Saturday, February 7, 2009

Father, Why Have You Forgotten Me?

Related: 21st-Century Crucifixion

"Bishop apologizes to pope for 'distress'

VATICAN CITY - A bishop recently rehabilitated by Pope Benedict XVI expressed regret yesterday for the "distress and problems" he caused by denying the Holocaust.

In a letter to the Vatican, Bishop Richard Williamson, who recently denied in a TV interview that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, called his remarks "imprudent."

The letter was posted on Williamson's personal blog and addressed to Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who has been dealing with the rehabilitation of Williamson and other renegade bishops.

The Catholics have blogs? :)

The Holocaust denial outraged Jewish groups and many others.

Like who? Who else really gives a shit? No one I know. They have WAY MORE IMPORTANT THINGS to worry about -- like SURVIVING!

It was not immediately clear if Williamson's letter, which contained no apology for the content of his remarks, would ease that anger.

Why should he APOLOGIZE for telling the TRUTH?!!!

"Amidst this tremendous media storm stirred up by imprudent remarks of mine on Swedish television, I beg of you to accept, only as is properly respectful, my sincere regrets for having caused to yourself and to the Holy Father so much unnecessary distress and problems," Williamson wrote.


You know what? Let's let the guy speak for himself and then YOU DECIDE, readers:

Also see: Pope Puckers Up For Zionist Ass-Kissing

Nevertheless, I was GLAD to see the NEW CARDINAL DEFEND the Pope!

"O'Malley defends pope's decision; Criticizes bishop's Holocaust denial" by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff | February 1, 2009

Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston is the first high-level church official in the United States to defend publicly Pope Benedict XVI's decision to lift the excommunication of a Holocaust-denying bishop, but he also apologized to the Jewish community for the bishop's "outrageous" remarks.

He's NOT DENYING IT, he's DISPUTING the HISTORICAL RECORD over the NUMBERS! Then again, the lying, Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM has a definite ax to grind here.

You don't see a problem when Catholics get bashed by the Zionist media for their pedophelia (especially now; see how it works with the Zionist MSM? Cross 'em, and they'll go to work on you) while the Jewish Pedophiles are practically ignored.

O'Malley's comments, posted late Friday night to his blog, are the latest in a series of explanations and apologies from church officials worldwide seeking to contain the damage to Jewish-Catholic relations, and to the reputation of Benedict, from the revelation that Bishop Richard Williamson, one of the four bishops whose excommunication the pope revoked, does not believe that the Nazis used gas chambers to kill Jews.

Please see the links at the end of this post; it is sad the a lie must be so vigorously defended -- and why ($$$).

The four bishops are leaders of the Society of Saint Pius X, a schismatic, right-wing, antimodernist Catholic movement, and they were excommunicated in 1988 because they were ordained without Vatican permission. As the controversy over Williamson has raged, there have been reports that some other clergy affiliated with the Society also hold anti-Semitic beliefs.

Yeah, the TRUTH is ANTI-SEMITIC!!!

O'Malley had not responded to requests for comment about the controversy from the Globe, and has told local Jewish community leaders seeking to meet with him about the controversy that he will be available in mid- to late February. But in his weekly blog posting, increasingly the cardinal's medium of choice for commenting on issues of public concern, O'Malley took a two-pronged approach, supporting the pope's action while criticizing Williamson.

"We are very sorry that the people in the Jewish community have been so pained and outraged by Bishop Williamson's statements," O'Malley wrote. "It is very important for us to always remember the Holocaust so that such an atrocity could never take place again."

Meanwhile, HOLOCAUSTS are OCCURRING ALL AROUND US -- from Central and South America to Africa, the Middle East, and Far Asia -- either by Israel, the United States or their proxies! Take PALESTINE for starters!!!

The cardinal was sharply critical of the Society of Saint Pius X, saying that Williamson's remark about the Holocaust raises questions about the "caliber of the leadership" of the movement. The society has as many as 1.5 million followers, predominantly in Europe but including a congregation that meets in Woburn. The cardinal said, "We know that these are generally people who practice their faith and try to live a Christian life seriously but, unfortunately, I believe that they have been misled by their leadership."

Sort of like Jews and the NaZionist Israeli criminals, 'eh?

In a somewhat novel argument, the cardinal also suggested that Williamson's remarks provide a rationale for the pope's efforts to bring the society back into the Catholic fold, because, "as terrible as the comments were, it underscores the importance for the Holy Father to have increasing influence over those communities." O'Malley called the pope's move a step toward "unity and reconciliation."

Relations between Catholics and Jews have strengthened dramatically since 1965, when Pope Paul VI issued an important declaration, known by its Latin name, Nostra Aetate, that effectively repudiated the theological basis for anti-Semitism by decreeing that the Jews of today should not be charged with the death of Jesus. It also said that "although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures."

I'll make my own judgement on all that.

In recent years, Benedict and O'Malley have been more focused on internal church issues than on interfaith relations, particularly when compared with their predecessors, Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Bernard F. Law, who had very strong personal connections with the Jewish community.

Ooooooooh! So CARDINAL LAW was under the thumb of the Boston Zionists! They must have been blackmailing him with kiddie porn!

Boston-area Jewish leaders yesterday welcomed O'Malley's blog posting, but said they remain concerned about the ramifications of warming Vatican relations with a group skeptical of the Second Vatican Council, the gathering of bishops in the 1960s that led to the church's repudiation of anti-Semitism.

I hate to say it, BUT there is ALWAYS a BUT with THEM!!!!

Either that or "one more thing."

Two local organizations, the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Community Relations Council, have been pushing for a meeting with O'Malley to discuss the issue....

The ADL, huh? See: Zionist Rabbi Sanctions Holocaust Against Palestinians


And it is the story that just won't die; in fact, Globe needs to ponder the idea for a while:

"From Rome to Jerusalem; On the eve of a possible papal visit, Vatican-Israeli relations are challenged again" by Michael Paulson | February 1, 2009

THE MIDDLE EAST is never quiet, but conditions were relatively calm when, late last year, the Vatican acknowledged that Pope Benedict XVI was seriously contemplating his first papal visit to Israel. The trip would be of huge symbolic value - papal visits are always a big deal, but in this case the idea was rich with import. A German pope, who served a brief involuntary stint in the Hitler Youth, would be visiting the nation forged out of the wreckage of the Holocaust.

Yeah, NEVER MIND that there were PEOPLE LIVING THERE ALREADY and WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. The Israeli story is a GREAT STORY -- if your a lying, land-stealing, war-promoting, Zionist Jew that is!!!

If you are a Palestinian who has had your land stolen, your home demolished, your farm destroyed, members of your family killed and imprisoned by a terrorist occupation, not so much of good story I believe they call it the Nakba -- the CATASTROPHE!

But over the last few weeks, first as Israel responded to Palestinian missile attacks with a full-on assault on Gaza, and then as Benedict lifted the two-decades-old excommunication of four right-wing bishops, one of whom is a Holocaust denier, the relationship between Israel and the Vatican has come under considerable strain. A high-ranking Vatican cardinal compared the situation in Gaza to a concentration camp - obviously a sensitive analogy in Israel, and one immediately repudiated by the Vatican. And then the Israeli rabbinate essentially broke off relations with the Vatican over the Holocaust-denying bishop, though there have since been conciliatory comments from both sides.

Who gives a shit? Not me.

Oooh, the Jews are mad at the Catholics. Big whoop!

Last week's tensions are only the most recent in a long series of controversies, generally involving either the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or Catholic-Jewish relations, that have strained the official relationship between the Vatican and the state of Israel. Israel was founded in 1948, but it took another 45 years before the Vatican agreed to recognize the Jewish state.

And even then it was TOO SOON!! ILLEGITIMACY should never be recognized!

Paul VI had visited Israel in 1964, but famously did not acknowledge the existence of the nation, avoiding its key sites, never mentioning its name, refusing to meet with the chief rabbi, and addressing a thank you note to the Israeli president, who lived in Jerusalem, to "Mr. Salman Shazar of Tel Aviv."

In other words, HE INSULTED ISRAEL! :)

At the same time, after nearly two millennia of ugly and often violent treatment of Jews at the hands of Christians, huge steps were taken to improve the relationship between Catholics and Jews....

Yup, ALWAYS the VICTIM! I guess they are getting their payback seeing as all us goyim are suffering and dying for the "chosen ones."


Now comes Benedict XVI, viewed warily by some because of his background in Germany, and clearly more concerned with internal church dynamics than with interfaith relations. Benedict has continued the Vatican's warm posture toward Judaism, visiting synagogues in Germany in 2005 and in New York in 2008....

Well, we know who SOME is, considering the Zionist-controlled source.

But his handling of the Holocaust-denying bishop is only the latest incident in which Benedict has chilled previously warm interfaith relations; he has also made comments that have irked Muslims and Protestants.

Of course, THOSE COMMENTS are NOT NEARLY as IMPORTANT, nor was the HUBUB as LONG!!! Nor did it get the same space and examination in the Zionist-run papers, imagine that!

Watching the developments with interest is Raymond Cohen, one of the leading experts on relations between Israel and the Holy See. Cohen, a professor of international relations at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is spending the current academic year at Boston College as the first Corcoran Visiting Chair in Christian-Jewish Relations, and he is working on a book about the relationship. His previous book, "Saving the Holy Sepulchre: How Rival Christians Came Together to Rescue Their Holiest Shrine," was published last year by Oxford University Press. He spoke to Ideas in his office at Boston College:


What's the impact of Gaza?

COHEN: More than anything else, the breakdown in the peace process and the friction between Israel and the Palestinians has encumbered the relationship between the state of Israel and the Holy See. At the same time, it seems to me there's no reason why it should affect the upcoming visit of the pope, and on the contrary, the visit would give the pope a chance to exert a calming influence on the parties.


No condemnation of Israel's use of WMD and murdering of children and civilians?

IDEAS: What about the reconciliation with the excommunicated bishops?

COHEN: The director of the chief rabbinate rightly said this was a cause of real grief, but since then there have been clarificatory remarks by the pope (and others)...and I think that with the passage of time the relationship will get back on track.

IDEAS: There are so many points of tension.

COHEN: In Judaism, we have an idea of "argument for the sake of heaven." We're not a people that welcomes banal decorum, or harmony for its own sake. Difficult questions have to be argued about, and I think the Catholic Church also appreciates that. If you read the New Testament, Jesus doesn't mind arguing. That's a common tradition. And a relationship based upon a difference of opinion, however profound, I think is a very mutually beneficial relationship. You get to know yourself better, whether you're a Jew or a Catholic, and also you change. This relationship has led to both sides changing.

IDEAS: So will there be a visit this year?

COHEN: I am optimistic, but, of course, the Middle East is not the most predictable of places.

No, particularly with the false-flagging, "by deception thou shalt make war," Mossad crowd in the neighborhood.


And YES, FOUR DAYS LATER the "controversy" is still in the Zionist War Daily's news pages:

"Vatican tells bishop to recant views on Holocaust; Pope reacts after criticism worldwide" by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff | February 5, 2009

The Vatican, facing the biggest controversy to confront the papacy of Benedict XVI, yesterday called on a bishop who has denied the extent of the Holocaust to recant his views.

I heard they were even thinking of bringing CRIMINAL CHARGES against him!!!

Hey, Galileo!! Get up out that grave, and order up a double-suite; you're gonna have company!!!!!

"Eppur si muove!"

The Vatican has just done to Bishop Williamson what they did to Galileo; coerce a point of view which will eventually be proven a lie. Williamson should be glad this isn't the year 1600 because that was the year the Vatican burned Giordano Bruno, a monk no less, for daring suggest that the stars were just like the sun only much further away and possibly even possessing planets of their own.... certain dogmas are indeed falling from grace! By capitulating to the demands of a rival religion, Pope Benny will be seen by his own cardinals as at best weak, at worst a traitor. Have a cup of tea, Benny?" -- Wake the Flock Up

The statement follows an extraordinary global firestorm over Benedict's recent decision to lift the excommunication of Bishop Richard Williamson, who has said he believes only 200,000 to 300,000 Jews were killed in concentration camps, none of them in gas chambers, during World War II.

Only among CERTAIN SMALL GROUPS of people, MSM!

Williamson is among four traditionalist bishops, leaders of a right-wing, anti-modernist, schismatic Catholic movement called the Society of St. Pius X, who had been excommunicated in 1988 because they were ordained without papal sanction, and whose excommunications were lifted by Benedict last month.

Whack, whack, whack!!!

Thank you sir, may I have another disparaging adjective to discredit my position -- never mind the EVIDENCE!

The lifting of the excommunications has provoked unprecedented criticism of the pope. On Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on the pope to clarify his views, and last week, nearly 50 Catholic Democratic members of Congress, including US Representatives William D. Delahunt, Stephen F. Lynch, James McGovern, and Richard E. Neal of Massachusetts, signed a letter asking the pope to repudiate the remarks by Williamson....

Talk about DROPPING YOUR PANTS for the ZIONIST CONTROLLERS of CONGRESS! I'll bet those things hit the floor at the speed of light! Sparks flew from those zippers!

"The world of Jewish-Christian relations is pretty much aflame over this," said Ruth Langer, an associate professor of Jewish studies at Boston College. And John L. Allen Jr., who follows the Vatican for the National Catholic Reporter, said, "They are facing massive global backlash to this decision."

There is only ONE GROUP that is feeling that way, lady!

Awwwwww, the POOR, ISOLATED JEWS AGAIN!!!!!!


And the truth, I must admit, is that the HOLOHOAX™ lie was one of the most crushing and difficult to absorb.

Having been raised in a Zionist-controlled society, the thought was nearly impossible: the Jews lied? The first thing that raised alarm bells was the discrepancy in the numbers. Then there was the replacing of the plaque and so much more. The lack of mass graves at Treblinka (watch: video); the removal of the photographs; the lie of the First World War; the exhaustive documentation of the holohoax; the extortion racket arising from such; the outright lies; the Red Cross totals; the sloppy record keeping and limited access; and on and on.

In fact, just read this:
How One American Evolved into a "Holocaust Denier"

Combined with all I have learned about Israeli involvement in 9/11 (from
Odigo to the five dancing Israelis to what Netanyahu said to the airport security firms to P-Tech and the Mossad-Israeli Connection To 9/11), and all the other missing links, there is a level of betrayal here that is nearly beyond belief.

I guess it IS a the HOLOHOAX™ after all!

So know we know what "mainstream historians" -- and some not so not so mainstream -- are all about!


"Prof. Zelikow’s area of academic expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, 'public myths’ or 'public presumptions’ which he defines as 'beliefs (1) thought to be true ( although not necessarily known with certainty) and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community.’ In his academic work and elsewhere he has taken a special interest in what he has called 'searing’ or 'molding’ events (that) take on transcendent’ importance and therefore retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene….He has noted that 'a history’s narrative power is typically linked to how readers relate to the actions of individuals in the history; if readers cannot make the connection to their own lives, then a history may fail to engage them at all." ("Thinking about Political History" Miller center Report, winter 1999, p 5-7)

Isn’t that the same as saying there is neither history nor truth; that what is really important is the manipulation of epochal events so they serve the interests of society’s managers? Thus, it follows that if the government can create their own "galvanizing events", then they can write history any way they choose."

Seems RIGHT where we are, doesn't it?

What a COINCIDENCE, huh?

Update: Controversial bishop to 'examine Holocaust evidence'