And photographs always have such a way pf putting a point on things:

Sergeant Mike Johnson from Fort Bragg, N.C., operated a bulldozer during the cleanup effort in downtown Port-au-Prince. Haiti now has fewer than 5,000 donated tents. (David L. Ryan/Globe Staff)
Read on to see what Haitian life is like.
"Ignoring pleas, some impatient Haitians start to rebuild; Families pool labor, resources to create homes" by Paisley Dodds, Associated Press | January 30, 2010
Oh, impatient are they? First headline in and we are treated to an insult.
And then the second line makes you want to cry!
How can they be SUCH GOOD PEOPLE amongst SUCH POVERTY while Amurkns suck s*** amongst vast avarice?
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Defying pleas to wait for Haiti’s reconstruction, families lugged heavy bundles of wood and tin up steep hillsides yesterday to do the unthinkable: build new homes on top of old ones devastated in the earthquake.
Yeah, who would want to live in a home when you can live in a tent -- or outside since there are hardly any tents (read on).
The defiance reflects growing anger and frustration among Haitians who complain that their leaders - and any rebuilding plans - are absent more than two weeks after the Jan. 12 earthquake damaged or destroyed thousands of homes in the capital.
Yeah, well, WOULDN'T YOU BE? I sure as hell would!!!!
OVER TWO WEEKS, all this world blather, and NOTHING on the GROUND!!!!
Few tents have been supplied, rubble remains strewn in many streets, and signs begging for help in English - not Haitian Creole - dot nearly every street corner in Port-au-Prince. It could take another month to get the 200,000 tents needed for Haiti’s homeless, said Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, the culture and communications minister. Haiti now has fewer than 5,000 donated tents.
I'll bet if it was Israel that had been hit by the quake the world would have rushed there and had all this taken care of by now.
This isn't about helping Haiti, folks; this was a test of their weather weapon and a casus belli for occupation of Haiti -- amid the wider geopolitical and resource goals of the AmeriKan Empire, which knows no way to have things except through force.
We are done as a country, Americans.
Meanwhile, the United States has suspended its medical evacuations of critically injured quake victims until a dispute over who will pay for their care is settled, military officials said yesterday.
The flights, usually C-130s carrying Haitians with spinal cord injuries, burns, and other serious wounds, ended Wednesday, after Governor Charlie Crist of Florida formally asked the federal government to shoulder some of the cost of their care. It was not clear yesterday who exactly was responsible for the interruption of flights, or the chain of events that led to the decision.
(Blog editor is simply shattered by this atrocious federal government we have in place. Un-flipping-real!)
Let's turn to a HAPPIER(?) STORY, 'eh?
In the concrete slum of Canape Vert, an area devastated by the quake, dozens of people were pooling their labor and getting on with rebuilding. “I have 44 years’ worth of memories in this house,’’ said Noel Marie Jose, 44, whose family was reinforcing crumbling walls with tin and wood. “I got married here. I met my husband here. My mother braided my hair there where these walls used to stand,’’ Jose said. “Even if it’s unsafe, I can’t imagine leaving. Even if the government helps, it will come too late. This is how it is in Haiti.’’
And, yes -- through tears -- THEY LOVE THEIR HOMES, too!!
Surrounding her, concrete homes were either crushed or had toppled down a hill. Jose and other families said they were worried both about the coming rainy season and fears they may lose their plots after demolitions because they either lack clear title or the government does not want them to rebuild on land it considers unsafe.
Oh, so this "natural" disaster turns into a LAND GRAB from the POOR, huh?
Yeah, I'm HEARING the HAARP more and more as this crisis drags on unabated.
Any aftershocks, or have those stopped?
Reconstruction, resettlement, and land titles are all priorities of the government of President Rene Preval, but so far in name only. The government has been nearly paralyzed by the quake - its own infrastructure, including the National Palace, was destroyed, and so far it has been limited to appeals for foreign aid and meetings with foreign donors that have yet to produce detailed plans for the emergencies it confronts.
They ain't even in charge! They signed the country over to us for the next 5 years or so.
Its first priority is moving people from areas prone to more earthquakes and landslides into tent cities that have sanitation and security but have yet to be built.
That thumping sound you hear is indeed George Orwell wheeling around in that box in the ground.
Preval has engaged in dozens of meetings with potential outside contractors to discuss debris removal, sanitation, and other long-term needs.
Why do I see loot going out the door there, folks?
Albert Ramdin, assistant secretary of the Organization of American States, has offered help in creating a new Haitian land registry - a process that could take months if not years because countless government records were destroyed in the quake.
And meanwhile, SQUATTER'S RIGHTS?
Haitians ardently defend their property rights.
There is SO MUCH YOU COULD LEARN from Haitians, AmeriKa!!!!!
If a family has occupied land for more than 10 years, they gain ownership without a deed. For some families, small homes have been passed on through the generations.
Many have tired of living in tents improvised from tarps, sheets, and bedspreads, opting to rebuild their homes rather than find new plots.
But that's where government is encouraging them to go.
Lassegue said such rebuilding wouldn’t be tolerated - and that the government wants to develop and implement a comprehensive reconstruction plan that might feature building codes, an anomaly in this impoverished nation.
NOW ALL of SUDDEN they are worried about building codes?
And what are they going to do, KNOCK DOWN the NEW HOMES on the POOR PEOPLE of Haiti?
Wanna start a COUNTRYWIDE RIOT?!
"We've been sleeping outside but the rains will come soon," said Merilus Lovis, 27, taking wooden planks and erecting them for walls inside the foundation of his former home, where his wife and daughter died.
I don't think God has anything to do with this.
In another neighborhood, people dug through destroyed homes to salvage materials. Women did the wash amid the ruins.
They are incredible people!!
I guess when you have suffered so much for so long, you are a stronger and better person.
Hard to believe, but then there are the Haitians!!!!
And how do we pledge to "help" them, Amurka?
"Push to send trailers to Haiti criticized" by Associated Press | January 30, 2010
INDIANAPOLIS - The trailer industry and lawmakers are pressing the government to send Haiti thousands of potentially formaldehyde-laced trailers left over from Hurricane Katrina - an idea denounced by some as a crass and self-serving attempt to dump inferior American products on the poor.
You gotta be f***ing kidding!!!
See: FEMA Knew Katrina Trailers Were Poisonous
FEMA Seeks Immunity for Willful Negligence and Poisoning of Americans
But our government is coming to help you, Haitians.
Bordering on the edge of GENOCIDAL RACISM is what it is doing!!!
The 100,000 trailers became a symbol of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s bungled response to Katrina. The government had bought the trailers to house victims of the 2005 storm, but after people began falling ill, high levels of formaldehyde, a chemical that is used in building materials and can cause breathing problems and perhaps cancer, were found inside.
Bulls***, MSM newspaper article!
THE GOVERNMENT KNEW BEFOREHAND, and wants unconstitutional immunity for poisoning people when they were supposed to be "helping."
DON'T TAKE the TRAILERS, Haitians!
Many of the trailers have sat idle for years, and many are damaged.
Yeah, let's fob 'em off on the stoo-pid Haitians, huh?
Related: Slow Saturday: The Definition
"Father of student asks that search go on
The father of a college student missing in Haiti pleaded with the US government yesterday to continue with efforts to find her. An emotional Len Gengel spoke outside his Rutland home and said the family is still hopeful that his daughter, Brittany Gengel, who was 19 when she went missing, will be found. US Senator John F. Kerry, who visited the family yesterday, praised the Gengels for their strength and courage. Kerry said Brittany is among 4,500 missing Americans after the earthquake Jan. 12 in Haiti. Brittany Gengel is one of four students and two teachers from Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., who are still missing. (AP)."
Related: Whose That Girl in Haiti?