Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Those Pesky Palestinians

I mean, they get so many mentions in my Zionist newspaper....

"Israel cites differences with US over peace talks; West Bank construction a friction source" by Mark Lavie, Associated Press | September 14, 2009

JERUSALEM - .... The Palestinians consider the settlements illegal under international law that seeks to prevent occupying nations from seizing land by moving people, but Israel contends that the territory is disputed, not occupied.

Not including Jerusalem, about 300,000 Israelis live in 120 authorized communities and dozens of unauthorized ones in the West Bank.

That makes it sound as if the Palestinians are being unreasonable, doesn't it?

The first settlements.... included efforts to reestablish a Jewish presence in areas where Jews had been forced to leave in the years before Israel’s independence in 1948.

Is that like the most BACKWARDS rendering of history or what?

Yeah, the JEWS WERE FORCED OUT before they STOLE the LAND!!!


"Israel restates West Bank stance; Netanyahu again rejects a freeze on settlements" by Aron Heller, Associated Press | September 15, 2009

JERUSALEM - A tough line from both Israel and the Palestinians, combined with a Saudi refusal to make new conciliatory gestures to the Jewish state, could further complicate US efforts to forge a comprehensive regional peace....

Not like the U.S. is really trying, but... WHY should the SAUDIS have to make a move? THE ONLY MOVE is ISRAEL'S!

Related: Israel Intends to Keep All Settlements

Yes, the world is tired of Zionist lies.

The Palestinians say the settlements make it increasingly difficult for them to realize their goal of establishing an independent state.

Yeah, how you going to get a state out of this:

Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine

Also see: Memory Hole: Future Vision of Israel

Might be the only answer, huh?

Netanyahu told parliament’s powerful foreign affairs and defense committee yesterday that Israel would consider suspending new plans to build in the West Bank for a limited time only, according to a meeting participant.

Which is to say NOT AT ALL!!!

Man, that stereotype really holds, doesn't it?

There is NO LIMIT on PEACE, unless you are a.... !!

Netanyahu said Israel will continue to build some 3,000 apartments already begun, trying to strike a balance between Israel’s desire to resume talks with the Palestinians while also enabling “normal life’’ to continue in the settlements. He also said Israel would continue to build without restrictions in east Jerusalem....

Netanyahu.... has argued that an absolute freeze would spark an uprising in his hard-line coalition, which includes settler advocates, making it impossible to conduct peace talks with the Palestinians....



Of course, it is okay for Zionist terrorists to run rampant in Palestine.

Otherwise I'd hear more about it in my jewspaper, right?