"Somalis choose moderate Islamist as president; New leader vows to promote peace, address piracy" by Abdi Guled, Reuters | February 1, 2009

People celebrated on the streets of Mogadishu yesterday after moderate Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed (at left) was sworn in as Somalia's president. Somali women danced in the streets and antiaircraft missiles were blasted into the air to celebrate Ahmed's election victory. (Ismail Taxta/ Reuters)
Yeah, and cats and dogs are living together, too!!!!
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali women danced in the streets and antiaircraft missiles were blasted into the air yesterday to celebrate the election of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed as president.
The moderate Islamist leader won the presidency in an all-night parliament session in neighboring Djibouti yesterday and vowed to end the decades-old conflict in the Horn of Africa nation, make peace with neighbors, address the problem of piracy, and rule with honesty and justice.
He will certainly try; however, with the U.S protecting their thug pirates and funding their thug warlords as an "offshoot terror group"
Analysts said Ahmed has a real possibility of reuniting Somalis, given his Islamist roots, the backing of parliament, and support from once hostile Western nations.
Does that mean the U.S. is going to BUTT OUT? So ALL the DEAD PEOPLE and the SUFFERING REFUGEES were for NOTHING? Right back where we were almost three years ago?
Ahmed was chairman of the Islamic Courts Union that ran Mogadishu for six months in 2006 before Ethiopian soldiers drove them from power....
Yeah, the ETHIOPIANS didn't INVADE at our behest or anything. Don't mention that the SIX-MONTH ISLAMIC RULE was the MOST PEACE Somalia has seen in a long time!
In Mogadishu, thousands of supporters converged in the capital's war-battered stadium chanting "long live Sheikh Sharif."
"Welcome Sharif, we are tired of war. Let Somalis join hands," Farhia Hassan, a mother of three, said as she waved a green branch symbolizing peace....
That's right!
Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca, an Islamist group, said they would support Ahmed but warned him not to reach out to al-Shabab, their archrival. The group said it was not interested in politics but in the protection of Islam.
Yup, there is your dose of propaganda.
Ahmed has said he will try to correct what he sees as the misinterpretation of Islam by some insurgents and will welcome fighters in a new national security force, as long as they are committed to peace.
The ones that are not are most likely in the employ of the CIA!
Somalia's parliament met all week in neighboring Djibouti to choose the new president....
How come this is the first I've heard of it? What is with the selective coverage of politics, MSM?
Not all in Somalia celebrated. "Sharif's election was illegitimate and we shall never recognize him and his government," said Warsame Abdi Samatar, information minister for Somalia's semiautonomous Puntland.
Those must be our guys!
Some politicians from Puntland said they interpreted the comments as a warning to the new president to make sure the semiautonomous region is given senior government positions....
Related: Slow Saturday Special: Ethiopia Reinvades Somalia
It's all quiet on the Somalia front this Saturday.
"Somali leader asks help to fight rebels" by Reuters | May 26, 2009
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed urged the international community yesterday to help his forces fend off hardline Islamist rebels who have hundreds of foreign fighters in their ranks.
Yup, it is "Al-CIA-Duh," that's for sure!
I mean, the LIE is SO HUGE!!!!!
Neighboring states and Western security services fear Somalia, which has been mired in civil war for 18 years, could become a base for Al Qaeda-linked militants and destabilize the region, unless the new government can defeat them.
If you read my link (and the others provided within) you would see what garbage journalism this is. That's why the Globe is tanking; you can't put out shit like this day after day and expect people to believe you.
A surge in violence this month has killed nearly 200 people in Mogadishu and driven some 60,000 residents from their homes. At least 53 people have died since Friday morning when the government attacked insurgent strongholds in the capital.
Notice how they IGNORE the OVER ONE MILLION already living as refugees?!!
And that SURGE in VIOLENCE just after the "new government' came in, 'eh?
It's what I would call a SOMALI STENCH if you ask me.
A suicide car bomber killed six policemen and a civilian in the city on Sunday, and the hardline Al Shabaab insurgent movement said that more suicide attacks would target pro-government forces in the coming days.
Al Shabaab, which the United States says has close links to Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network, has been spearheading the rebel offensive with allied guerrilla group Hizbul Islam. They stepped up attacks in the capital earlier this month.
I don't know about you, but I HAVE HAD IT with WESTERN-BACKED, FUNDED and CREATED "terrorists" with NEW NAMES ALL THE TIME!!!!
The United Nations says hundreds of foreign fighters have joined the insurgents and an influential opposition leader said Friday that some Arabs had come to Somalia to wage holy war against the Western-backed government.
Yeah, even though it is an ISLAMIST GOVERNMENT!!!
And here is one more observation:
That AGENDA-PUSH must have been ACCOMPLISHED (globalist presence patrolling a vital shipping lane -- and dumping toxic easte into the Somali sea), so it is TIME to MOVE on to LAND!!!!