Lawmakers want to know if former vice president Dick Cheney had any role in creating or directing the program.
"CIA Assassin Program Was Nearing New Phase “The finding imposed no geographical limitations on the agency’s actions, and intelligence officials have said that they were not obliged to notify Congress of each operation envisaged under the directive.”
"No geographical limitations = YOUR HOME" -- Wake the Flock Up
Also see: Slow Saturday Special: Covering Up Bush's Crimes
Boston Sunday Globe Censorship: Covering Up Cheney's Crimes
"Hayden denies Congress not informed" by PAMELA HESS, The Associated Press | July 11, 2009
WASHINGTON -- Former CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden angrily struck back Saturday at assertions the Bush administration's post-9/11 surveillance program was more far-reaching than imagined and was largely concealed from congressional overseers.
Yeah, except:
New York Times Admits Bush Administration Spying Began in December of 2000... BEFORE TAKING OFFICE!
Bush's Wiretapping Began BEFORE 9/11!!
The New York Times Tool
In an interview with The Associated Press, Hayden maintained that top members of Congress were kept well-informed all along the way, notwithstanding protests from some that they were kept in the dark....
Then they are ALL GUILTY!!!!
Hayden designed and carried out the secret program....
The program included the wiretapping of American phone and computer lines....
Hayden also said that the members of Congress who were briefed were told the average daily level of surveillance activity and the cumulative activity since the program started. And he said the meetings nearly always occurred at the White House, with Vice President Dick Cheney in attendance. The Bush surveillance program has been contentious since it was first revealed, raising concerns about the extent of secret activities undertaken since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington and the potential violation of civil liberties....
It was so secret that few members of Bush's inner circle were "read in" on program. Even John Ashcroft, who was attorney general at the time, got an accurate description of one surveillance activity only two years after he first certified it as legal. And his initial request to brief his chief of staff and deputy on the program were refused by the White House.
And he was the top law enforcement officer in the U.S. at the time. But the Bush administration didn't lie about 9/11.
Bush authorized the warrantless wiretapping program under the authority of a secret court in 2006, and Congress approved most of the intercepts in a 2008 electronic surveillance law.
Look at how the MSM tries to make it sound as if the spying was only occurring the last two years. But hey, why complain about obfuscations when there are so many on a daily basis?
In the interview Saturday, Hayden called the program extremely valuable and said that it served as an early warning system to help prevent further al-Qaida attacks....
Yeah, right, it warned them about "Al-CIA-Duh."
"2 senators suggest secret antiterror program broke law; Say Cheney ordered concealment" by Pete Yost, Associated Press | July 13, 2009
WASHINGTON - Six months into Barack Obama’s presidency, his Democratic allies are pushing for twin investigations into Bush-era torture and antiterrorism policies.
But not too hard.
Two senators including the head of the intelligence committee suggested yesterday that the prior administration broke the law by concealing a CIA counterterrorism program from Congress. The assertion that Vice President Dick Cheney ordered the concealment came amid word that Attorney General Eric Holder is contemplating opening a criminal probe of possible CIA torture.
I will believe it when I see it happen and not before. I've been disappointed too many times in the past.
A move to appoint a criminal prosecutor is certain to stir partisan bickering that could prove a distraction to Obama’s efforts to push ambitious healthcare and energy reform.
Why? Congress can't walk and chew gum at the same time?
Besides, I'd rather have their legislation derailed and this would be a perfect way to do it!
Obama has repeatedly expressed reluctance to probing alleged Bush-era abuses. He resisted an effort by congressional Democrats to establish a “truth commission,’’ saying the nation should be “looking forward and not backwards.’’
That's why his popularity is dropping like a WTC tower on 9/11.
Reports about the counterterrorism program, Cheney’s role in directing its existence be kept from Congress, and the attorney general’s consideration of a special prosecutor came on the eve of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.
Regarding the Bush administration’s conduct in the war on terrorism, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, said, “I’ve always preferred my idea of a commission of inquiry to look at all these issues.’’
A Justice Department official told said Holder will decide in the next few weeks whether to appoint a prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration’s harsh interrogation practices.
--more--"Notice how the MSM is HIDING the fact that the program was an ASSASSINATION SQUAD?
"Calls grow for action on CIA plan to kill Al Qaeda leaders; Program kept from Congress for 8 years" by Pamela Hess, Associated Press | July 14, 2009
WASHINGTON - Congressional demands for an investigation grew yesterday over new disclosures that a secret CIA program to capture or kill Al Qaeda leaders was concealed from Congress for eight years, perhaps at the behest of former vice president Dick Cheney.
What is with the BACKTRACKING, MSM? "Perhaps?"
The program, which never got off the ground and remains shrouded in mystery....
Sniff, sniff. I smell a COVER UP!!!!
Now they are saying the program was never operational?
Oh, the unending frikkin' lies!
The issue might come down to whether any tax dollars were spent on the planning - and thus subject to congressional scrutiny....
Well, it is ALL TAX DOUGH no matter WHERE you look!
What this implies is that there will be no investigation.
The program presents a delicate dilemma for the Obama administration, which so far has steered clear of joining congressional calls for investigating controversial intelligence-community actions under former president George W. Bush and Cheney and prosecuting those who broke the law....
Especially since they are CONTINUING the POLICY, 'eh? I know, I know, Panetta said he shut it down; however, when was the last time the CIA or government told the truth?
As to a related controversy, reports that Attorney General Eric Holder may be leaning toward having a criminal prosecutor look into whether US interrogators tortured terror suspects, Gibbs repeated Obama’s earlier statement that “our efforts are better focused looking forward than looking back.’’
I can't wait until we are seeing the back of this administration.
One official with direct knowledge of the plan said Bush authorized killing Al Qaeda leaders and that Congress was made aware of that. However, the official said, Panetta also told members of Congress that, according to notes that he had been given on the early months of the program, Cheney directed the CIA not to inform Congress of the specifics of the secret program....
THAT is a CRIME right there!
And now, the confirmation of a cover up.
"The CIA’s assassination plan
The CIA had a scheme on the drawing board....
In this case, the program never became operational....
Good job, Globe!
"Covert action programs, a particularly secret category in which the role of the United States is hidden"
Then the Globe did a great job, huh?
And you know what the strange thing is?
Haven't heard a word about the program since -- and don't expect to, either.
"Most online observers have concluded that the program in question is the assassination team that reported directly to Vice President Dick Cheney reported by Sy Hersch." -- Wake the Flock Up