The globalist concern, the MSM coverage, all of it. More than just drug money and governments at stake.
"Going Missing
Those conspiracy theorists...
You see, this is why people stick with trusted news sources, like ABC news. ABC news brings this disturbing report that some Haitian children have gone missing from hospitals. UNICEF suspects these children may have been fed into an international trafficking ring.
An ADOPTION ring! That's right. Orphaned children might be smuggled out of desperate, ravaged Haiti to be given loving homes with white people. Of course that doesn't quite explain why the children disappear from hospitals, does it.United Nations officials say children have gone missing from hospitals in Haiti since the devastating January 12 earthquake, raising fears of trafficking for adoption abroad. "We have documented around 15 cases of children disappearing from hospitals and not with their own family at the time," said UNICEF adviser Jean Luc Legrand. "UNICEF has been working in Haiti for many years and we knew the problem with the trade of children in Haiti that existed already beforehand.
"Unfortunately, many of these trade networks have links with the international adoption market."
Here's the little faux-outrage politically correct bullshit argument that I'm sure somebody somewhere will go running with: This is outrageous. Surely in every single instance, the people must have only the purest of intentions. But that does not mean they can take these poor children away without following the legal procedures. Even if they only want to save them.
And here is the matching argument for the other foot: This is outrageous. Why should these children be left to die for lack of care and good homes when wonderful people can take them out of that hell right now and give them wonderful homes? Leave these good people alone they are only trying to help.
That controversy oughta keep a few people busy for a while...
The agency said it had warned countries during the past week not to step up adoptions from Haiti in the immediate wake of the quake. However several are fast-tracking adoption procedures already under way, including Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States. Mr Legrand said the situation was similar to the aftermath of the tsunami in Asia five years ago.
Trafficking networks were springing into action immediately after the disaster and taking advantage of the weakness of local authorities and relief coordination "to kidnap children and get them out of the country". Rupert Colville, a spokesman for the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said child enslavement and trafficking in Haiti was "an existing problem and could easily emerge as a serious issue over the coming weeks and months".
The UN mission in Haiti has stepped up surveillance of roads, UNICEF officials said. Mr Legrand said there was separate but only anecdotal evidence of people taking children by road to the neighbouring Dominican Republic and loading children on to planes. "We have seen over the past years many children being taken out of the country without any legal procedure," he said. "This is going on. This is happening now. We are starting to have the first evidence of that, this is unquestionable."
He was unable to give details on the 15 missing children or their condition or clearly connect the anecdotal observations in Haiti's chaos with trafficking.
The cases were documented by social workers and by partner non-governmental organisations working for UNICEF in hospitals.
Do you see that trafficking networks are....well....good? Or at least not all bad? They spring into action immediately and take advantage of the weakness of local authorities to kidnap children and get them out of the country. See? It's "nuanced."
But of course, we can take our sharp little stick and poke around that trafficking idea and ask some more pertinent questions, like: what other rings might be operating in the chaos in Haiti -- aside from the fairy tale adoption rings of people who only ever have the best intentions?
Sex trafficking? Human slaves? Organ trafficking? You know, it's kind of funny that Mr. Legrand would say: "This is going on. This is happening now. We are starting to have the first evidence of that, this is unquestionable."
Because, to be honest, the authorities have known about these problems for years.
And they also know about the international pedophile rings.
And that doesn't even begin to touch upon the organ trafficking angle.
But ABC News doesn't do conspiracy theories.
and so it would be very rude of me indeed to cast an aspersion on this whole haiti roadside hospital narrative and ask just how the sam hill did the israelis, out of all the people in the world who have converged on the little island, how exactly did the israelis manage to get their hospital equipment set up? i thought there were some bottlenecks but i guess they have connections. lucky huh? and what exactly do they do in the mash field hospital with all the little orphaned children? does anyone oversee anything going on or would that be rude? would that insinuate that maybe, you know, given the circumstances of the israeli organ stealing that has happened in the past with disadvantaged populations that maybe our israeli bestest friends could use some chaperones around the destitute orphans of haiti, lest their little kidneys go missing?
Related: Haiti Was a HAARP
Also see: HAARP has deleted its records from 2010-1-11 ??
(Blog editor's note: Chavez now denies he claim)
Believe what you will, readers. This information certainly cast these next MSM items in a whole new light for me.
"Rising to meet an infinite need; Partners in Health, long a force in Haiti, vaults into central role" by Stephen Smith and James F. Smith, Globe Staff | January 24, 2010
CANGE, Haiti - His hometown in ruins, his right arm broken, Frantz Verdieu knew he had to escape the acrid air and rubble-strewn streets of Port-au-Prince.
There was, he decided in the desperate hours after the earthquake that sundered the capital city, only one place to seek safe harbor and medical care: Cange, a town of about 30,000 in Haiti’s Central Plateau, and the birthplace of Partners in Health. So he traversed mountain roads - rough as a washboard in patches - along with hundreds of others who fled here by auto, truck, and bus. Overnight, they crowded Cange with their needs, and transformed the mission of an organization that for 25 years has built a worldwide reputation by treating tuberculosis, AIDS, and other chronic diseases that flourish among Haiti’s poor....
What exactly are they doing there, and the MSM promotion of them?
With 10 hospitals and deep roots in Haiti, Boston-based Partners in Health has became one of the pillars of the worldwide response to the Jan. 12 earthquake.... As enviable as this sudden expansion might seem, Partners in Health never aspired to become the go-to organization after the quake. As its Boston staffers constantly reminded a visiting reporter last week, Partners in Health is not a disaster relief organization. Still, the money and visibility have positioned Partners in Health to be a leading player in the country’s recovery, helping Haitians rebuild their shattered health system. And that role would be closer to the organization’s founding purpose - to work over the long haul with health officials in developing countries to help them create systems to treat the poor....
Talking about rebuilding already when the nation is still flat on it's back.
The need will intensify in the coming months and years....
The combination of capacity and credibility in Haiti put Partners in Health in a unique position to lead disaster relief operations....
Celebrities are helping, too....
Yeah, that's where I cut.
Somehow, the agenda-pushing coverage all seems superficial and shallow now.
"Survivor found as cleric is mourned; Man lived 11 days under shop debris" by Vivian Sequera and Ben Fox, Associated Press | January 24, 2010
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - As the UN said the Haitian government had declared an end to searches for living people trapped in the earthquake rubble, yet another survivor was saved yesterday. Rescuers said they reached Wismond Exantus by digging a narrow tunnel through the wreckage of a hotel grocery store where he was buried for 11 days.
Also yesterday, hundreds gathered for the funeral of the archbishop of Haiti’s stricken capital, a rare, formal ceremony that captured the collective mourning of a shattered nation where mass graves hold many of the dead....
And ONCE AGAIN we have a PoS REWRITE and REEDIT!!!
What was CUT!
Dozens of onlookers wearing masks against the stench of the city's dead cheered when Rismond Exantus, clad in black T-shirt and black pants, was carried from a a narrow tunnel on a stretcher and placed in an ambulance. He braced one arm with the other.
Can't even get the name right?
Authorities have stopped short of explicitly directing all teams to halt rescue efforts, and hopeful searchers continued picking through the ruins. But UN relief workers said the shift in focus is critical to care for the thousands living in squalid, makeshift camps that lack sanitation. While deliveries of food, medicine, and water have increased after initial logjams, doctors fear outbreaks of disease in the camps.
Only a small number of funerals have been held since the 7.0-magnitude quake struck, with most people buried anonymously and without ceremony in mass graves on the outskirts of the city. An estimated 200,000 people died, according to Haitian government figures cited by the European Commission. The United Nations said yesterday that the government had preliminarily confirmed 111,481 bodies, but that figure does not account for corpses buried by relatives.
Yeah, why would you need to know all that, readers?
Especially when there is so much good news, huh?
As it recovers from a terrible earthquake, Haiti desperately needs better roads and better road maps to help aid workers locate survivors in rural areas.
More than 1,600 miles from the capital Port-au-Prince, Christopher Schmidt is working on it. He is part of a team in the Boston area that has been poring over satellite photographs of Haiti, pinpointing refugee camps and hospitals, and publishing their coordinates online. “People have been using this data to plan aerial food drops,’’ said Schmidt, a website developer at MetaCarta Inc.
Schmidt was one of about 100 volunteers who spent their Saturday developing high-tech tools, a piece of software or an online service, to aid in Haiti’s recovery. The gathering, called CrisisCamp was held at the offices of ITA Software in Cambridge. It was one of nine CrisisCamps held across the country yesterday; a 10th was held in Bogota. The first Haitian CrisisCamps were held last week in Washington, D.C., and Sunnyvale, Calif., but the idea caught on quickly with volunteers nationwide....
Related: Six who were there when the earthquake hit Haiti
And all that $$$ people have been sending?
"Quake disrupts money transfers to Haiti" by Peter Whoriskey, Washington Post | January 25, 2010
MIAMI - Even in normal times, the dingy money transfer storefronts in this city’s Little Haiti provide a critical lifeline for the island nation. Here, and in other immigrant hubs in the United States, money passed to tellers behind plastic glass and then relayed back home is part of a flow that amounts to as much as a quarter of Haiti’s economy.
But since the Jan. 12 earthquake, just as Haitians in the United States and elsewhere rallied to send money back home, the critical economic conduit stopped working and is still far from restored.... Many here, with their relatives suddenly homeless, have been desperately trying to send funds for food and water. But while the companies can perform the electronic transfer, many of the transfer offices in Haiti’s capital are closed, and many of those open elsewhere in the country are short of cash because the banks have yet to operate....
But life is.... great, Globe?
"On broken streets, Haitians share night; Makeshift camps offer a sort of comfort" by Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff | January 25, 2010
Oh, COME ON!!!!
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - A sprawling sea of humanity sleeping under the stars on tartan comforters, floral sheets, bath towels, and foam pads....
Sounds sooooo romantic, doesn't it?
Since the powerful Jan. 12 earthquake left hundreds of thousands of Haitians homeless, makeshift campgrounds the likes of Pean Street now blanket the streets and soccer fields of Port-au-Prince after dark. From the National Palace to the broken slums of Belair, the survivors of the 7.0 quake swat mosquitoes, fidget on gravelly roads, and barricade themselves with cinderblocks, tires, and chairs to ward off passing cars.
A good night’s sleep is a long way off in this battered city, where most residents still lack shelter, electricity, and basic supplies. Yet nightfall offers a glimpse of the faith and ingenuity that are propelling people forward. Neighbors who barely knew one another now huddle close for warmth and safety, mourning lost loved ones, sharing food, and even making one another laugh....
The earthquake happened two weeks ago, but here it is still Tuesday, the day tens of thousands of people died, thousands of homes were damaged or collapsed, and everything ground to a halt. Aid trucks are arriving in some Port-au-Prince neighborhoods, but on these streets, shelters have not been erected and supplies have not been handed out.
That's why the MSM coverage is waning.
Days have a single rhythm: In the morning, people search for food and work. At night, they sleep in the streets.....
But it is COMFORTING, readers!
Of course, they are telling everyone to get out of Dodge!
"Government urges homeless to leave city for countryside; Aid efforts still not meeting need" by Vivian Sequera and Mike Melia, Associated Press | January 25, 2010

A paratrooper from the US 82d Airborne gave water to a girl in Cite Soleil, a section of Port-au-Prince. The Americans also distributed ready-to-eat meals and high-energy biscuits. (Fred Dufour/ AFP/ Getty Images)
All the little cutie gets is a tantalizing drop, huh?
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Crews filling Haiti’s mass graves with bodies reported ever higher numbers over the weekend: More than 150,000 quake victims from the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince have been buried by the government, officials said. That doesn’t count those still under the debris, carried off by relatives, or killed in the outlying quake zone.
Yet another aftershock, one of more than 50 since the great quake Jan. 12, shook Port-au-Prince yesterday, registering 4.7 in magnitude, the US Geological Survey said. There were no immediate reports of further damage.
(Blog editor just shaking his head at the quiet aftershocks)
The Haitian government urged many of the estimated 600,000 homeless huddled in open areas of Port-au-Prince, a city of 2 million, to look for better shelter with relatives or others in the countryside. Some 200,000 were believed already to have done so, most taking advantage of free government transportation. Others formed a steady stream out of the city yesterday.
This when there is no way the country can take care of them; why do you think they were in the city to begin with?
With rescues now increasingly unlikely, the government has declared an end to such operations, shifting the focus to caring for the thousands in squalid, makeshift camps. International aid workers searched for sites to erect tent cities for quake refugees on the capital’s outskirts, but such short-term solutions were still weeks away, said the International Organization for Migration, an intergovernmental agency....
The final casualty estimates.... will clearly place the Haiti earthquake among the deadliest natural catastrophes of recent times. That list includes the 1970 Bangladesh cyclone, believed to have killed 300,000 people; the 1974 northeast China earthquake, which killed at least 242,000 people; and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, with 226,000 dead....
The scene yesterday at Cite Soleil, the capital’s largest and most notorious slum, showed the need. Thousands of men, women, and children lined up and waited peacefully for their turn as American and Brazilian troops handed out aid. The Americans gave ready-to-eat meals, high-energy biscuits, and bottled water, while the Brazilians passed out water and small bags holding uncooked beans, salt, sugar, and sardines.
The WORLD COULD LEARN a LOT from them!!!!
The world’s nations have pledged some $1 billion in emergency aid to Haiti. Organizers of Friday night’s “Hope for Haiti Now’’ international telethon reported that the event raised $57 million, with more pledges still coming in.
Yeah, yeah, we've all heard about how great we are.
The staff of a Port-au-Prince nursing home that crumbled in the earthquake gave the last of its food to the elderly patients yesterday, and caregivers said they didn’t know when or how the next meal would come. “Now the food is finished,’’ cook Jeannine Laurore said as she scraped the last of the mashed corn into a patient’s metal dish.
Well, MORE is ON the WAY, right?
The quake that devastated the capital also halted the home’s food donations from the community. Medical assistance has trickled, but caregivers are still waiting for aid groups to deliver on food pledges.
C'mon, world, it has been TWO WEEKS!!!!
MONTREAL - An effective recovery strategy for Haiti must take into account a sudden rush of thousands of quake survivors from Port-au-Prince into the countryside, where the economy cannot sustain them, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said yesterday.
So the Haitian government advice is making things worse?
Clinton, speaking to reporters during a break in a daylong conference intended to review and improve the delivery of short-term aid as well as chart a course for long-term recovery, said she was encouraged by the analysis of Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive of Haiti. Bellerive told the conference that the exodus from Port-au-Prince has added a new twist to the postquake challenge. “The distribution of people [and] their needs have changed,’’ he said. “We have to reassess the whole country,’’ in terms of job creation and requirements for housing....
Is there really time for that?
Countries meeting yesterday committed to helping Haiti for at least the next 10 years.
Is that how long the U.S. occupation is going to last this time?
At a closing news conference, Clinton said the United States would host an international donors conference for Haitian recovery in March at UN headquarters in New York, once the long-term needs become clearer....
March?! That is SIX WEEKS AWAY!!!!
Besides, don't the Haitians have MORE PRESSING CONCERNS?

Jean-Louis Nord, a friend of the Lochard family, helped search for bodies through the rubble of their home yesterday in the aftermath of the Jan. 12 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. (Gerald Herbert/ Associated Press)
The photograph leaves me with mouth agape.
"Haitians desperate to find their dead for proper burial; Families seek closure 13 days after killer quake" by Ben Fox, Associated Press | January 26, 2010
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - In what is left of one family’s home, in what remains of one destroyed neighborhood, Jean-Rene Lochard has retrieved the bodies of his mother, brother, sister-in-law, and nephew and buried them beside the ruins, one by one and with a priest’s blessing.
Yesterday, he dug deeper, searching for his brother’s 5-year-old son. Only when he finds the boy will he rest. “I need the body to bury him,’’ he said. “It’s important to bury the bodies.’’
With 150,000 bodies already in mass graves, international teams, grieving families, sympathetic neighbors, and sometimes even strangers were pulling at the rubble with tools or bare hands in countless corners of this devastated city. Thirteen days after the killer earthquake, they were desperate to recover some of the thousands of Port-au-Prince’s lost dead - to close each tragic circle, to lay loved ones in the earth to rest in peace.
For the living - the homeless spread across empty lots, parks, and plazas in the hundreds of thousands - there was little rest as aid agencies struggled to fill their needs for food and water, and to get them tents to shelter their families against the burning tropical sun.
In front of the wrecked National Palace, people’s desperation boiled over. Uruguayan UN peacekeepers had to fire pepper spray into the air to try to disperse thousands jostling for food. The overwhelmed soldiers finally retreated, and young men rushed forward to grab the bags of pinto beans and rice, emblazoned with the US flag, pushing aside others - including a pregnant woman who collapsed and was trampled. Thousands were left without food.
In the surrounding Champs de Mars plaza, a sea of homeless covered the open ground, many with nothing more than a plastic sheet to protect them from sun and rain. “We live like dogs,’’ said Espiegle Amilcar, 34. “We’re sleeping, eating, and going to the bathroom in the same place.’’
Officials estimated that 235,000 have taken advantage of the government offer of free transport to leave the city, and many others left on their own. That leaves about 700,000 other people living on the streets around Port-au-Prince under whatever they can salvage. The global agency supplying tents said it already had 10,000 stored in Haiti and at least 30,000 more would be arriving. But, said the International Organization for Migration, “the supply is unlikely to address the extensive shelter needs.’’ The organization had estimated 100,000 family-sized tents were needed. But the UN says up to 1 million people require shelter, and President Rene Preval issued an urgent appeal yesterday for 200,000 tents and for the aircraft carrying them to be given urgent landing priority at Port-au-Prince airport.
Preval, who lost his house in the disaster, plans to move into a tent on the lawn of the destroyed National Palace, said Patrick Delatour, the tourism minister and official in charge of planning reconstruction. Meanwhile, the Haitian government and international groups were preparing a more substantial tent city on Port-au-Prince’s outskirts. Brazilian army engineers with the UN peacekeeping force here have cleared and leveled 12 acres at the site north of the city, planned as the first of more than a half-dozen that officials hope will shelter the displaced before the onset of spring rains and summer hurricanes.
Oh, the STORM SEASON is coming, is it?
Returning from Haiti, international Red Cross spokesman Paul Conneally said in Geneva that a new Port-au-Prince must be planned. “It’s going to require, minimum, a generation,’’ he said, adding that the need for heavy equipment to tear down damaged buildings was growing....
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Two weeks after a massive earthquake leveled much of this impoverished city, a wave of new infections and injuries has emerged, further taxing the nation’s shattered health care system.
What health care system?
Patients whose wounds were treated in the chaotic days following the quake are now returning with deep infections, the legacy of squalid conditions that make it impossible to keep open sores clean. Rashes and gastrointestinal ailments, byproducts of the lack of clean water and sanitation, are becoming more common. And daily life on streets littered with rubble and marked by hopelessness is exacting a toll, as careering vehicles strike pedestrians and sprays of buckshot inflict wounds. The shifting trajectory of suffering in Haiti is visible at a disaster field hospital staffed largely by medical workers from New England....
The USNS Comfort, the Navy ship anchored off Port-au-Prince, has become the refuge of last resort for the most seriously ill.... Disease trackers from Haiti and other nations, including the United States, are so concerned about secondary health threats in the aftermath of the earthquake that this week they are going neighborhood to neighborhood to assess the state of water and sanitation, housing, and health.
Are they BRINGING FOOD and WATER with them, or just counting?
“It’s to get a snapshot of where we are right now,’’ said Captain Peter B. Bloland of the US Public Health Service. “Because of crowding, there may be places where infectious disease may be more likely to cause an outbreak. And if people are sleeping in the outdoors, they’re going to be more exposed to mosquitoes and malaria and dengue.’’
And they are going to be out there for months!
At tent wards established by Doctors Without Borders, medical workers are seeing many whose wounds are in desperate need of cleaning or whose wound dressings need to be changed. And the pharmacy at the field hospital in the school courtyard is dispensing increasing amounts of antibiotics to combat infected wounds.
“At home in the United States, you would clean your wound with soap and water or peroxide, or you would go to the hospital if it was severe enough,’’ said Shannon Manzi, a Children’s Hospital Boston pharmacist who serves on the Massachusetts-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team. “Here, they don’t have anything to wash their wound with, so they’re getting infected.’’
If the experience during recent earthquakes in China and Pakistan holds true in Haiti, those infections will prove difficult to treat. In those quakes, the bacteria that stole into wounds were not garden-variety germs susceptible to routine antibiotics. Instead, the infections were caused by multiple bacterial strains not easily thwarted by standard drugs.
But identifying bacterial strains in Haiti, so that patients can be given the specific antibiotics likely to work best, is hampered by the widespread damage inflicted on the nation’s medical network. “We haven’t really identified a good functioning microbiology laboratory because a lot of the laboratories were damaged,’’ said Dr. Greg Elder, deputy operations director for Haiti at Doctors Without Borders.
This is going to turn into a CATASTROPHIC DISASTER, readers!!!
For some patients plucked from the detritus of the earthquake, the threat to their health did not become obvious until days later. Initially, they appeared unscathed, with few outward signs of life-threatening injury. But with time, injured tissue inside their legs and arms swelled profoundly, with nowhere to go.... As the swelling intensifies, a chemical is released that clogs and shuts down the kidneys. Patients can die without dialysis, a service in short supply before the earthquake and now believed to be available at only two sites nationwide.
The wages of violence are also evident on medical wards. Teams from Doctors Without Borders, for example, report an increase in gun and machete violence in some Port-au-Prince slums. And the Massachusetts medical teams in the capital have treated patients sprayed with bullets, as well as a 61-year-old man whose head was bloodied by attackers when his cellphone was snatched.
On Sunday, two doctors from the Boston area hovered over a gravely ill 4-day-old boy. They feared he had tetanus and, possibly, meningitis. When he was born, his parents only partially severed his umbilical cord. The rest remained attached, creating a portal for disease to seep in.
“After delivery, they’re in their mom and dad’s house, and because of difficulty keeping clean, they get dirt around the umbilical cord,’’ said Dr. Jeff Hersh, medical director at
Hersh cooed softly as drugs flowed into the infant’s tiny body via intravenous lines. The doctors were not optimistic about the outcome. But, like so many things in Haiti in the days after the earthquake, there was no certainty.
Yeah, let's all hope and wish and then maybe a miracle will occur.
Here's some Haitian hope for you:
"Haiti's children on their own on shattered streets" by Vivian Sequera and Ben Fox, Associated Press Writers | January 26, 2010
A boy pulls a toy made from a plastic bottle among newly erected tents provided by the Portuguese Mission in the Delmas 33 neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, Monday, Jan. 25, 2010. Haitian government and international groups are preparing a larger tent city as large numbers of people were left homeless after the Jan. 12 earthquake. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- "Joe," "Baby Sebastian" and the girl who didn't even have a nickname hadn't spoken or cried since they were brought in over the previous 48 hours -- by neighbors, passers-by, no one knows who. "Sebastian," only a week old, was said to have been taken from the arms of his dead mother.
They're lucky: Haitian-born Dr. Winston Price and the staff were treating them for infections and other ailments. Hundreds of thousands of other hungry and thirsty children are scattered among Port-au-Prince's squatter camps of survivors, without protection against disease or child predators -- often with nobody to care for them.
"There's an estimated 1 million unaccompanied or orphaned children or children who lost one parent," said Kate Conradt, a spokeswoman for the aid group Save the Children. "They are extremely vulnerable."
The U.N. children's agency, UNICEF, has established a special tent camp for girls and boys separated from their parents in the Jan. 12 quake, and who are in danger of falling prey to child traffickers and other abusers.
You mean, like the U.N SICKIES?
And JUST SEEING THIS ISSUE in the MSM VALIDATES the initial blog post that began this entry, folks -- as horrible as it is!!!
The Connecticut-based Save the Children has set up "Child Spaces" in 13 makeshift settlements. The Red Cross and other groups are working to reunite families and get children into orphanages. The post-quake needs of Haiti's children have outrun available help. Some youngsters have been released from hospitals with no one to care for them -- there just aren't enough beds. "Health workers are being advised to monitor and send separated/unaccompanied children to child-friendly spaces," the U.N. humanitarian office said in its latest situation report.
The plight of the young is poignant even in a country where the U.N. estimates a third of the 9 million population needs international assistance in the quake's aftermath. "We still have a huge distance to go," said John Holmes, the U.N. relief coordinator. That was evident in Port-au-Prince's streets, alleys and crumbled doorways, where handwritten messages begged for help. In the Juvenat neighborhood, a group of 50 families hung a white sheet from a doorway, with this plea scrawled in green: "We need food assistance, water and medicine."
You know, I'm getting a little annoyed with the global failure here; I can only imagine how the Haitians are feeling.
It was evident, too, among the thousands pressing against Haitian police at a food-distribution site in the Cite Soleil slum. They swung sticks to beat back the crowd. Brazilian troops in armored personnel carriers controlled a tightly packed line of earthquake survivors waiting for food in the broiling sun by firing pepper spray and training their guns on the jostling, rowdy crowd.
What, after they have OPENED FIRE BEFORE?
"International officials and the Haitian government credit MINUSTAH with improving security in Haiti. But some Haitians see the foreign troops as prone to using reckless force with impunity. When last summer massive crowds attended the Port-Au-Prince funeral of Father Gerard Jean-Juste, a popular priest, U.N. troops were seen on state television opening fire"
"The coup was promoted to advance the process of neoliberal capital accumulation, break the left and the unions, and break Famni Lavalas and the civil society organisations sustaining resistance. For years, UN 'peacekeepers' have slaughtered thousands of Haitians, and the residents have been put through rigged election procedures."
That is peacekeeping?
"They treat us like animals, they beat us but we are hungry people," said Muller Bellegarde, 30.
Several left without getting food, fearful of the pepper spray, the soldiers, and thugs who were grabbing food from receivers. Many said they appreciate the international response and under no circumstances want the Haitian government to handle aid deliveries, but suggested Haitian churches could provide more orderly and respectful venues for distributions, with Haitian communities organizing security.
Thomas Louis, 40, trying to get rice and oil for his two babies, aged 2 and six months. "This is not aid. This is a way to put people down."
The monumental scale of the Haiti disaster -- perhaps 200,000 dead, a capital city on its knees -- has severely strained the world's ability to get relief supplies through Port-au-Prince's overloaded airport and crippled seaport. Some 800 to 1,000 aid flights were still awaiting permission to land, a seven-day backlog, U.N. and European officials reported Tuesday.
With the U.S. running the airport!
On top of that, "trucks are needed," U.N. spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said in Geneva -- especially small trucks because "the streets are extremely congested." The U.N.'s Holmes estimated that 2 million people need food, but only 500,000 have received some so far.
The medical picture has improved, but remains critical. World Health Organization spokesman Paul Garwood said more medical staff is needed, especially rehabilitation specialists, to help with postoperative recovery of 200,000 people who have had amputations or other surgery. Haitians and volunteers from dozens of countries, working around the clock, were still performing up to 100 amputations a day in some hospitals.
Children left alone are everywhere. At one of the 13 Save the Children sites, about 25 children have no adult relatives taking care of them, Conradt said. She said the group has helped some 6,000 children since the quake. The aid group's "Child Spaces" are cordoned-off areas where children can play under supervision," run around being children, giving them a chance to return to normalcy as much as they can."
Such areas also protect children against the potential for abduction by child traffickers, a chronic problem in pre-quake Haiti, where thousands were handed over to other families into lives of domestic servitude, said Deb Barry, an emergency protection adviser with Save the Children....
That is where my printed paper cut it, and not a moment too soon, huh, readers?
The PAPER just ADMITTED the ORGAN-STEALING RACKET and other things!
Was the HAARP used for a HARVEST, readers?
In Geneva, a UNICEF spokeswoman, Veronique Taveau, said the organization had been told of children disappearing from hospitals. "It's difficult to establish the reality," she said....
But instead of getting that, you webbers got this NYT PoS!
CROIX DES BOUQUETS, Haiti - Two weeks after the earthquake, with the smell of death still fouling the air, children can be seen in every devastated corner resiliently kicking soccer balls, flying handmade kites, singing pop songs, and ferreting out textbooks from the rubble of their schools. But as Haitian and international groups begin tending to the neediest among them, many children are clearly traumatized and at risk.
“There are health concerns, malnutrition concerns, psychosocial issues, and, of course, we are concerned that unaccompanied children will be exploited by unscrupulous people who may wish to traffic them for adoption, for the sex trade, or for domestic servitude,’’ said Kent Page, a spokesman for UNICEF....
Yup, just a fleeting mention from the NYT.
Of course, the Zionist AmeriKan MSM would tell us all about the organ-running rings, right?
"Huge N.J. corruption case trial set to open" by Associated Press | January 25, 2010
NEWARK - The first trial in New Jersey’s largest-ever corruption investigation is set to begin in a federal courthouse in Newark this week.
Oh, now it is SIMPLY a CORRUPTION TRIAL, huh?
I'm surprised it even got a brief.
One-Day Wonder: Israel's Organ Harvesting Operation
Boston Globe Can't See the New Jersey Shore
Boston Globe Censorship: Cutting Out a Kidney
Well, I guess not really, huh?
The public finally will get to see Solomon Dwek in action: a government cooperator who secretly recorded hours of meetings at restaurants, diners, and parking lots over two years, showing religious leaders, politicians, and municipal employees in various states of alleged wrongdoing.
It has been six months since the mammoth corruption inquiry resulted in 44 arrests. The dramatic July 23 takedown included early-morning raids from synagogues to city halls and allegations of bribes distributed in cash-stuffed cereal boxes. Prosecutors say the money-laundering operations were so large they were referred to as laundromats.
It also produced one of the more memorable perp walks in New Jersey’s history: Elderly rabbis in long black coats, sweat-suited municipal employees, and assorted bleary-eyed elected officials paraded in handcuffs off a fleet of buses for processing at FBI headquarters.
And it just as quickly faded from the MSM memory, notice that?
Among the defendants: Three mayors, two state assemblymen, and other public officials charged with corruption, prominent rabbis from Brooklyn and Deal, N.J. charged with money laundering, and in one case, a man charged with brokering the sale of a human kidney.
Like an alcoholic always says, "I just had one."
Ten have pleaded guilty, and the rest are awaiting trial. But the man everyone wants to hear is Dwek, the cooperating witness and son of a prominent rabbi that the US government is hanging almost its entire case on.
So reports the concealing Zionist MSM, anyhow.
And the MESS isn't even CLEANED UP YET and the MSM is MOVING ON!!!!
"Emotions run high as leaders debate rebuilding plans
Outpourings of grief, anger, and hope filled the austere 10th floor conference room of the Boston Foundation yesterday as civic leaders and Haitian community advocates reflected on two weeks of suffering and debated how to help Haitians start rebuilding their shattered country.