Monday, February 8, 2010

Naji Heads For Newton

I'm all for it because NONE of these guys are a threat and WE OWE IT TO THEM after the torture.

"Newton lawyers petition for detainee" by Kathleen Burge, Globe Staff | January 14, 2010

Abdul Aziz Naji was one of about 60 of the detainees who have been cleared for release but remain at Guantanamo because they have nowhere to go. It is unsafe for them to return home but no country has agreed to accept them. Naji’s lawyers say that formal charges were never brought against him and that he worked for a legal charity affiliated with a terrorist group when he was arrested in Pakistan in 2002....

Which is a fancy way of saying he is NOT a TERRORIST!


Yeah, the WHOLE THING would be a LOT MORE EFFECTIVE if the GOVERNMENT was not CREATING, FUNDING, and DIRECTING the "terrorists."