"Obama urges India, Pakistan to cooperate; Says both rivals are important American allies" by Ravi Nessman, Associated Press | November 8, 2010
NEW DELHI —Tomorrow, Obama will begin his visit to Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country and the place where he lived from age 6 to 10.
There is renewed attention on terrorists in Indonesia, who in the past year have appeared to be banding together into a new Al Qaeda-influenced insurgency.
Oh, yeah?
Which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?
The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
Also see: Occupation Iraq: Israel's IEDs
Occupation Iraq: Israelis Killing U.S. Troops
Occupation Iraq: Israeli-Trained Death Squads
Plan B
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
Prop 102: Iraq and Government Lies
Who Invented "Al-CIA-Duh?"
"Al-CIA-Duhs" Catch-and-Release Program
Asymmetrical Warfare Group
Operation Gladio
Operation Northwoods
Occupation Iraq: British Bombers
Occupation Iraq: America's Roadside Bombs
'The Salvador Option'
Special Police Commandos
Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group
Prop 201 tutorial
Islam's 9/11
Who is Bombing in Iraq? Are the bombers Al-Qaeda, the CIA or Israel?
How much more evidence do you need?
Israeli Mossad Role in Turkey Coup Plot Revealed
Israel funded "terrorist" groups through BCCI
AMIA was Mossad False-flag Operation
Mossad Agent killing Oz Tourists to steal their identity to use in fake Al-Qaeda operations
‘Mossad capable of US attack’: US Army officials
Iran hangs "terrorist" linked to Mossad
Montreal Averts Israeli Mossad Terrorist Attack
Israeli Mossad = al Qaeda?
Judiciary starts work on case of Mossad-linked terror group
Assassins caught on video reveals possible Mossad-Fatah link
Mossad funded Abu Nidal through BCCI
Mumbai: The Mossad Angle
Hamas Was Founded by Mossad
Israeli officer sells weapons to terrorists in Iraq
Revealing information on Mossad terrorist acts worries Europeans
Mossad and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
Group that took credit for "Bandini Bomber" linked to Mossad.
MARRIOTT BOMB:Mossad pulls off another false-flag operation
Mossad Exposed in Phony`Palestinian Al-Qaeda' Caper
Mossad orchestrated Christmas Day bomb plot
British Broadsheet Links Mossad to 9/11
How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11
A Look at the Mossad's Assassination Squads
Army Captures 'Terrorist Ring' Working for Mossad
Lebanon's Army captures Israeli Mossad 'Terrorist Ring'
A bumbling Mossad hand suspected in Dubai assassination
Mossad stealing passports in Australia and NZ
Mossad supporting "Radical Muslim" groups.
Mossad-Linked Cell Arrested in South Lebanon
Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing
Mossad-backed terror network in Lebanon
Mossad was found to be propping up 'Islamic terrorist' groups in mid-east.
Mossad implicated in a coup plot in Turkey, a NATO country
Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle
Mossad linked to "Jundollah" attacks, and kidnapping of Iranian border guards
Mossad behind Hindu terror group
Israeli Mossad Links To World Trade Center Attack
Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist
'Terror' group in Iran linked to Mossad, CIA
Attack On US Embassy In Yemen Linked To Mossad
Mossad Black Ops and False Flags
Mossad linked to "Crotch Bomber"
Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report
9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: "Our Purpose Was To Document The Event"
Only people actually arrested on 9-11 were Israelis
Mossad Link Found to One of Key 9-11 Hijackers
Bush Administration Ignores Mossad-Al Qaeda Terrorist Link
Al Qaeda are really Mossad
Mossad linked to Ergenekon plot
Hezbollah infiltrated by Mossad, does Israel's bidding. Attacks when Israel needs excuse to invade Lebanon
Is Hizbullah a Mossad front?
Israel tricked the US into attacking Libya
When Israel attacked the USS Liberty they tried to frame Egypt for it.
The Lavon Affair: Israel has a history of faking terror attacks.
Israel creates and aids terror groups.
If HAMAS is so bad why did Israel create it? To demonize Palestinians?
Israel stages all these "terror" attacks to trick America into hating Israel's enemies.
Who are the "terrorists" again?
Recent Pentagon moves to renew a training program with Indonesia’s special forces and bolster military assistance show that the Obama administration believes the country needs more help tracking and rooting out insurgents, particularly those who rejoin the fight once they are released from jail.
The US has praised Indonesia’s efforts to crack down on terrorists.
Can you tell I'm TIRED of the GAME?!!
Government police and military authorities have captured or killed more than 100 terrorists over the past year.
US defense officials, however, worry about the overall threat. They’re watching for any signs of movement or increased communications between Indonesian extremists and Al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Then NOTHING SHOULD EVER HAPPEN, and if it does then the TRYANNICAL EYES of TYRANNY will have to be ABOLISHED because they will have FAILED!
The officials say Indonesia has exhibited both the will and the ability to pursue extremists.
Really? When do they occupy Washington and Tel Aviv?
Also see: Indonesian Incidents, Earthquakes, and Eruptions
And now I find the web version of this next article has been totally rewritten -- with Merapi edited out!
"At home in Indonesia, Obama reaches out to Muslims" by Ben Feller, AP White House Correspondent / November 9, 2010
JAKARTA, Indonesia— A reminder of that difficult road awaited Obama when he landed in Indonesia Tuesday. Israel's decision to build more apartments in east Jerusalem, a disputed territory claimed by Palestinians, had already earned a rebuke from American diplomats before a tired, traveling president weighed in.
"This kind of activity is never helpful when it comes to peace negotiations," Obama said when questioned at a news conference alongside Indonesia's president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. "I'm concerned that we're not seeing each side make the extra effort involved to get a breakthrough."
What do you mean each side, asshole?
This trip was to be cut short, too, so Air Force One could depart ahead of a big ash cloud from the erupting Indonesian volcano Mount Merapi.
That's it? That is the ONLY MENTION the massive volcano gets?
The two presidents touted a deal that will have both countries cooperating on energy, education, the environment and many other subjects. More broadly, Indonesia offers the United States one more strategic, democratic voice in a continent of emerging powers and lucrative markets, while U.S. support can help Indonesia's own economy and regional security.
And an ALLY in the WORLD WAR III!!
Both leaders pushed back against the idea that Obama's efforts aim, at least in part, to counter China's rise.
Obama also pointedly noted that the global economy is out of whack, saying some countries have run up huge surpluses and have intervened significantly in the currency markets to maintain their advantage.
Yeah, because of the SAME FED BANKSTERS YOU are DEFENDING, s***-head!
The U.S. contends China's undervalued currency gives Beijing an unfair trade boost in the selling of its goods....
The world is tired of U.S. war rhetoric and finger-pointing.
What was CUT:
The personal touches began coming out as Obama, looking weary on his fourth day in Asia, reflected yesterday on how Jakarta has changed since he lived here. His only real look came during a couple of motorcade rides.
Oh, the SAME VIEWS BUSH used to get on his trips!
The rewrites and additions to my printed paper matter:
In the Muslim nation that was his boyhood home, President Barack Obama acknowledged Wednesday that U.S. relations are still frayed with the Islamic world despite his best efforts at repair.
We have already gotten his best, huh? What a failure.
He urged all sides to look beyond "suspicion and mistrust" to forge common ground against terrorism.
Forcefully returning to a theme he sounded last year in visits to Turkey and Egypt, Obama said: "I have made it clear that America is not and never will be at war with Islam. ... Those who want to build must not cede ground to terrorists who seek to destroy."
I find this disingenuous president totally distasteful. I guess that's why I never watch or listen to him.
Beaming with pride, Obama delivered perhaps the most intensely personal speech of his presidency, speaking phrases in Indonesian to a cheering crowd of more than 6,000 mostly young people who claimed him as their own. It felt oddly like one of the campaign speeches Obama had been giving in the U.S., with music blaring over speakers inside the auditorium....
Yeah, you see how well that turned out.
Obama praised the world's most populous Muslim nation for standing its ground against "violent extremism" and said: "All of us must defeat al-Qaida and its affiliates, who have no claim to be leaders of any religion. ... This is not a task for America alone."
Seeking to cement relations with fast-growing Asian trading partners, Obama also paid tribute to the economic dynamism of the region at a time of global financial stress....
The president's brief but nostalgic visit lent an unusually personal tone to the speech, a portion of which was he devoted to his childhood here. Obama reminisced about living in a small house with a mango tree out front, and learning to love his adopted home while flying kites, running along paddy fields, catching dragonflies and buying such delicacies as satay and bakso from street vendors. He also spoke of running in fields with water buffalo and goats, and of the birth of his sister, Maya, who is half Indonesian.
Obama, a Christian who was born in Hawaii, moved to Indonesia as a 6-year-old and lived with his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. He attended public and Catholic schools while in Indonesia and returned to Hawaii when he was 10 to live with his grandparents. Obama said in the speech that he is a Christian; back home in the U.S., he is fighting erroneous perceptions that he is Muslim.
The president's homecoming had been twice-delayed -- first because of the health care legislative battle and then because of the BP oil spill...
After the speech, Obama shook hands with some in the audience, including several former classmates seated in the front row. Others screamed as if Obama were a pop star.
Reaching out to the Islamic world, Obama said efforts to build trust and peace are showing promise but are still clearly incomplete.
"Relations between the United States and Muslim nations have been frayed over many years. As president, I have made it a priority to begin to repair these relations," Obama said.
He said both sides have a choice: either "be defined by our differences and give in to a future of suspicion and mistrust" or "do the hard work of forging common ground and commit ourselves to the steady pursuit of progress."
Obama praised Indonesia for having "made progress in rooting out terrorists and combating violent extremism."
Do you know what in one ear out the other means?
And about that volcano:
"Residents fearing volcanic eruption clamor to flee bustling Indonesian city" by Associated Press" by November 9, 2010

A farmer in Muntilan, Indonesia, walked through a field, which was covered in volcanic ash from Mount Merapi’s eruption. (Associated Press)
MOUNT MERAPI, Indonesia — Frightened residents abandoned their homes in a bustling city of 400,000 at the foot of Indonesia’s rumbling volcano yesterday, cramming onto trains, buses, and rented vehicles as authorities warned Mount Merapi could erupt again at any time.
A mass burial late Sunday for many of the 141 people killed in the last two weeks was a reminder of the mountain’s devastating power that culminated in its deadliest blast in 80 years, sending hot clouds of gas, rocks, and debris avalanching down its slopes.
With the closest airport closed by ash, rail traffic leaving Yogyakarta has doubled in recent days, as residents — many of them students from the city’s universities — tried desperately to get out....
Merapi was still issuing explosive roars yesterday as it shot clouds of gas and debris up to 3,000 feet in the air as ash and pyroclastic flows poured down its slopes....
"VOLATILE MERAPI DISRUPTS FLIGHTS -- Continual eruptions from Indonesia's Mount Merapi spewed ash into the skies yesterday, forcing some airlines to cancel flights again and President Obama to cut short his visit to the country. The volcano has discharged debris for more than two weeks, killing 191 people and causing travel chaos (Boston Globe November 11 2010)."
Last I've seen of it in the Boston Globe.
Update: Indonesia nurses developing bike culture (By Howard Schneider, Washington Post)
This is the kind of s*** I have to look forward to in my Dumday, I mean Sunday Globe?