Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Marathon Bombing Means NoPP Tuesday

There were no printed Globes at my newsstand today, and thus I will not be buying or reading one (an idea I had already decided upon after yesterday's events).

Having said that, I would like to afford you the opportunity to view what the Globe has to report. Perhaps I should be reading the voluminous articles regarding what happened; however, as anyone reading the comments here knows, I've had with cover story crapola from ma$$ media mouthpieces. Maybe I should "thank" the "terrorists" for saving me $2.

As for who bombed the Boston Marathon, that is an open question right now. What I did see on Anderson Cooper last night (in the ten seconds I had it on) was an interview on scene with Juliette Kayyam saying we will have answers within 24 hours (meaning by tonight). 

So the script has already been written, folks, and rollout begins. Let's hope it's smoother than the drop-down of WTC 7. 

Also see: Saturday NoPP in a New Format 

Other NoPPs I may never get to.

UPDATE: A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 (2011)

Hey, it's all for the greater good.