You can imagine how thrilled I was to start with some BOSTON GLOBE CENSORSHIP (I knew something stunk):
"Police consider drug link in killing at Harvard dormitory
And yet, when you click on the link....

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-- Your friends at "I guess that's the Globe's way of lighting an incense. Can still smell it, Globe.
See: The Ole Sunday Switcheroo
Boston Globe Covers For Drunk Connecticut Judge
Boston Globe Censors Geithner's CFR Appearance
Boston Globe Says NCLB Worked
Boston Globes Censors Civilian Slaughter
This is what makes the paper "worth" getting (hand-typed).
"Drug link is possible in killing at Harvard; Messages reportedly described popular strains of marijuana" by Tracy Jan and John Ellement Globe Staff | May 22, 2009
Marijuana and other drugs have always made their way onto college campuses. Harvard is no exception. But students there say the illegal activity, which many turn a blind eye to, has become more worrisome after a shooting inside a residence hall this week.
The possibility that the killing of a Cambridge man Monday was connected to the campus drug trade stirred fears yesterday that innocent students could be put in harm's way and raised concerns about whether the university is doing enough to combat illegal drug use....
Yeah, never mind that the voters damn near decriminalized it last fall.
Globe didn't like that, and they haven't forgotten.
The Harvard Crimson reported yesterday that a Harvard student, whose identity was withheld by the student newspaper, had revealed to the paper two text messages traced to a cellphone registered to a woman with the same name as Cosby's mother. The messages, sent by a man the student knew only as Justin, purportedly made explicit references to popular strains of marijuana.
Wouldn't the kids text in code?
University officials would not answer questions yesterday about drugs on campus and directed all questions about the shooting to the Middlesex district attorney's office, which declined to comment. Investigators are searching for several suspects....
"People make personal choices, and as long as they don't harm other people, they can do whatever they want," said Alan Ibrahim, a sophomore and a resident of Kirkland House who attended high school with Cosby but did not know him....
That kid exemplifies the failure of the AmeriKan educational system with that statement! Either Harvard is insulated with different laws, or that kid ain't living in AmeriKa!!!!
Anywho, this next article wasn't scrubbed, although the smell still lingers like weed:
"Police say Harvard killing was 'drug rip'; Student tied to suspect barred from graduating" by John R. Ellement and Eric Moskowitz, Globe Staff | May 23, 2009
CAMBRIDGE - A plot to rob a marijuana dealer inside a Harvard residence hall Monday went badly awry and ended with the shooting death of a 21-year-old Cambridge man, authorities said yesterday, as details began to emerge about two female Harvard students who knew both the victim and his alleged assailants.
There is your drug ring.
Middlesex District Attorney Gerard T. Leone Jr. said the botched "drug rip" that cost the life of the suspected dealer, Justin Cosby, centered on a pound of marijuana and $1,000 in cash that Jabrai Jordan Copney of New York and two others allegedly came to Cambridge to steal....
Leone indicated that the men gained entrance to the dormitory because they had been provided an electronic-access card by one of the female students. The killing inside an entranceway of Kirkland House was a rare intrusion of deadly street violence on the usually quiet academic enclave, and it prompted questions about drug use on the Harvard campus....
Copney is a budding songwriter and a New York City resident whose longtime girlfriend is a Harvard senior, according to Copney's lawyer, J.W. Carney Jr....
Authorities yesterday said this was not Cosby's first visit to campus, describing him as a marijuana dealer to Harvard students. Copney, apparently intent on robbing Cosby of drugs and money, arranged the meeting and brought two other men with him from New York, Leone said. Witnesses described hearing at least three shots, one of which struck Cosby in the abdomen. Cosby ran outside Kirkland and collapsed, with the drugs and money near his body....
They came to rob him, shot him, and then left the drugs and money?
After the shooting, Copney was seen fleeing the dorm in an orange and black jacket, a gun in his hand, Middlesex Assistant District Attorney Daniel Bennett said at the arraignment. Copney and the two men went to Lowell House, a nearby dorm, and disposed of the gun, prosecutors said. Authorities said they had recovered what they believe is the murder weapon.
WTF? They panicked and left the murder weapon in a dorm?
The two other men, who remain unidentified, returned to New York City and were still at large yesterday, authorities said.
Unidentified? Why?
Copney, who turned himself in to Cambridge police Thursday evening, has been charged in connection with the killing but he has not been identified as the person who pulled the trigger.
Now the story gets even stranger:
Copney has no prior criminal history and lives with his sister and mother in New York City, according to Carney. His father is a retired New York City police officer and his mother is a New York City employee.
In 2007, Copney graduated from a performing arts high school in New York City but he chose to forgo college to pursue a career as a songwriter, Carney said.
I wish I had learned how to do that; I wouldn't be here now.
Writing music is "both a dream and a reality for this young man," Carney said, adding that his client has secured a contract to record an album of his own material. Cosby's mother, Denise, attended the arraignment with a handful of other women and left without speaking to reporters. She could not be reached for comment at her home yesterday.
I wouldn't talk to the Globe under any circumstances, good or bad.
Harvard officials said the shooting would prompt them to revisit school drug and safety policies.
There "are important lessons to learn from this sad episode," Evelynn M. Hammonds, dean of Harvard College, wrote in a letter posted on the school's website. "I intend to work with student leaders and others to address the nature and risks of illicit drug use on campus . . . and to examine the adequacy of existing policies relating to student life."
Both the undergraduate handbook and the Harvard University Police Department guide to safety warn students that Harvard will not act as "protector or sanctuary" from city, state, and federal laws.
Yeah, UNLESS they are ILLEGALS!!!!
Worse for these folks: they BLACK!!!!
Penalties range from loss of student loans to expulsion and prison.
But no deportations if you are an illegal who is enrolled at Harvard!
But students say the reality is that those who choose to smoke marijuana do so with little fear of getting caught, calling the drug something that scarcely registers on the radar of university officials.
We VOTED for it, and the HEALTH and ECONOMIC BENEFITS are just waiting to be harvested!!!!
"It is definitely rare to hear of an instance in which you have severe disciplinary punishment that comes down related to marijuana," said J.P. Chilazi, president of Harvard's Drug & Alcohol Peer Advisors, a trained student group that provides outreach and education on alcohol and drug issues. "It's much more likely that it's going to be related to cheating or some sort of fight or vandalism."
Yes, because weed is a PEACEFUL DRUG!!
The only thing you attack is the REFRIGERATOR!
Students interviewed in Harvard Yard yesterday said the killing was an abrupt, frightening interruption of life on campus. "I just feel they brought their little world here for one hour, and it's unfortunate," said Natalie Peters, 22, from Missouri, who is graduating with a degree in biochemistry. She called the circumstances "surreal."
You can go back into your cocoon now, girlie!
So what is up with the censorship, 'eh?
Related: Boston Globe Covers Up Israeli Ecstasy Ring
The Boston Globe is a Mouthpiece For the Jewish Mafia
Boston Globe Protecting Jewish Mafia
You see, because this next item NEVER APPEARED in my printed paper:
"Student says Harvard is wrongly linking her to campus murder" by John R. Ellement, Globe Staff | May 26, 2009
Maybe the Globe staff is high, 'eh? That would account for the missing articles here and there, wouldn't it?
A Harvard University honors student said last night she has been wrongly linked to last week's murder on campus, and she accused university administrators of unjustly barring her from graduating next month.
Chanequa N. Campbell said in a telephone interview monitored by her attorney, Jeffrey T. Karp, that she was ordered off the Cambridge campus last Friday and told she will not graduate June 4.
Campbell said Harvard officials did not give her a specific reason for their actions, but took the steps after Cambridge resident Justin Cosby was shot inside Kirkland House on May 18, allegedly by a New York man, Jordan Copney.
Campbell, who said she lives in the Kirkland annex and not in the area where the shooting took place, said she is a friend of Copney's longtime girlfriend, who is also a Harvard student living in Lowell House on campus. But, she said, she did not know Cosby, who Middlesex District Attorney Gerard T. Leone Jr. said last week was selling marijuana to Harvard students before he was killed.
She also said her Harvard access card was not used by Copney to gain entry to Kirkland House - authorities said someone gave Copney a Harvard card.... Last week, Leone said two female Harvard students were the connection between Cosby and Copney. He did not name the students.
Campbell said she and her family will now probably have to forgo the dream of seeing her wear a Harvard robe and collect a sociology degree. Asked why she believes Harvard administrators took the actions they did, she said she was not making an "overall claim of racism," but "I do believe I am being singled out. . . . The honest answer to that is that I'm black and I'm poor and I'm from New York and I walk a certain way and I keep my clothes a certain way," she said. "It's something that labels me as different from everyone else."
Hey, that doesn't matter at Harvard.
In the interview, Campbell was asked if she sold marijuana to her fellow students before the shooting. "No," she said.
What is she going to say? Yeah, I did?
Campbell is 21 and a native of Brooklyn's tough Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood. She is a New York Times scholarship winner, a
All while smokin' the demon weed?
See this? This is your brain.
See this? This is your brain on drugs.
Pretty expensive lesson, 'eh, lady?
And just like a puff of smoke, readers, the story is gone from the Globe's news pages.
And yet, the smell still lingers!
"NYC man is arrested in killing at Harvard; Police consider possible drug link to dorm homicide" by John R. Ellement and Tracy Jan, Globe Staff | May 22, 2009
A 20-year-old New York City man surrendered to Cambridge police yesterday evening and will be charged with murdering a Cambridge man inside a Harvard University residence hall Monday afternoon, Middlesex prosecutors said last night.
Jabrai Jordan Copney is scheduled to be arraigned in Cambridge District Court today in connection with the killing of Justin Cosby, 21, according to a statement released by Gerard T. Leone Jr., the Middlesex district attorney.
Cosby was shot inside the J entryway of Kirkland House around 5 p.m. After being shot he ran up Dunster Street to Mount Auburn Street, where he collapsed. He died Tuesday morning in Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Copney is not a Harvard student, but authorities were investigating whether Cosby was selling marijuana to Harvard students as they sought his killer. Prosecutors said in the statement that they learned that Copney "was visiting friends at the campus."
According to court records, Cosby had at least one minor brush with law enforcement when he was arrested by Cambridge police in 2007 and charged with possession of marijuana after a small plastic bag and two marijuana cigarettes were found in his car. The drug possession charge was continued without a finding and then dismissed in June 2008 because Cosby had no new arrests during that time, records show.
How come the Harvard kid got a break?