Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MSM Monitor Casts His Ballot

I'll start at the top just as I filled it out:

Governor: I voted Baker the Republican.

Auditor: I decided on Connaughton the Republican.

Treasurer: I held my nose and voted for Polito the Republican.

Congressional Representative:

"For the seat representing Western Massachusetts, William L. Gunn Jr., a Ware Republican, is running against US Representative John W. Olver, Democrat of Amherst. Michael Engel, an independent of Southampton, is also on the ballot" 

I'll give you one guess as to who got my vote.  

Olver was supposed to be retiring, but the leadership talked him into staying at least one more term.  I'm hoping the voters gave him what he really wanted; however, I suspect he won reelection out here.

State RepresentativeI voted for a lady named Denise Andrews, a Democrat

Surprised, readers?  

Well, she PERSONALLY CAME to the HOUSE to give us the campaign flier during the primary. That was enough for me. 

And the three ballot questions? 

YES, YES, and YES!! 

See: Boston Globe is an Absentee Landlord

Taxing Questions From the Boston Globe

I suspect my fellow citizens voted the opposite way. 

They usually do, as the pro-tax propaganda is so strong around here.