Thursday, February 12, 2009

McDonalds to Blame For Global Warming

I never see the enviro-protesters over there, either!!! WTF?

"In Brazil, the fast decline of a protected rain forest" by Joshua Partlow, Washington Post | February 8, 2009

BOM FUTURO NATIONAL FOREST, Brazil - .... Across the Amazon, such development pressures are challenging Brazil's aspirations to halt the destruction of the world's largest rain forest. The stakes are particularly high not only because of the rich biological diversity and immense freshwater resources found here, but also because the rain forest plays an important role in removing gases from the atmosphere that contribute to global warming.

Scientists say about one-fifth of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from cutting down rain forests - much of that from the Amazon. Brazil is one of the top four emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. More than 4,600 square miles of the Amazon were deforested last year....

I agree. Cutting down trees not a good idea!
