....

Related: Californian Chain Gang


CNN is now telling me they are under control so I'll forget about this issue for a while.