Wednesday, September 9, 2009

McChrystal a Secret Muslim

Oh, this is an order I like!

"Afghan militants kill 4 US troops; NATO concedes civilians died in earlier airstrike" by Kay Johnson and Douglas Birch, Associated Press | September 9, 2009

KABUL, Afghanistan - .... Also yesterday, top NATO and US commander General Stanley McChrystal.... banned the sale of alcohol at the military alliance’s Kabul headquarters after becoming frustrated when he had trouble getting in touch with some of his staff after the attack in Kunduz, said Captain Elizabeth Mathias, a US military spokeswoman....

That's all the Globe website will give you. I had to hit the web again.

In Kabul, McChrystal issued the order banning alcohol sales at NATO headquarters, where more than 2,000 officers and civilians work.

The prohibition was an effort to "limit distractions" rather than comply with Islam's ban on alcohol consumption, Mathias said. The sale of alcohol to Muslims is illegal in Afghanistan.



Mathias said McChrystal had been considering the ban for some time, but she conceded he expressed frustration early Friday after he had trouble contacting some of his staff after the Kunduz airstrike.

Oh, so HE HAS KNOWN about the PROBLEM then?!!!!!

The ban does not affect U.S. troops, who are already barred from drinking alcohol.

Then WHO was PARTYING away, huh? And HOW?

Forty other nations participate in the NATO mission here, and some are more lenient about alcohol....

I'm sorry, but America promotes the damn s*** as liberation!



"Last orders for troops arriving for daily duty with hangovers

After a Nato airstrike killed as many as 125 people last week, General Stanley McChrystal was keen to get the situation under control — fast.

When he tried to contact his underlings to find out what had happened, however, he found, to his fury, that many of them were either drunk or too hungover to respond.

Complaining in his daily Commander’s Update that too many people had been “partying it up”, General McChrystal, head of International Forces in Afghanistan (Isaf), banned alcohol at his headquarters yesterday, admonishing staff for not having “their heads in the right place” on Friday morning — a few hours after the deadly attack.

What was an oasis of coffee shops and bars where commanders could enjoy a beer or three will now be a dry area.

You skipped a numeral there, buddy? WTF?

Can't just have two, huh?

Well, you know what they say: ONE is TOO MANY and a HUNDRED ISN'T ENOUGH!


Wouldn't they NEED TO DOWN a FEW after a MASSACRE like that?

I mean, our soldiers are coming home and killing themselves because of this s***.