(Is that a destroyed building behind him?)

DEMOCRATS VISIT GAZA - Senator John F. Kerry toured a destroyed area in the Gaza Strip yesterday. Kerry, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, was one of three congressional Democrats in the region. A7 (Khalil Hamra/Associated Press)
Go places you NEVER WENT BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!! Be sure to see the related items at the end of the spread, Senator!
"Kerry, two Democrats visit Gaza to assess damage, needs; Trip is first by US officials in over 3 years" by Taghreed el-Khodary, New York Times | February 20, 2009
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Three congressional Democrats, including Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, visited Gaza yesterday, saying they wanted to see for themselves the destruction caused by the war with Israel last month and to assess the area's needs.
They were the first American government officials to visit this Palestinian coastal strip run by Hamas in more than three years and the first American legislators to come since 2000, according to a spokeswoman for the American Consulate in Jerusalem.
Kerry said that his visit indicated no change in American policy toward Hamas, which is officially committed to the destruction of Israel and which the United States labels a terrorist group. He said he would not meet with any Hamas leaders.
Never mind Israel being committed to the seizure and destruction of Palestine and Palestinians.
And why you gotta lie, John?
"Hamas reported to cite 18-month truce" by Associated Press | February 13, 2009
CAIRO - The deputy leader of Hamas said last night that the Islamic militant group has agreed to an 18-month truce with Israel for the Gaza Strip.... --more--"
"Hamas has to change its policies," Kerry said while visiting the ruins of the American International School in Gaza, which was destroyed by an Israeli air attack in early January. "There is no change in our policy."
Yeah, HAMAS HAS TO CHANGE not the MURDEROUS NaZionist, jews-only state, says the Zionist servant!
Yup, ISRAEL BOMBS OUR SCHOOL (and lies about it) but HAMAS MUST CHANGE!!!!
(Blog author is incredulous at this point)
Since taking office last month, President Obama has said he wants to improve America's ties with the Muslim world. The White House had no comment on Kerry's visit.
No, they didn't comment on this, either: Israel Bitch-Slaps Obama With West Bank Land Seizure
In Israel, legislator Yuval Steinitz, a member of the hawkish Likud party on Parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said he saw no policy message in Kerry's tour.
I do.
"I don't think it means anything because Kerry is a member of the Senate and does not represent the administration. It's just the United States saying it is not ignoring the Palestinians," Steinitz said. "It's not a change in policy because he didn't meet with any Hamas members."
Actually, I agree with that. We will still serve Israel.
Kerry, who is on a tour of the region, entered Gaza after seeing the remains of Palestinian rockets fired at the Israeli city of Sderot.
There goes the jewsmedia again, swinging the story back around to the poor, beseiged joos. They are truly disgusting!
And about those rockets!!!
He was accompanied in Sderot by Israel's foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, who is engaged in negotiations to try to build a coalition of parties after elections more than a week ago.
Separately, two other congressmen visited Gaza: Representative Brian Baird, Democrat of Washington, and Representative Keith Ellison, Democrat of Minnesota. Their trip was arranged independently of Kerry's but included similar tours of destroyed areas and meetings with UN officials.
Although none of the Americans met with Hamas officials, a senior Hamas leader said he was pleased by their visit.
"This is a very good step reflecting the seriousness of this administration to follow up and get information about what is happening on the ground," said Ahmed Youssef, the deputy foreign minister in the Hamas government. "We know that we are still on the terrorist list and we know their position about not engaging with Hamas. But we are still happy that they are the ones evaluating the scale of the Israeli crimes and the destruction caused by Israel. By seeing for themselves, they can get a more balanced view than that of the previous administration."
I doubt it will change a damn thing, but maybe some guilt will start creeping into their consciousness!
Update (what AmeriKa's jewsmedia won't tell you):
"Washington, D.C. – Two members of Congress, Brian Baird (D-WA-03), and Keith Ellison, (D-MN-05), visited Gaza on Thursday to view firsthand the destruction from recent Israeli air and ground attacks and to meet with international and local relief agencies. This visit, which did not have the official sanction of the Obama Administration, is the first time anyone from the U.S. government has entered Gaza in more than three years....
After spending the day visiting various locations within Gaza and meeting with civilians and relief workers, Baird and Ellison were deeply affected by what they had seen and heard.
“The stories about the children affected me the most,” said Ellison. “No parent, or anyone who cares for kids, can remain unmoved by what Brian and I saw here.”
“The amount of physical destruction and the depth of human suffering here is staggering” said Baird, “Entire neighborhoods have been destroyed, schools completely leveled, fundamental water, sewer, and electricity facilities hit and relief agencies heavily damaged.
You know, WAR CRIMES!
The personal stories of children being killed in their homes or schools, entire families wiped out, and relief workers prevented from evacuating the wounded are heart wrenching – what went on here, and what is continuing to go on, is shocking and troubling beyond words.”
Inquiring about the status of relief efforts, the Congressmen learned that some aid material has been allowed in since the intensity of the attacks lessened a month ago, but much is still being blocked by the Israeli defense forces. Examples of aid that has been banned by the Israeli Government include: lentils, macaroni, tomato paste, lentils and other food. Basic building materials, generator fuel and parts to repair damaged water treatment equipment have also been kept out.
“If this had happened in our own country, there would be national outrage and an appeal for urgent assistance. We are glad that the Obama administration acted quickly to send much needed funding for this effort but the arbitrary and unreasonable Israeli limitations on food and repair essentials is unacceptable and indefensible. People, innocent children, women and non-combatants, are going without water, food and sanitation, while the things they so desperately need are sitting in trucks at the border, being denied permission to go in” said Baird and Ellison.
I'm not so sure about the outrage (Ike, Katrina, every day poverty).
The Congressmen’s concerns about treatment of Palestinians were not limited to Gaza. They also visited Palestinian hospitals that treat patients from East Jerusalem and the West Bank. There they met with doctors, nurses and hospital directors who described how official Israeli policies and restricted border checkpoints make it exceedingly difficult and expensive for patients, nurses, medical technicians, and other essential personnel to reach the hospital to receive or provide care.
“It’s hard for anyone in our country to imagine how it must feel to have a sick child who needs urgent care or is receiving chemotherapy or dialysis, then be forced to take a needlessly lengthy route, walk rather than drive, and wait in lines as long as two hours simply to get to the hospital. As a health care professional myself, I found this profoundly troubling, no, actually it’s beyond that, it is outrageous,” said Baird.
Responding to this and other issues the Congressman emphasized that fundamental changes and solutions are needed beyond the immediate challenges in Gaza....
--hattip --"