Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Globe Special: Happy Mother's Day

After my own mother my first thought was are all those Muslim mothers out there happy?

I say that with a sense of the fact that it is my war-criminal nation that has either widowed or martyred so many while also taking their children from them.

Which brings up another observation: no stories about war-supporting military moms. Hated wars must be bad copy now -- just like the entire paper. I remember when Sunday newspapers were fat; today I picked up a less-than-two-inch (when flat) PoS.

Maybe I should feel "lucky." Less for me to post. Problem is, this is what New Englanders sit down to for news upon a sunny Sunday morning in May. 

"After 17 years in prison, release will make mother’s day" by Lynn DeBruin, Associated Press / May 8, 2011

SALT LAKE CITY — Last week, Debra Brown became the first inmate exonerated under a 2008 Utah law that allows convictions to be reconsidered based on new factual — not scientific — evidence. More than 250 people since 1989 have been exonerated nationwide thanks to DNA testing.

Now I am all for innocence; however, I dislike the way the New World Order DNA argument is presented here. You can see the logical conclusion, right? If everyone forks over DNA we can solve all the crimes! Of course, DNA could be planted (government and authorities would never do that, oh, no) to convict innocent people if you have some. It could be used to frame political enemies, ever think of that?  

I want to know why the cops and authorities don;t do a better job investigating things,. They seem to be more busy beating people down and covering it up.  Maybe the problem is so many damn laws (I know it keeps a lot of political kickbacks coming in the form of campaign contributions, but... taxpayer-funded when you think about it).

A judge finally agreed with what Brown had been saying all along — that her alibi put her elsewhere when the crime occurred, even though she admitted forging checks belonging to the victim....

There will be culture shock when Brown starts life anew. Smartphones or Google did not exist when she was sentenced. Her children were still in school. “She’s been locked up so long, she’ll be amazed and confused and have a hard time adjusting,’’ daughter Alana Williams said.

David Scott, Brown’s brother, said his sister was a vivacious fair-haired woman with a sense of determination when she was locked up for life in 1995, even as she struggled to raise three children alone. Years behind bars hardened her features, Scott said....

Then why does the newspaper give us file footage from 25 years ago?


 Also see: Two mothers bound by heartbreak, compassion

Anguished mother rips daughter’s tormenter

The mother of Phoebe Prince, the 15-year-old Irish immigrant who killed herself after being bullied by other students at her high school, condemned one of her daughter’s admitted tormenters in a searing courtroom scene yesterday, saying his relationship with the young girl was “predatory’’ and that his betrayal broke her spirit.   

Related: Signs of redemption in denouement of bullying case

Also see: The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: She's No Princess

You didn't sign the card, Globe? 

For the record, I don't want anyone bullied.  That is why I constantly decry the USraeli Empire on these pages.