Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kerry Loves Campaigning

And yet he still sucks at it.

"Kerry says GOP fostering ‘know-nothing’ era in politics" by Alan Wirzbicki, Globe Staff  |  October 29, 2010

Voicing frustration with the state of national politics, Senator John F. Kerry yesterday lashed out at Republicans and said the GOP and its allies were fomenting “a period of know-nothingism in the country, where truth and science and facts don’t weigh in.  

That doesn't look like he is liking it too much.  

And when you talk science and facts, tell me how those three skyscrapers came down on 9/11 in contravention of the immutable laws of physics. 

“It’s all short-order, lowest common denominator, cheap-seat politics,’’ Kerry said.  

Hey, BLAME the NEWSPAPERS not me!

In remarks at the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Kerry said that Republican leaders and conservative talk-radio hosts had misled the public, singling out his climate change legislation as an example. Kerry had offered legislation setting up an emissions trading system, but it died in the Senate amid concerted attacks from opponents who question whether humans are contributing to climate change. 

It's cold here today. 

Shove your lying about the weather and your carbon tax, John. 

Related: What Do We Do With a Drunken Paper?


“We have a shouting match in America, a perpetual campaign,’’ Kerry said in the speech. “Television seems to exclusively gravitate toward the conflict and whatever is bad, rather than really focusing on the kinds of things that are good and make a difference.’’  

Yeah, we HAVE TO SHOUT because YOU DON'T LISTEN!!!  

And I agree on the TV; it's off until 8 p.m. tonight when I will watch the election returns.  

Kerry also defended the Democratic Party’s record in Congress, and said it was not to blame for economic woes that began under the watch of Republican President George W. Bush, or the bank bailout bill approved by Congress in 2008.

“It was not Barack Obama, it was not the Democratic Party. It was not us who asked for a bailout, or created the situation that required a bailout,’’ he said. “And it was in response to a Republican president that a lot of Democrats stepped up.’’

The bailout had bipartisan backing, but....    

He's disgusting.

Yesterday’s remarks were not Kerry’s first foray into political analysis this year, or his first attack on the Tea Party-era GOP. Last month, according to The Boston Herald, he said the electorate “doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on, so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth.’’  

A politician passing himself off as the truth. Ya gotta love it.

Those words drew criticism from some conservatives, who said he was attacking voters as ignorant....   

Yeah, elites do that.

In a question-and-answer session yesterday following his speech, Kerry also criticized Senate rules, which he said have made it too easy for Republicans, as the minority party, to thwart legislation and appointment of top administration officials. 

So WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS USE THEM to SHUT DOWN BUSH?!!  And that may not be such a good idea seeing as you are heading back into the minority tonight -- in a fair election.

The TERROR SCARE over the weekend FAILED, Democrats. 

You F***ED UP!!!!  


According to Kerry, Republicans have used filibuster tactics more times in the last 18 months than during the period between the end of World War I and the moon landing in 1969.  

Yeah, but it didn't stop the crap health plan from passing -- after Massachusetts voters sent a message by sending the REPUBLICAN BROWN to the Senate in the special election.

“The obstructionism is stunning,’’ Kerry said. “I think America really needs to know more of this kind of tactic and how it’s shortchanging us.’’ He said he was talking with other senators on rules changes that would weaken the power of a minority of senators to stop legislation.  

Tell it to the Boston Globe! 

Related: Taxing Questions From the Boston Globe  

It's always NO with THEM!

Kerry also called for more infrastructure funding and defended Boston’s $15 billion Big Dig, which he said would be seen as a model in the future despite its cost overruns 

Related: The Big Pit

Are you renting a back pocket from the bankers, John?

“We’ve still got people complaining about the Big Dig, which, in the end, do I think it was over cost? Yes. Do I think it was well-managed? No,’’ he said. “But in the end, 20 years from now, people are going to look back on it and they’ll still say it was cheap for what we got, and they’ll try to figure out how they can replicate it.’’  

Where is the TAR and FEATHERS?!?!


He doesn't sound like he is liking it much.

"Kerry shines in his role as campaign surrogate; He has secured over $4 million for Democrats" by Mark Arsenault, Globe Staff  |  October 30, 2010

He shines as the Democrats are headed for a historic rout!

WASHINGTON — Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts may have dealt the Democratic Party a giant heartbreak in the 2004 presidential election, but he continues to draw support from party insiders and deep-pocketed contributors, winning praise for his fund-raising prowess and willingness to travel the country as a campaign surrogate.

It’s a role Kerry, 66, is relishing, even as his party braces for expected losses in the elections next week.

“I was privileged to [campaign] in a very visible and important way as the nominee with the potential of being president,’’ Kerry said in an interview. “There’s a weight and gravity that goes with that that is incomparable, and I wouldn’t pretend this is the same, but it’s the same issues, the same battle, the same end goal, and that’s what motivates me.’’


Many rank-and-file Democrats remember Kerry’s presidential campaign as a devastating near-victory that failed to force George W. Bush from office.  

Especially since he ALLOWED BUSH to STEAL IT!  


“John Kerry is still trying to rehabilitate himself after his disappointing loss in 2004,’’ said Jeffrey Berry, political science professor at Tufts University. “He knows that Democrats were disappointed in him and felt that his lackluster campaign was part of the reason for the defeat.’’  

See: Stolen Elections (Part 2)

Why didn't you fight for the win, John?

Yet Kerry remains influential in Washington, where power attracts money, and among liberal activists across the country who support his approach on key issues, including his ultimately failed effort to pass climate change legislation.

Related: Carbon Tax Morphs Into Energy Bill

“There’s a limited number of names that have the clout to raise that kind of money, and he still does very well,’’ said J.B. Poersch, executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which is charged with electing Democrats to the US Senate. Kerry’s fund-raising totals include more than $2.5 million this election cycle for that committee....  

Another DEVASTATING HEARTBREAK when Republicans win over the Senate tonight. 

Even the CORPORATE MEDIA is starting to allude to it 

Vote fraud can not overcome a landslide.

The five-term senator, reelected two years ago with 66 percent of the vote, said he has been well-received on the national campaign trail. He believes he now benefits from a sense of “buyers’ remorse’’ among some voters who backed Bush in 2004, after the second term of the Republican’s administration ended with two unfinished wars and a deep economic downturn. 

As if a Democrat would have changed any of that.   

Obama has had his two years with a filibuster-proof Congress -- and all we got was this lousy health tax.

And he said many people are now convinced that Kerry’s political adversaries “lied fundamentally’’ about his record....

You are ALL a bunch of SELF-DELUDED, OUT-of-TOUCH LIARS!  Don't you GET IT?

Kerry’s heavy presence in California is also a sign that Democrats are having trouble locking up their own voters, said Wayne Johnson, a California Republican political strategist.  

It is going to be a BAD NIGHT for DEMOCRATS! 

Maybe I will watch the MSNBC returns and watch Olbermann get angry while Matthews gets glum.

“When you’re having a real problem motivating your base voters, you have to bring in partisan base figures and that’s what they’re doing,’’ he said.

Kerry appeared yesterday in Delaware with Democratic US Senate candidate Chris Coons.... 

That is a SAFE VICTORY -- or so we have been told -- for Democrats so WHY IS HE THERE?

Judging by where surrogate Kerry and Obama have been lately, the Democrats are JUST TRYING to HOLD ON! 

That means ALL the TOSS-UPS should SWING RED TONIGHT!  

I'm NOT SAYING that is any better, folks.  


Whatever happens when the votes are counted on Tuesday, “I’m excited every day and I’m having a blast,’’ said Kerry.

Then what was with the anger in the preceding article?


What he likes are the PARTIES!

"Keating and Perry turn up the heat; Locked in tight race, candidates reach out to undecided voters" by Alan Wirzbicki and Travis Andersen, Globe Staff  |  October 31, 2010

QUINCY —Senator John Kerry and Victoria Reggie Kennedy, the widow of Edward M. Kennedy, also spoke from the podium, which had been decorated in an autumnal theme with bales of hay, pumpkins, and other assorted gourds. The speakers were escorted into the event by the Barnstable High School marching band. Former “American Idol’’ contestant Siobhan Magnus sang the national anthem and returned for a rendition of “America the Beautiful.’’


The Democrats played an eclectic mix of music, including Florence and the Machine, AC/DC, and John Philip Sousa. Later, a reporter spotted an empty CD case titled “DNC Ropeline Music’’ resting near the stereo, which apparently consisted of repeated encores of U2’s “Beautiful Day.’’ The song, a favorite of the Obama campaign in 2008 election, was played both before Vice President Joe Biden spoke and again afterward as he and Kerry mingled with supporters.


How are Democrats going to feel about Kerry when he loses the Senate on them? 

Will he still be the surrogate?  

For the record, I WAS PREDICTING a 50-50 split! 

Democrats will win Connecticut, the two New York seats, California, Delaware, and Washington state. Everything in-between will go red (with Illinois being the only possible flip to blue, what with the history of election-rigging from Obama's home city, making it 51-49).   

I am now REVISING that sentiment. I think Illinois will go red and Washington state is KARL ROVE'S SECRET STEAL after O'Donnell won in Delaware.  

Nice job, John; you been had again.