Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Don't Trust Twitter

Nor Myspace or Facebook or any off those other spy tools.

Not when I see Rick Sanchez of CNN PROMOTING IT!


Sorry, but THAT is what it has come to; if the MSM is reacting POSITIVELY to an idea, then I can only assume it is for their AGENDA-PUSHING and NEFARIOUS PURPOSES!!

The Eyes and Ears of the Web

Let's face it, there is not ONE THING this media or government is doing for you as YOUR SUFFERING should make clear, Americans!!!!

"All a-Twitter; You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder why - all in 140 characters" by Erin McKean | February 8, 2009

.... Twitter has already birthed an entire ecosystem of other sites that extend its power or interact with it. But Twitter isn't just a platform for technological innovation: It's showing signs as an engine of creativity for the language, too.

Unlike blog posts, or Facebook status updates, Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters - short enough to be displayed on a cellphone....

Oh, so it is CONCISION -- you know, the phenomena leftists complain about when it comes to the MSM.

Yup, DON'T HAVE the TIME or SPACE to truly INVESTIGATE or ISSUE analysis on anything. Keep it to a SOUND BITE!!!!

Of course, we know how the MSM feels towards blogs not their own, so....

As with many new communications tools - remember CB radio? - Twitter is already a productive source of new vocabulary. The messages are "tweets"; the people signed up to get them are your followers - or tweeple, or tweeps (although there are people pushing twerps and twits as the proper nomenclature).

Yup, the TWEEPLE!!!!!!! Pffffffffftttt!!!!

The Twittersphere (or Twitterverse) includes both the Twitterati (or Tweetstars) who have lots and lots of followers, and those who have just a few. It even includes tworkers - people whose jobs involve using Twitter.

A twoosh is a message that fits the maximum of 140 characters exactly, without editing; there are also mistweets, retweets, and - when sent under the influence of alcohol - "dweets."

Twittering too much may get you accused of Twitterhea, or cause your tweeple to "unfollow" you. Unfollowing might also be the punishment for other breaches of Twitiquette, such as using Twitter to send spam tweets (or speets)....

Gee, the MSM SURE LIKE the LINGO and JARGON -- as they promote the data-mining measure of espionage!

But it's not just the twords that make Twitter interesting, it's the character limit, the implicit constraint of being interesting, witty, informative - in short, of being worthy of the limited attention of your followers....

Yup, the MSM LOVES TWITTER -- even as they INSULT YOUR ASSES, America!!

Youse too 'too-pid to have an attention span longer than a minute.

Must come from eating MSM and televised shit spiked with prescription drugs, 'eh?


For the record, I will add on a personal level that I feel I have been personally touched by this deception and why I view ANY WEB CONTACT very suspiciously.

The web is good for INFORMATION, not personal relations -- which is why there are no comments here. I've found that as soon as I open up to people on the web, they pull back and are gone. In one instance, I have to seriously question how I was approached by a particular individual and their fantastic stories and strange messages. Then, once they have me in their confidence, gone. I hope you got what you wanted.

So I'M GLAD I NEVER "networked" and "socialized" on any of that intelligence gathering crap. Why do I need that junk when my views are right here. And if they take it away, so what? The knowledge genie will never go back in the bottle.