Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Cure For a Broken Heart

The pharmaceuticals say it's a PILL!!!

Makes you wonder how we all got by all these years.

"The long reach of youthful angst; Research suggests whether in college or not, almost half of young adults in US meet criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder" by Judy Foreman | February 2, 2009

.... Misery is largely an equal-opportunity affliction: Across the social spectrum, young people in America are depressed. They're anxious. They regularly break one another's hearts. And, all too often, they don't get the help they need as they face life's questions:

"Who will I be? Will I make friends? The romantic relationships, planning for the future . . . there is all kinds of stuff going on at the same time, including raging hormones," says Ronald Kessler, a medical sociologist at Harvard Medical School....

Will I be sent to fight wars for Israel?

For one thing, early adulthood is the time when serious psychiatric problems such as bipolar disorder (manic-depression) and schizophrenia often surface.

They will do or say ANYTHING to GET YOU on their DRUGS!!!!!

For another, happiness in general follows a U-shaped curve, with the greatest unhappiness among young and very old adults, according to Kessler, the Harvard medical sociologist. For the young, the trick is navigating a steep developmental curve - figuring out who you are, getting work, family, and finances on track, and generally stumbling toward independence.

An open question is whether life has always been this way for the young, or whether psychological problems are on the rise. A 2006 survey of directors of college counseling centers suggests things are getting worse....



For its part, Harvard is conducting a multiyear survey of mental health among incoming freshmen. And UCLA, despite general financial austerity, has launched a new initiative to help students with psychological problems....

Pfft! Yup, the globalist universities are now going to find mental health problems you didn't even know you had. And you know how they cure that? By taking a PILL!

Worried parents can help, too, whether their offspring are in school or in the job market. They can reassure their sons and daughters that it's not necessary to get all A's or move like lightening up the job ladder.

Yeah, let the elites take those things while you snort shit, Amurkn!

And perhaps most important, that broken hearts usually do heal.

I think the kids could do without the condescending insults; I've found that they get over "heartbreak" quicker than adults -- or maybe you would like to explain all the nasty divorces.


And look who gets an OP SPACE the SAME DAY:

Dr. Paul Stoffels is company group chairman of pharmaceutical research and development at Johnson & Johnson"