Friday, January 14, 2011

Boston Globe Manicure

I will just do my own, thanks:

"New health rules for nail salons OK’d" by Stephen Smith, Globe Staff / January 14, 2011

Workers who complained of throbbing headaches, teary eyes, and cramping hands.... 

Boston salons are overwhelmingly staffed by women from Southeast Asia....  

Left unsaid is they are likely illegals. 

Welcome to AmeriKa!  Is it what the travel agent and brochure claimed?

Workers face a toxic mix of long workdays, poor on-the-job conditions, and a stew of chemicals adding up to danger in an industry that operates in basements, storefronts, and hotels....

And rotten pay.

City regulators acknowledged that the new safeguards may result in higher prices....  

That's what government does.
