Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Pregnancy Diet

They have really gone to far on this one, folks.

They want you to birth emaciated kids now?

"Doctors urge less pregnancy weight gain for obese women" by Lauran Neergaard, Associated Press | May 29, 2009

Ladies, you LOOK JUST FINE!!!

In fact, you LOOK BEAUTIFUL!!

There is nothing I like seeing on the street or in the store more than an expectant mom with a belly bump!

WE LOVE LIFE here at MSM Monitor, doncha know?

WASHINGTON - Meeting the guidelines could be a tall order, considering that about 55 percent of women of childbearing age are overweight, that preconception care isn't that common, and about half of pregnancies are unplanned....

See: Boston Globe Bullies

You sure those women are fat?

But pregnancy is not a time to lose weight, stressed guidelines co-author Dr. Anna Maria Siega-Riz of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.... Implementing the guidelines may take a move "to change the whole culture about pregnancy" and eating, Siega-Riz said....

One wonders how humans have made it this far, hmmm?

How did we ever figure out how to birth babies without the good doctors' guidelines, 'eh?

"It's really a teachable moment," said guidelines coauthor Dr. Patrick Catalano, obstetrics chairman at Ohio's Case Western Reserve University.

Translation: agenda-pushing in session.

Obstetricians, who have struggled with how to advise heavier women as US obesity rates have soared over the past two decades, welcomed the guidelines - especially the recognition that babies born too large tend to grow into overweight children at risk for their own health problems. Not too many years ago it was rare to see a 9-pound, or larger, newborn....

That's what the biotech drugs are for, ka-ching.
