Monday, November 1, 2010

TARP No Cover For Incumbents

WASHINGTON — House minority leader John Boehner waved his arms, jabbed his finger, and urged members of both parties to take a courageous vote for what has become known as the Wall Street bailout.  

No, courage is voting against the wars, Patriot Act, and Israel.

“These are the votes that separate the men from the boys and the girls from the women,’’ Boehner said two years ago just before voting to authorize the federal government to purchase up to $700 billion in toxic assets from foundering financial firms.  

Which are now making record profits and bonuses again.

Since then, anger over the legislation has cost some congressional backers their jobs and fueled the Tea Party movement. Even Boehner has become a leading critic.

Yet as the program winds down, some of its backers — as well as independent analysts — insist it has been a resounding success. 

Yeah, if you are a Wall Street bank. 

The corporate media must think they can serve us up any old hunk of shit and we will just chow down. They make you sicker than my provocative analogies. 

Most of the money has been repaid, and Treasury officials expect it will cost a fraction of the initial projections. 

How many BILLIONS are we talking about as a "fraction?"

The mystery to supporters is why the Troubled Asset Relief Program — or TARP — has become the dirty, four-letter word of the 2010 midterm elections.   

No, the mystery is why the establishment media thinks they can put this over on us. 

TARP was a success!! 



The same bankers that benefited from it bought it all back... with our bailout money? 

They’ve cleared the decks to use Fannie and Freddie as a vessel for whatever they want.... taking troubled mortgage investments off banks’ books.’’ 

And how much is that going to cost, readers?

"Obama’s budget blueprint also excludes the $6.3 trillion in liabilities of government-controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and delays for a second time a decision on restructuring the mortgage finance companies, which were seized 17 months ago"

Oh, the GOVERNMENT is HIDING IT with TAXPAYERS picking up the TAB again! 


Wow, that is ONE HELL of a BILL!  

“We put out the financial fire at a much lower cost than anyone expected, but we lost the country doing it,’’ Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said in an interview, referring to the public outcry against it. “The early myth that the Obama administration came in and started these unjust bailouts and tried to take over the economy — and that helped spark the Tea Party movement — is the great political lie of the decade.’’  

For that Fed f*** to say such things is infuriating.  PoS puke liar!  

Speaking of myths, I guess that would be the biggest lie of my lifetime -- and you see who brought it to you.

The program was proposed in September 2008, on the heels of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and AIG. Outlined by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, and backed by President George W. Bush, the plan granted broad powers to the Treasury Department to purchase bad assets that were plaguing investment banks, freezing credit markets, and battering consumer confidence.  

But somehow you made out on the whole deal, America. 

Shortly after the measure President Bush signed the measure, critics attacked the plan as government overreach and a bailout of wealthy Wall Street investors....   

Which is what it turned out to be.  Those other two "goals" haven't been fixed. 

When the program ended earlier this month, the bulk of the $700 billion either had been repaid or had not been spent.

They really think you will fork right into that turd on the plate, dear readers. 

Establishment media is pathetic in their defense of vampire-like leeches.

All told, the White House projects the program will end up costing about $50 billion.  

Like your White House lies better under this president?

The allocation of most of the spending had been agreed upon by the Bush administration. But after Obama took office, his administration authorized $60 billion for the auto industry, which helped prop up General Motors and Chrysler. Critics contended that this was an unwarranted expansion of the program; the president said it was a job-saving necessity.

\Yet even in Michigan, where the auto bailout is widely credited with resurrecting much of the auto industry, the program has proved unpopular. 

Because PEOPLE KNOW when they are BEING SWINDLED by BANKSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Representative Pete Hoekstra, a Michigan Republican, was assailed for his vote in favor of TARP during the GOP gubernatorial primary that he lost....   

Misinformation also surrounds responsibility for the program.  

Once again we have the establishment media kettle hollering pot! 

One word for you, world: IRAQ! 

Case frikkin' closed.

Even though the program was pushed through by President Bush, nearly half of Americans believe it was President Obama who signed it into law, according to a Pew Research survey in July. 

Hey, it was BOTH PARTIES that PUT IT THROUGH!   

Related: Who REALLY Runs Washington

Yeah, we all see that now.

Forty-six percent of voters said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supported government loans to banks during the financial crisis, according to a poll Pew Research Center released recently.

That issue had more impact than any other in driving voters away from a candidate, including their support for health care (35 percent) or whether they are an incumbent running for reelection (26 percent).  

Yup, the VOTERS CARE about the WARS and BANK LOOTING! 

Meanwhile, the agenda-pushing establishment media has served up race, sexual orientation, immigration, Muslims and mosques as the driving issues -- which is why that TV remains off.

 The unpopularity of the program can also be seen in a state like New Hampshire.  

Also see: New Hampshire's Political House

The state’s senior senator, Republican Judd Gregg, was one of the chief architects of the approach and has remained a staunch defender of it.  

That's why he is not running for reelection.

“It did exactly what it was supposed to do, which is stabilize the financial system when it was on the verge of collapse,’’ Gregg said in an interview. “But it’s become a pejorative because the substance of the program has been separated from the hyperbole around the program. It’s come to be a shorthand term for excessive government spending, interference in the markets, and supporting Wall Street.’’  

I could do without the insults this morning, Judd.


Those who have tried to defend TARP have found little success. Representative Gresham Barrett, a South Carolina Republican, ran ads during his run for governor defending his vote after he was vigorously booed at a Tea Party movement rally.  

That is what America needs to do!! 

Get out there and BOO, BOO, BOO! 

Anytime they speak BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 

“I honestly believe with all my heart that we were at a point where men and women were going to reach in their back pocket and pull out a credit card or an ATM card, stick it in a machine, and nothing was going to come out,’’ he said in a TV spot that showed him sitting in a living room, looking directly at the camera. “Leaders make decisions based on the best information that they have, and they go with it. That’s what I did.’’

Or they feed it to newspaper reporters for the New York Times, who can then confirm the lies so wars and invasions can be launched!

He lost the GOP primary by 30 percentage points to state Representative Nikki Haley.  

See: South Carolina's Falling Star  

Man, is that New York Times ever a lying, racist, sexist, supremacist piece of garbage. I guess that's why I only read what is in the Globe (unless directed to their website by a fellow blogger; I never go there on my own).

Some of the most prominent primary defeats of this election cycle came to candidates who couldn’t find a way to defend their vote on TARP.

Because it is INDEFENSIBLE!!!

Senator Robert Bennett was defeated in Utah during a Republican convention where the crowd chanted “TARP, TARP’’ at him.  

Just as good as boo.  

Who knew Mormons could get so riled up, huh? 

Next thing you know they will be terrorists next to the Muslims (wait, isn't that what happened in Texas a while back? Government always needs an enemy -- even if they have to create them themselves).

The votes were a contributing factor to the GOP primary losses of Representative Mike Castle in Delaware and Senator Lisa Murkowski in Alaska.   

Oh, and here we have gotten all the garbage coverage since! 

Related:  The Debate in Delaware

Write-In Whiteout in Alaska




Tells you the TRUE INTERESTS at the BOTTOM of the PAPERS! 

And HOW ODD that BANKS BENEFIT on the DEBT of WARS, huh? 

CUI BONO from the WHOLE SYSTEM, American voters?

“I did try saying during the campaign that TARP was going to pay the money back and that that . . . was not going to cost the taxpayer anything,’’ Bennett recently told the Salt Lake Tribune. “Apparently nobody believed me.’’ 

Liars forfeit the right to be believed; jut ask AmeriKa's establishment media about their circulation. 

The issue is unlikely to fade, and it could become a key litmus test for Republicans in the 2012 presidential race.  

Except it HAS FADED in the ESTABLISHMENT PRESS and its coverage of the campaign!

Support for the program separates the mainstream GOP — many of whom voted for it or voiced support — from the new insurgent conservatives who rail against it.  


See: Insurgents vs. Incumbents


We are talking about POLITICS, prick paper! 

I have NOT TRIED to KILL any U.S. soldiers -- unlike the LYING, WAR-PROMOTING PAPERS that BLARED LIES from their HEADLINES!

“This has been a scarring experience for people in policy and Congress and will make policy makers more risk-averse in the future,’’ Geithner said. “People will say ‘Let’s wait and hope it gets better instead of acting.’ ’’

Here is the action I would like to see the American people take on you, Tim:

Any questions?


Related: US foresees limit on TARP losses

Government earns $25.2b on Wall St. bailout

That last plate of steaming horse s*** was so sickening I had to leave the room.  

Voting guide for America:

"Memorize this list of Israel's whores in the US Government and vote them out of office before it is your children being murdered by Israel! There is no more important issue this election! "