Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Old Man Lost Face

"Anniversary of Old Man’s fall is noted

Plans are underway to mark the 10th anniversary of the collapse of New Hampshire’s Old Man of the Mountain. The Old Man of the Mountain Legacy Fund, the volunteer nonprofit group charged with creating a memorial monument to the granite profile in Franconia Notch, is holding a brief ceremony marking the anniversary on May 3. It will be at 11:30 a.m. at the Old Man of the Mountain Profile Plaza. The Old Man’s absence was first noted the morning of May 3, 2003, by Franconia Notch State Park workers. Word of the fall spread quickly, and onlookers gathered for days to see it for themselves. The image of the Old Man has been a symbol of New Hampshire for generations."  

I don't think a transplant is going to help. 

Related: Vermont woman burned with lye gets face transplant