"Israel has not offered proof"
Oh, THAT is NOTHING NEW, and EVEN IF THEY DID, I would not believe any of the forged, frame-up garbage!
It's OVER, MSM!!
The JIG is UP, the CAT is OUT of the BAG, the GENIE is OUT of the BOTTLE, and IT'S OVER!!
"Israelis fear Hezbollah has Scud missiles" by Associated Press | April 15, 2010
Setting the tone right from the first word in the headline, huh?
JERUSALEM — Israeli defense officials said yesterday that they believe Hezbollah has Scud missiles that could hit all of Israel, a day after Israel’s president accused Syria of supplying the Lebanese guerrillas with the weapons.
Israeli officials say the introduction of Scuds could alter the strategic balance with Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed militia that battled Israel to a stalemate during a monthlong war in 2006.
Oh, really? So what does Israel have?
All the latest in weaponry and technology from the U.S., right?
And, uh, it wasn't a stalemate; Hezbollah kicked Israel's ass out!
But hey, what is one more Zionist distortion and lie in a piece full of them in every sentence?
President Shimon Peres, speaking in Paris, accused Syria of playing a double game, talking about peace while delivering Scuds to Hezbollah, according to a statement from his office.
Remember, when Israel accuses others of an action they are guilty of it themselves.
The remarks by Peres, whose position is largely ceremonial, went beyond public assessments of senior Israeli defense figures. He gave no details.
Well, they never do; or they forge up some s*** for the MSM to spread around.
In Washington, the Syrian Embassy dismissed the allegations and accused Israel of trying to divert attention from questions about Israel’s nuclear program. Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear arms, though it has not confirmed or denied this.
YUP!! There is your DOUBLE GAME!!!!
“If we are to discuss armament in our region, we should begin with Israel’s massive nuclear weapons arsenal and continuous arming with top-caliber US weapons, which helps perpetuate its occupation of our territories,’’ said Ahmed Salkini, embassy spokesman. “The timing also indicates a sinister attempt to undermine any USSyrian rapprochement.’’
He has got that right!!!
Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary, said the Obama administration has relayed its concerns to Syria at the highest levels about weapons that could destabilize the region.
You are talking to the WRONG SIDE!!
Tell ISRAEL to STOP SHOVELING S*** into our diplomatic gears!
Related: The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Israel Owns Obama
Yeah, we know who has won that.
Some Scud missiles have a range of hundreds of miles and could reach any target in Israel if fired from Lebanon. They can carry an explosive warhead of up to 1 ton.
Here we are again on poor little Israel under threat!
You know, if ISRAEL INVADED and FLATTENED YOUR NATION, you would want some Scuds for defense, too!!!!

Related: Israel and the Bomblets
Israel and White Phosphorous
FLASHBACK - Israel Drops White Phosphorus Bombs, Littlest Victims Suffer
FLASHBACK - Israeli crimes against humanity: Gruesome images of charred and mutilated bodies following Israeli air strikes
What do you know, MORE ISRAELI WAR CRIMES!!!!
DAMASCUS — Syria warned yesterday that Israel was paving the way for new military action by alleging that Damascus is providing Scud missiles to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
Yes, EVERYONE can SEE THROUGH THEIR LIES and KNOWS they pave their way with the BLOOD of MUSLIMS!!!
Israeli defense officials have said they believe Hezbollah has obtained Scud missiles capable of hitting anywhere in Israel and earlier this week, President Shimon Peres of Israel directly accused Damascus of providing the weapons.
Better stuff than s***ty little Scuds, right?
Besides, I heard Israel has an Iron Dome.
If the Lebanese militants have acquired Scuds, it would mark a powerful boost to their arsenal and a breach of a cease-fire brokered by the United Nations that ended the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel.
“Every day we have Israeli warplanes entering Lebanese airspace. This is something that is escalating"
But I guess THAT IS OKAY, huh, MSM?
Israel has not offered proof to back up the assertion and Syria’s Foreign Ministry strongly denied the charge, saying it “believes that Israel aims through these claims to further strain the atmosphere in the region.’’
It added that Israel could be setting the stage for a possible “aggression in order to run away from the requirements of a just and comprehensive peace.’’
Hey, don't worry, the WORLD SEES IT!
Speaking earlier this week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak of Israel insisted that his country has no aggressive intentions. “We expect and recommend that everyone keep the current calm but as we’ve said, the introduction of systems that disturb the balance endanger the stability and the calm,’’ he said.
Look at the backfooting f*** squirm!
The allegation comes at a sensitive time in US-Syrian relations.
Oh, so the SYRIANS were RIGHT about the SINISTER TIMING, huh?
Washington has reached out to Syria in recent months by nominating the first US ambassador to Damascus since 2005 and sending top diplomats to meet with President Bashar Assad.
Washington is hoping to draw Syria away from Iran and the Islamic groups that Iran backs — Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Palestinian Islamic group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
Can't ever do anything because it is the GOOD and RIGHT thing to do!
Doing it to DIVIDE!!!
You WON'T FIND PEACE THAT WAY, and maybe that is the point!
The United States said Wednesday it was “increasingly concerned’’ about the transfer of more sophisticated weaponry to Hezbollah.
Our government just slurps up the Israeli plate of s***, doesn't it?
So WHAT GOODIES and GADGETS are we giving Israel, huh?
Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has said his militants have more than 30,000 rockets and are capable of hitting anywhere in Israel. Those assertions match Israeli intelligence assessments.
Well, I suppose there is a first time for everything.
Some Scud missiles have a range of hundreds of miles, meaning that guerrillas could launch them from deeper inside Lebanon and farther from Israel’s reach.
I'm SO SICK of that TONE in my "newspaper!"
Scuds can carry a warhead of up to 1 ton, making them far larger than the biggest rockets previously in Hezbollah’s arsenal, and are also more accurate.
Yeah, so WHAT DOES ISRAEL HAVE that they might dump on Lebanon again, huh?
During the monthlong 2006 conflict, Hezbollah fired nearly 4,000 rockets at northern Israel, including several medium-range missiles that for the first time hit Israel’s the third-largest city, Haifa.
The war, sparked by a Hezbollah ambush of an Israeli patrol along the border, left 1,200 Lebanese and 160 Israelis dead. Swaths of south Lebanon were devastated.
Hey, what is ONE MORE DISTORTION, 'eh, readers?
Oh, CAPTURED on the LEBANESE SIDE, were they?
I'm so DISGUSTED right now!
If the estimates of Hezbollah’s arsenal released by Israeli intelligence and the Hezbollah militants themselves are correct, it would mean that the international effort to halt arms smuggling to Hezbollah, which was part of the 2006 cease-fire, has failed.
So has the no-fly zone.
The cease-fire also saw the deployment of a UN force along the border, which has been relatively quiet since the end of hostilities nearly four years ago.
No mention of the daily Israeli airplane violations?
Scuds are potentially deadlier than smaller rockets.
And what weaponry does Israel have, MSM?
BEIRUT — A Hezbollah government minister yesterday would not confirm or deny Israeli allegations that the militant Lebanese group has acquired Scud missiles.
In the first Hezbollah comment on the Israeli charges, Minister Hussein Haj Hassan said the group was always arming and preparing itself but, “what we have is not their business.’’
Israeli defense officials have said they believe Hezbollah has obtained Scud missiles capable of hitting targets anywhere in Israel.
Here we go again. Poow wittle Iswailees.
Israel’s President Shimon Peres earlier this week directly accused Damascus of providing the weapons. Israel has not offered proof to back up the assertion, and Syria’s Foreign Ministry strongly denied the charge, saying it “believes that Israel aims through these claims to further strain the atmosphere in the region.’’
Oh, they don't have to offer proof, didn't you know that?
You are just supposed to believe the lying, but well-meaning, Zionist Jew and its mouthpiece MSM.
It added that Israel could be setting the stage for a possible “aggression in order to run away from the requirements of a just and comprehensive peace.’’
Haj Hassan also told Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV yesterday that Israel possessed all kinds of weapons, including nuclear warheads.
Oh, yeah, but... you know.... Scuds!
“It’s only natural for Lebanon to have the means to defend itself against an Israeli attack,’’ he said.
Especially after having been INVADED TWICE in the last 30 years!
There was no immediate comment from Israeli officials.
Who cares what liars say?
Hezbollah’s leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, has said his militants have more than 30,000 rockets and are capable of hitting anywhere in Israel. Those assertions match Israeli intelligence assessments.
Also yesterday, about 20 villagers from the southern Lebanese town of Abbasiyeh removed a barbed wire that was set up three days earlier by Israeli troops south of the Blue Line, which separates Israeli and Lebanese forces.
Yes, SOMETHING is COMING SOON, dear readers!
A spokesman for Israel’s armed forces said the military is “aware of the demonstration but unaware of any damage caused to the fence.’’ He would not comment further.