Saturday, March 8, 2014

No Slow Saturday Specials

You may protest, dear readers, and there are plenty of candidates today; however, I am short of time today and will at least show you what would have been worthy of individual posts.

The above-the-fold lead certainly qualifies, and I suppose it should be expected from my Globe on my favorite day of the year (update). What I didn't read was business' bitching over a staged and scripted crisis drill gone live that may or may not have had a piggybacked bomb attack down the street. Not that I want to burn any bridges, but I see there is no $afe place in Boston and I have to leave one hell of a tip to fly off the front page.

That gets us back to the cat fight and voyeurism violence (more on that later in the paper). Maybe we should all be gay like the Globe seems to want, rather than argue about war and peace. At least the elitism in education is being addressed (I guess they will have to move the party off campus) and corruption in law enforcement is being uncovered. Time to drive on(??) to page A3.

What we have there is an illegal annexation, according to the great western war-mongers and their mouthpiece media. You flip the page and you get this....

"Swaps to enable Israel to keep some of the dozens of Jewish settlements built on lands Israel captured and occupied since 1967. Most of the international community deems those settlements illegal under international law. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, accelerated settlement construction during the talks, with housing starts in settlements more than doubling in 2013, compared with the year before. He also said the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state, a demand that appears to have US support, based on recent speeches by Kerry and President Obama. Netanyahu has said such recognition is required as proof that the Palestinians are serious about peace."

.... paired next to this, which may as well have been one article only.

So, in one area we have the United States government screaming laughable illegalities regarding Crimea considering their invasion of Iraq over ten years ago (exhibit A, folks; there are a whole lot more going forward and back), and in another we have annexations being validated and codified and it's called a peace settlement that also recognizes a supremacist apartheid state. Great.

Which brings us to Venezuela and the return of Hugo Chavez's thugs (so I am told). That article is so full of rank rot, and at bottom it reads like a textbook template for CIA destabilization and coup attempt strategy. It not only reeks of a false flag, but it also not credible considering the source. What it does show you is the final push for world domination is on in 2014.

Next to it something about Dutch dopes (as they drive pot users to heroin?). I guess that is what happens when you drink too much. Proves authority is an a$$hole no matter where you live.

Before I forget I need to go back to page A3 and briefly tell you about the lousy Indian navy (Russian-supplied, of course, so it would be easy to beat 'em in a war, right?). I see there is new solidarity between Zaudi Arabia and Ejewpt as head towards WWIII. Jurkey is going to shut down the media due to US pressure, while the French are preventing the terrorists from traveling there.

That leads us to Thailand where the noose has been loosened a little, although one does have to question the accounts in my propaganda pre$$ seeing as this is one coup they do not support. It actually makes them see Red. I mean, does this look like an antigovernment protester to you? Or is it just some guy in New York City in Times Square on New Year's Eve?

The plane crash in Malaysia never appeared on my printed radar. I would have like to have gotten smart about Kansas' schools, but I need to cut that class again today (he's on the move and wants to party from what my Metro tells me). Besides, it's not the Nuland that said "F*** the EU," so why bother? Same thing with the $hit-fooley campaign, too.

Looks like I won't be having pizza for lunch today:

"A natural gas well that exploded last month

First I've seen of it in my Globe.

Statistics suggest major fires are relatively rare. Houston-based Wild Well Control, which specializes in control of oil and gas well accidents, says it responded to five surface well blowouts last year accompanied by fires and 25 other surface blowouts with no fires. On Feb. 11, a Chevron well outside Bobtown exploded, killing Ian McKee, 27, of Morgantown, W.Va. He worked for a contractor. The fire burned for a week and emergency responders, state regulators, and crews with special equipment clogged or blocked narrow roads in the area. 

Fracking is our future, folks, and don't think I don't note the coal ash that disappeared into the West Virginia waters.

State regulators and police and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration are investigating the Pennsylvania fire. Chevron could face fines if it broke any rules. 

Oh, how puni$hing!

The outsized reaction by people not directly affected by the accident illustrates the larger passions surrounding the hydraulic fracturing debate. Many critics seek stricter regulations on the drilling method or bans to protect air and water from pollution, while supporters speak of the economic benefits for an energy-hungry nation." 

Then why are natural gas prices going up? The cold winter in the middle of global warming that is also wrecking the economy?

And look who picked up the tab for the pizza!

What the frack is up with that, huh?

I'm having a deja vu. Must be the gas.

As for the rest I will need to skip one section, other than to note a pervert allegedly committed suicide in a Massachusetts jail cell, (not all that uncommon). I did note the car crashes and other items as Slow Saturday candidates, but having not read them and being pressed for time means they will remain unremarked upon for now. It was not lost on me in the business section that the chief executive of BoA got a big raise and L.L. Bean handed out bonuses from record profits in a rotten economy (also comes with insulting lies from the monied media) for all but those at the top.

Now I will play economist by closing this post with my predictions: I see a Quabog sweep in DIV, a Hoosac sweep in DIII, and a Longmeadow sweep in DII today (although I actually think Shepard Hill will spoil it).

You can see how I did, readers, and I will offer my comments in an update when I return.