Thursday, May 28, 2009

Obama: In His Own Words

Eat it up, lefties!

"Obama urges dialogue, not demonization, on abortion; Says sides can work together on root causes" by Joseph Williams, Globe Staff | May 18, 2009

WASHINGTON - While most recognize the need to find common ground on issues like abortion, Obama said, part of the problem "lies in the imperfections of man" and an unwillingness to see beyond "immediate self-interest and crass materialism" and the desire of both sides to dominate the discussion.

Then what's with the economic and war policies!

Soldiers and lawyers both love America, "and yet reach very different conclusions on the specific steps needed to protect us from harm," just as gay activists and evangelical ministers want to fight the HIV/AIDS virus but can't agree how, Obama said....

That debate can be resolved, and common ground found, only through good works, kindness, and mutual respect - a fundamental part of all religious traditions, Obama said.

The man's disingenuous or an idiot.

Tell it to the Zionist Jews who think we are all subhuman animals!!!


As students try to sort out what's true, Obama said, "have confidence in the values with which you've been raised and educated.

The Zionist brainwashing? That revelation is why I am the way I am now!

Be unafraid to speak your mind when those values are at stake," yet recognize that "the ultimate irony of faith is that it necessarily admits doubt. It is the belief in things not seen."

Then WHY can't you HEAR 9/11 TRUTH, sir!!!!!?

If nothing else, the president concluded, the graduates should have faith "that through our collective labor, and God's providence, and our willingness to shoulder each other's burdens, America will continue on its precious journey towards that more perfect union."

The globalist mouthpiece he has become just makes me sick now.

Same feeling I had about George W. Bush.
