Thursday, April 25, 2013

Immigration Bill Stumbling Before Finish Line

Tripped up by their own false flag.... 

"Tsarnaevs don’t apply" April 25, 2013

There are lessons to be learned from last week’s Marathon bombing and the ensuing manhunt. But few, if any, apply to the immigration debate in Congress.

Republican lawmakers opposed to the reforms hammered out by a bipartisan group of eight senators spent much of this week’s Judiciary Committee hearings pounding on one fact: The Tsarnaev brothers were immigrants. Critics of comprehensive immigration reform are against creating a guest worker system or path to citizenship for illegal immigrants ostensibly because such provisions would insult the millions of people who come here legally. Both Tsarnaevs were here legally, and one had become a citizen. That didn’t deter some conservatives from invoking their names in opposing immigration reform — a move that revealed the broader anti-immigrant sentiment behind all that rhetoric about following the law.

In fact, the bill under debate would shore up national security, requiring that anyone applying for citizenship submit extensive biographic and biometric information and undergo a series of background checks. The bill would provide a far better accounting of who is actually in the country — thereby making it easier to separate out those who come here to commit crimes.

Did you immigrants know you were going to be freed into that?

But such distinctions seem to matter little to the opponents in the Senate or the right-wing media.


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What kind of media?

The Tsarnaev brothers were many things, but they were not illegal immigrants. The Boston bombings shouldn’t be used to advance the cynical agendas of those opposing immigration reform.

Of course, there are other kind of agendas where it's not so cynical to advance.


I'm just sick of the whining, sorry.

And here is something interesting just below that in my printed paper, but missing from the web:

"FOR THE RECORD: An editorial Tuesday about the criminal prosecution of Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev said that any comments made by Tsarnaev before he is read his rights can’t be used against him in court. The Supreme Court has ruled that such comments can be used against a defendant under limited circumstances."

And they didn't even bother to correct the editorial. 

Related: Boston Marathon Bombings Pushing Immigration Bill Across Finish Line