Monday, February 9, 2009

An AmeriKan Soldier's Greatest Enemy


This item hits close to home, readers.

Surprise!: Boston Globe Discovers Anti-War Protests

"Steady rise in suicides alarms Army" by Pauline Jelinek, Associated Press | February 6, 2009

WASHINGTON - The Army is investigating a stunning number of suicides in January - a count that could surpass all combat deaths on America's two warfronts last month....

Yearly suicides have been rising steadily since 2004 amid increasing stress on the force from long and repeated tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan....


Of course, this piece was buried on the lower part of page A12.

Think the paper is (unconsciously) feeling some guilt for lying about the wars of empire and occupation, or are they just covering up again?

They never really apologized (and they continue to tell war-mongering lies), did they?