"Earth records its hottest November" Associated Press, December 18, 2013
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — November was a hot month for planet Earth.
Government scientists reported Tuesday that last month set a heat record. They said it was the warmest November worldwide since record keeping began in 1880.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said it was the 37th consecutive November with above-average temperatures. The last below-average November was in 1976.
And this government wonders why no one believes anything they say anymore?
Related: NOAA Already Wrong
I'm really, really getting tired of the foul fart mist, folks.
It was also the 345th straight month with above-average temperatures. That is almost 29 years.
That's crazy! 30 years of getting hotter and hotter? You jumped the shark this time, guys.
You can believe your lying propaganda pre$$, or you can believe your own senses. That propaganda pre$$ would put this $hamele$$ piece of $hit in its paper
And it's not like I agree with Rivero on everything. I think he is wrong about weather manipulation that could possibly be backfiring, but you can't argue with the actual data the last few years. Global warming is nothing more than a money-grabbing $cam to enrich Wall Street banks that will underwrite the carbon credit market and collect commissions of trading -- literally creating money out of thin air.
Of course, those banks and the entire elite are only looking out for our welfare, right?
Among the November hot spots: much of Eurasia, Central America, and the Indian Ocean. In Russia, it was the warmest November on record.
That's why the wonderful Ukrainian protesters are braving record cold, or so I'm told by my propaganda pre$$.
Parts of North America were cooler than average in November, but California residents are experiencing a very dry fall that has extended the busiest wildfire season.
Right, it's only cold where you are. That is such a worn-out and tiredly lame turd and yet it is trotted out yet again.
The drought of the last several years has given California essentially year-round danger.
Freezing out there this year like it was last year, but that's all omitted or down the drug-addled Amerikan memory hole.
Firefighters on Tuesday said they were making gains against an unusual fall wildfire that has destroyed 15 homes and forced about 100 people to flee the forested mountains of the Big Sur region overlooking the Pacific....
For $ome reason the article veered off into a drought that didn't happen (did you forget last spring's floods because of record snow pack) and California fires that have mostly been forgotten until now(?).
It's all a snow job, folks, which is why I'm really cool on the BG these days.
Related: Winter storm lashes out at evening commute
Scroll down deep if you want to see all the snowfall, folks.
Also see: NASA orders urgent spacewalk repairs at station
Related: NASA Brought Back Down to Earth
Like all government agencies, the credibility was destroyed in the crash landing.

A Palestinian walked to his home in the West Bank city of Nablus on Sunday after a storm that socked the region let up (Nasser Ishtayeh/Associated Press).