Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boston Globe Driving Me Batty

I guess that is why I did not buy one today.

"Australia wilts in heat wave; Animals dying; temperatures are above 120" by Rod McGuirk |  Associated Press, January 10, 2014

CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback, and gardens are turning brown. While North America freezes under record polar temperatures, the southern hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever….

Related: The New York Times Foul Fart Mist

That is what must have melted the ice and gotten the Coast Guard back on course.

Brazil is also sizzling….

Well, it is summer down there and unlike Australia they are equatorial.

The late arrival of the monsoon in northern Australia, which has a cooling effect, is contributing to the searing heat, said Karly Braganza, the manager of climate monitoring at the Bureau of Meteorology. Global warming also plays a role, he said….


The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, too….

At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of Queensland animal welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue.

Yes, it is not the GMOs that have affected both bat and bee, and it is not the radiation from Fukushima that's killing animals all across the Pacific and spreading east. It must be either global warming or someone farting in our faces.


That's who dealt the smelled it, and then they denied supplying it. 

UPDATE: 2013 was the coolest year since 2009

And yet I was told every month was the hottest that month had ever been. SIGH!!!!!!