“I just want her to be alive and well,’’ Nadine Devilme said of her daughter, Jenny, who was pulled from the ruins in Haiti. (J. Pat Carter/Associated Press)
"Parents call baby’s rescue a miracle; Family reunited after Haiti quake" by Lisa Orkin Emmanuel, Associated Press | April 7, 2010
MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — The parents of a Haitian baby rescued from the rubble after January’s devastating earthquake told reporters yesterday that it was a miracle that their daughter survived.
A day after another miracle in China!
A day after their emotional reunion in the United States, Junior Alexis, 24, and Nadine Devilme, 23, hugged their baby, Jenny, during a press conference in Florida, where the 5-month-old girl was treated. Jenny, dressed in a pink outfit with white socks, was sleeping at first, but woke up and stared wide-eyed into the cameras as they shot footage of her on her mother’s lap.
“I want to thank everybody, first all the doctors, all the lawyers, everyone that has helped, because everything that has happened here has been a miracle,’’ said Alexis, a hip-hop musician in Haiti who spoke through an interpreter. “Because if it wasn’t for your help, we wouldn’t be here and our baby Jenny wouldn’t be alive today.’’
The family’s ordeal began when Jenny and her mother were separated during the magnitude 7 earthquake. The mother said she wept when she thought her daughter had died. But five days after the quake, the infant was pulled from the debris. She managed to survive in the rubble without nourishment, one of her doctors said, despite injuries that included a fractured skull and broken ribs.
Wow. Tough kid.
“When she was first brought in she was near death,’’ said Arthur Fournier, the professor of family medicine at the University of Miami who led the team that cared for the infant. “The first miracle was that she had the heart, the courage, to survive by herself for five days on her own.’’
She was taken to the United States for treatment of the injuries. Her parents eventually learned their baby had been rescued and began searching for her. A DNA test proved they were the parents, and the family was reunited in an emotional meeting Monday.
“We’ve been through a lot; I just want her to be alive and well,’’ said Devilme, who held Jenny throughout the conference. Alexis read from a prepared statement in Haitian Creole, saying the couple has been unable to sleep since their reunion with their daughter.
Bob Martinez, the attorney for Jenny’s parents, also teared up during the news conference. He said the couple has received a one-year humanitarian visa from the US government. The infant has received a two-year visa. The International Rescue Committee will help the family move into a furnished apartment and will provide food, clothing, household supplies, financial assistance, and other services.
Which is great; however, I am just wondering when the American government is going to start doing that for its own citizens.
“I am just happy, happy, happy,’’ Devilme said after the press conference at His House Children’s Home, an agency that aids at-risk children both from the United States and orphaned children arriving from Haiti. The family is staying at the facility until they have a permanent residence. “It’s a glory and a miracle,’’ he said.
Not the only ones in Haiti, according to New England's largest daily:
"Lifting fragile lives in Haiti; With aid from Hub, disabled children’s home presses on" by Lisa Wangsness, Globe Staff | March 26, 2010
FERMATHE, Haiti — The damp morning air is thick with the smell of urine and soy porridge....
Good morning to you, too.
Life has never been easy for the children at Wings of Hope, a home for youngsters with disabilities high in the hills above Port-au-Prince that has developed close ties with a Catholic parish in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood and a school for disabled children in Lexington.
The Wings children are mostly orphans, in a country where people with disabilities are ostracized and scorned. Haitians call them cocobai, which roughly translates as “worthless’’ or “disgrace.’’ The local kindergarten in Fermathe would not admit Josephine, even when Wings promised to send an aide to help her through her day.
Ever notice the only good people in this world are Jews, readers?
Then came the earthquake.
Though the Wings building did not fall, an architect deemed it structurally unsound. For eight days, about 70 children and staff huddled in two rooms while the leaders of the home scrambled to find a new place. Unlike other orphanages for children with disabilities that have been forced to move into camps, Wings of Hope managed to rent two adjoining houses not far from the old building.
But the conditions are difficult. The plywood ramps the staff built over the stairs are steep and narrow, and many of the children must be carried from floor to floor. The dorm rooms are crowded, the tiny bathrooms cramped and dirty. On a chilly morning, most of the children’s feet were bare, and the cold tile floors were slick with muddy footprints....
In Haiti? With global warming all around?
Wings is part of the St. Joseph’s Family homes, a small charity that consists of Wings of Hope as well as two other homes for street boys and former child slaves in Port-au-Prince and nearby Jacmel....
Yes, the organ harvesting operations and sex slave syndicates have all been swept under the MSM rug.
Even before the earthquake, Wings of Hope had no running water and only intermittent electricity; the staff had to flush the toilets by pouring buckets of water down them.
And that was BEFORE the earthquake, even though so many aid organizations and those in government cared so much.
Mostly run by graduates of the St. Joseph’s program for street boys and former child slaves, it had only a few staff members with degrees of any kind....
Wings is considered one of the better homes for abandoned children with disabilities in Haiti, said Gail Buck of Portland, Ore., who has spent months working in Port-au-Prince with Healing Hands for Haiti, a group that sends physical therapists from the United States and Canada to provide rehabilitative care.
“In the worst of them, the children lie in bed with mosquito nets draped over their faces,’’ Buck said. “The best you can say is they’re not abandoned in a garbage dump.’’
Ann Couture, a St. Cecilia’s parishioner from Middleton who has visited Wings three times in recent years, recalls the old building as clean and spacious, with plenty of room for play. When she visited, she would help the children through busy days filled with activities — a handful were even taken to go horseback riding once a week for physical therapy.
“It’s not an orphanage, it’s a home, in every sense of the word,’’ Couture said.
One of the reasons she and others have stayed so involved, she said, was their sense that life was steadily improving for the children.
“You don’t see progress in Haiti,’’ she said. But at the St. Joseph’s homes, she said, “things were moving forward. . . . I was amazed by how much they did with so little.’’
Is that why Haiti has basically disappeared from the MSM radar screen except for happy horse s*** like this?
The spirit of the place — and the children themselves — has kept St. Cecilia’s parishioners coming back, year after year. Mark Lippolt, a St. Cecilia’s parishioner from the Back Bay, said little Josephine captured his heart. “I know who she is,’’ he said. “I can’t forget what her life would be like had she had the luck of birth that we all have had.’’
These emotional bonds lent the Bostonians a personal connection to the suffering in Haiti after the earthquake....
One can only hope the Zionist War Daily will someday make a personal connection to the suffering in Palestine, no?
Before he wound his way up the mountain road to Fermathe, Rev. John Unni, St. Cecilia’s, pastor who began volunteering in Haiti 24 years ago, saw teenaged children pulling decayed bodies out of the rubble of a church. The stench of death was everywhere.
Think of it as an education in the ways of the world.
How gruesome, and where are those aid workers of the west?
When he arrived at the temporary Wings residence, the place was a bit chaotic but cheerful....
And if there were a kernel of corn in a turd the Globe would find it.
Though spared the worst, life has changed for the 38 disabled children at Wings. When the Globe visited earlier this month, on a sunny afternoon and then a foggy morning a couple days later, it was difficult to imagine the clean, orderly environment that had impressed Bostonian visitors as an oasis....
Which is strange, because that is the image the article has instilled in my mind up to this point.
Hearts with Haiti has raised more than $1 million to help rebuild so far....
Yeah, how is that going, anyway?
St. Cecilia’s has reached out to help Haiti in a variety of ways — holding a special prayer service, encouraging parishioners to donate to both Catholic Relief Services and Hearts with Haiti, and participating in a walk-a-thon for Partners in Health, a Boston-based nonprofit that provides health care for the poor in Haiti and other countries. Many of the parishioners are also contributing to other organizations involved in helping people in Haiti and in Boston’s Haitian diaspora.
In a homily after returning from Haiti, Unni spoke about the resilience he witnessed at Wings of Hope. “That ends up being the thing that prevails,’’ he said. “You adapt, you make the best of it and you go from there.’’
But don't ever try to change things.
Related: A Haiti earthquake victim gets a chance to walk again
Haiti schools reopen for 1st time since quake
I guess the place is all cleaned up and rebuilt now, huh?
This must be the reason why:
MEDFORD — Almost from the moment the Jan. 12 earthquake rocked Haiti, Tufts University graduate student Patrick Meier knew what he had to do to help: Make a map.
Not a street map, but an online map....
Meier enlisted hundreds of tech-savvy colleagues at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy to translate data moving via text messages and social media networks into an online resource....
Craig Clarke, a civilian intelligence analyst for the Marine Corps, helped the Marines deploy and operate in Haiti from his intelligence base at Quantico, Va.....
Now the project may even become even more valuable as the focus lurches from rescue to recovery and rebuilding.
So when does the rebuilding actually start?
In building his Haiti map, Meier drew on technology developed by a multinational group called Ushahidi, in which volunteers painstakingly calculate precise longitude and latitude readings to locate incidents reported during crises on the radio, or via e-mail, Twitter, and other social media. Launched by activists in Kenya after election violence in December 2007, Ushahidi — Swahili for “testimony’’ — has already proved vital in several global crises and trouble spots, especially in Africa....
So they have the TENT CITIES and REFUGEE CAMPS mapped out yet?
James Douglass Lefruy, a Haitian computer programmer who is a Block by Block leader in Croix-des-Bouquets, just outside the capital, speaking by cellphone from his hometown. “.... It can be used not only for crises, but for other purposes, too.’’
Yup, no matter what the article, there is ALWAYS an AGENDA at the bottom of it.
Vital help came from the US government, which declassified satellite imagery from Haiti a day after the quake, and deployed unmanned drones over the island to gather more data on the damage....
What did I just finish typing?
"One of the students in Medford, Patrick Meier, is an expert in crisis mapping. He and about a dozen graduate students have set up a website that provides “quasi real-time reports on the events in Haiti as they unfold.’’ He said the website has had about 80,000 hits and has been accessed from 63 countries. The site relies on media and witness accounts, Twitter feeds, Facebook, and radio broadcasts. The website can be accessed at haiti.ushahidi.com.
Not really a "news" story, was it?
Just more agenda-pushing, slap-on-the-back piece of crap, huh?
More miracles:
"30 Haitians in Fla. without visas are freed" by Associated Press | April 2, 2010
MIAMI — More than 30 Haitians who boarded US-bound planes without paperwork in frenzied evacuations after the earthquake were freed from immigration detention centers yesterday after spending about two months behind bars, attorneys for the Haitians said.
Some of the Haitians said they boarded US military planes because they were hungry or simply desperate to escape the epic humanitarian crisis. US immigration officials warned Haitians that they might be detained if they entered the country illegally, yet the country also suspended deportations after the Jan. 12 quake.
Can't say I blame them for hopping on the plane.
“We knew these Haitians were not about to be deported because of our government’s policy. They didn’t have criminal histories. They had suffered terribly. We just couldn’t figure out why they weren’t being released,’’ said Cheryl Little, executive director of Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, which worked for the Haitians’ release.
And yet they were tossed in jail?
Ah, that AmeriKan hospitality.
A total of 65 Haitians had been detained in Florida and other states, said Matt Chandler, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security. It is not immediately clear what will happen to the rest of the detainees. The survivors’ accounts reflect the chaos at the Port-au-Prince airport soon after the earthquake....
No torture at least, right?
And look at what earthy gods are going to save the Haitians!
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, President Rene Preval of Haiti, and Bill Clinton, UN special envoy to Haiti, at the UN conference yesterday. (Mario Tama/ Getty Images)
Makes you wonder (or not) as to why the place was a hell hole for so long.
And look at Hillary; she doesn't look to happy that she is taking a backseat to Bill again, does she?
"US pledges $1.15 billion to rebuild Haiti; Global community commits $5.3b over 2-year period" by Mary Beth Sheridan and Colum Lynch, Washington Post | April 1, 2010
UNITED NATIONS — The international community yesterday pledged $5.3 billion for earthquake-shattered Haiti over the next two years, launching an ambitious effort not just to rebuild but also to transform the hemisphere’s poorest nation into a modern state.
They already failed.
See: No Quarter For Haiti
If they had really succeeded it would be trumpeted in the MSM, not hidden under such crap.
And if global government can't rescue Haiti, then it can't help anybody. This was supposed to be their compassionate propaganda appeal as to why we should go along with their benevolent plans.
Strange how we can run wars under more difficult conditions, huh?
Yeah, we are occupying Haiti now, aren't we?
Just saying hello to Chavez?
The amount exceeded by more than $1 billion the goal for the conference, cosponsored by the United Nations and the US government. In total, nearly $10 billion was committed by countries, development banks, and nongovernmental groups for Haiti in years to come.
The Haitians are probably wondering where the hell you guys have been.
“This is the down payment Haiti needs for wholesale national renewal,’’ said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. He emphasized, however, that donors now had to deliver on the promises of cash; something they have sometimes been slow to do in the past.
Yeah, that is why I am still breathing here.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton noted that nearly 50 countries made pledges, twice as many as contributed to rebuilding the area hit by the 2004 tsunami. She announced $1.15 billion in US funds for the massive nation-building effort in Haiti.
And was beaming the whole time, right?
Maybe she was just drunk.
The reconstruction plan calls for building ports and hundreds of miles of roads, resurrecting Haiti’s withered agricultural sector, relocating people from its overcrowded capital, and establishing an efficient bureaucracy in a country that never had one.
One almost sees New World Order over the whole damn thing, no?
If the aid effort is insufficient, Clinton warned, “then the challenges that have plagued Haiti for years could erupt, with regional and global consequences.’’
Oh, yeah, SHE HAS BEEN IMBIBING!!!! "GLOBAL" consequences!?!?
She raised the specter of a stream of boat people, increased drug trafficking, and the spread of drug-resistant diseases.
Now, if LOU DOBBS SID THAT LAST ONE he would have been run out of televis.... oh, wait, he was run out of television. Hmm.
As for the BOAT PEOPLE, they are ALREADY COMING and we TURN THEM BACK (but can't find pirates in Somalia?)!!
Haiti's Nightmare: the Cocaine Coup and the CIA Connection
The Destabilization of Haiti
'nuff said.
I bring you back to my "newspaper" again.
In the past two decades, billions of dollars in foreign aid have been sent to Haiti, with limited results. Money was stolen by corrupt Haitian bureaucrats or wasted on uncoordinated projects by development organizations.
Okay, if that's the cover story you want, MSM.
The architects of the new Haitian nation-building effort, including the US government and international development institutions, say they will try to do things differently.
Yes, but the COSTS of EMPIRE are WORTH IT, aren't they?
The new plan calls for an Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, which will be cochaired by Haiti’s prime minister and by former president Bill Clinton. It will oversee the reconstruction with the assistance of scores of foreign technocrats, including officials seconded by the US government. It will also have a watchdog office to discourage corruption....
Like we would know anything about that!
You can almost hear the HAARP strings, can't you?
Cui Bono?
And where was the love all this time, Bill?
Took a real disaster to get your nose back in?
The donor conference, held in a wood-paneled hall at the United Nations, thrust the Clintons into perhaps their most prominent international role since Bill Clinton’s presidency. They both sat on the dais, flanked by President René Préval of Haiti and the UN secretary general.
You see them above, right?
The couple has had a deep interest in Haiti since a post-wedding trip there in 1975.
That's what I mean; why was it a s*** hole for so long -- even when he was president for eight long years?
Haiti was high on the agenda during Clinton’s presidency, with US troops restoring Jean-Bertrand Aristide to the presidency after a coup.
That is such a distorted piece of historical background it is hard to comment.
The commission will work with a multidonor trust fund administered by the World Bank.
Is that supposed to make us feel better about how the taxpayer money (that's where governments get their money) is being handled?
The US contribution to Haiti, which must still be approved by Congress, is focused on four areas — agriculture, health, security and governance, and infrastructure.
Not that the Haitians don't deserve help; however, we need that here!!!!
It is still unclear whether Washington will give any money directly to Haiti’s government.
Those corrupt clowns that steal all the money?
Congress has been leery about giving the Haitian government cash because of its history of corruption and dysfunction.
Yeah, see?
Of course, they have NO PROBLEMS with BANKS, CORPORATIONS, and WAR-PROFITEERS here.
Michelle Obama and Elisabeth Debrosse Preval, wife of Haiti’s president, visited a Port-au-Prince center for displaced youth. (Brennan Linsley/Associated Press)
Related: Clinton's Circles: High Fives in Haiti
Also see: Miracle
I think I've had enough "miracles" for one day.
"Michelle Obama visits ruins of Haiti’s capital
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Michelle Obama made a surprise visit yesterday to the ruins of the Haitian capital, a high-profile reminder that hundreds of thousands of people remain in desperate straits three months after the devastating earthquake.
So how long have I waited to see this, dear readers?
Obama and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, took a helicopter tour of Port-au-Prince, where hundreds of thousands of people remain homeless because of the quake, before landing at the destroyed national palace to meet President René Préval. They also met with students whose lives have been upended by the disaster and walked along a vast, squalid encampment of families living under bed sheets and tents.
Yup, went and contributed to the global warming problem on our buck just to give it an eyeball.
And where has the MSM BEEN, dear readers -- and in particular, the hub with all the connections!! I'm giving you EVERYTHING THEY HAVE GIVEN ME, dear readers!
“It’s powerful,’’ Obama told reporters. “The devastation is definitely powerful.’’
I thought it had been fixed up because of the swift response of the globalists, blah, blah, blah, blah!!!
Several past and present world leaders have visited since the earthquake, including Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush. But few have the star power here of Obama, whose husband is very popular in Haiti and throughout the Caribbean.
Is he? He ain't popular here.
After greeting Préval, Obama set off with Biden and the wife of Haiti’s president, Elisabeth Debrosse Préval, to a postquake child care center where 450 boys and girls are participating in art therapy classes in converted buses.
And look at where they hid it on the web:
Some miracles never happen, readers.