Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Grim Beginning to the Day

It's where I ended, so.... this is what I logged in to today:

Breaking News12 Dead at Magazine That Satirized Islam


That was my first thought, and I think I know why.

When I finally opened the Globe: 

France heightens security after 12 killed at satirical newspaper

BREAKING NEWS: President of France calls deadly shooting in Paris 'terrorist attack'

Three gunmen carried out attack on French newspaper that killed at least 12, official says

Strangely, I am hopeful as I know the web media I've revamped to the side will get to the bottom of it. 

UPDATES: Charlie Hebdo Attack in France Right on Time for New Controversial Anti-terrorism Law 


John Kerry to discuss Paris terror attack

Now it is really starting to stink as either a staged and scripted production or false flag event.

Top Bank Official Killed in Magazine Attack

French Islamophobes Fake Attack on Newspaper – Total Hoax

Three Paris Terrorists [patsies] Identified

"The attackers wore hoods, and have not yet been captured, but the authorities already know who they are?" --

Deadly ‘Cartoon Jihad’ Hits Paris Satire Mag ‘Charlie Hebdo’ – 12 Dead, 11 Injured in ‘Terror Attack’


Divers Make Crucial Find in AirAsia Jet Hunt

I addressed that the other day, but in the interests of fairne$$:

"Indonesian divers find tail section from AirAsia wreckage" by Achmad Ibrahim, Associated Press  January 07, 2015 

That's an update because my print headline said weather continues to thwart. Do with it what you will.

PANGKALAN BUN, Indonesia — Rough seas and bad weather made it difficult to reach suspected wreckage, [and] there are concerns that it will become harder to find the remaining corpses.

Yes, ‘‘time is of the essence!’’


Dozens of new airlines have popped up in Indonesia in recent years to meet the industry’s booming demand, but a string of deadly accidents has raised concerns about safety.

Specialists say that poor maintenance, rule-bending, and a shortage of trained personnel are largely to blame. Infrastructure has failed to keep pace with exploding demand.

The country’s transportation ministry said it was cracking down after it was discovered that Flight 8501 did not have a permit to fly between Surabaya, Indonesia, and Singapore on the day of the crash. It suspended two ministry officials and five workers at Surabaya’s main airport Tuesday for allowing the flight. Others are still under investigation.

All AirAsia flights on that route have been canceled.

It is not known what caused the Airbus A320 to crash into the Java Sea, though Indonesia’s Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency said bad weather appears to have been a factor.


No pings have been detected from the plane’s all-important cockpit voice and flight data recorders. High waves have prevented the deployment of ships that drag ping locators. The batteries in the pingers on the black boxes are likely to go dead in about 20 more days. 

I wrote here we go again in the margin of my printed piece of slop.

The search for the remaining bodies has been exhausting for family members.

Anxiously awaiting to identify and bury their loved ones, it says in print, and if this all on the up-and-up it's absolutely tragic.

Eight Islamic clerics flew in a helicopter over the site Tuesday and scattered rice into the sea, a local tradition, and prayed for those who perished....


End where we began again?

"GOP takes charge in Congress, but not in White House" by David Espo, Associated Press  January 07, 2015

WASHINGTON — In a blend of pageantry and politics, Republicans took complete control of Congress for the first time in eight years Tuesday, then ran straight into a White House veto threat against their top-priority legislation to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

This IS pointless.

Republicans condemned the unexpected announcement, which came at the same time they were savoring the fruits of last fall’s elections and speaking brightly about possible bipartisan compromises in the two years ahead.


The events spilled out on a day that offered a glimpse of the political forces at work in an era of divided government — the intraparty struggle among House Republicans, the coordination that GOP leaders in both houses showed in pursuing a conservative agenda, and the blocking power of a Democratic president.

Well, it's divided -- to a point.

There was well-choreographed pageantry as well in an age-old oath to ‘‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States.’’  

I post the link out of mere formality. They really do not take seriously anymore. It's a big game, or $how-fooley as I call it.

Hoping to smooth their path for future measures, House Republicans passed a rules change permitting congressional scorekeepers to assume that tax cuts increase revenue to the government rather than reduce it. That would make it easier to show a balanced budget with fewer painful spending cuts. The concept, known as ‘‘dynamic scoring,’’ has been an article of faith among conservatives since the Reagan era three decades ago. 

Good golly Mi$$ Molly, they are going to cook the books.


Also see:

"Former Florida governor Jeb Bush announced Tuesday the formation of a political action committee designed to lay the groundwork for a 2016 presidential campaign, [which] represents an effort to play catch-up of sorts for Bush, who has been out of office since 2007. Several potential Republican presidential candidates, including Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Governor Rick Perry of Texas, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, formed similar PACs months or years ago. Also Tuesday, Bush allies formed a so-called super PAC, which is allowed to raise and spend unlimited sums of money, under the name Right to Rise."

Bush growing, huh?


The 2016 Electoral Map 

It's all purple after H.W adopted Bill as the son he never had, remember? The election will be about which family will be put in place to conceal the criminal enterprises all these years, all the way back to Iran-Contra and the mean air base in Arkansas. That's where you can start, and then go forward or back if you wish regarding each family tree.

There is a lot of mourning going around in New York right now so I'm going to slowdown on my coverage for a while regarding the boot of tyranny on Americans' throats.