Friday, July 24, 2009

The Boston Globe Censors Wars for a Second Day

Not a re-post, readers!!!

For the SECOND DAY in a ROW!!!!!

Violence and updates in my printed Globe this rainy Friday morning:







Any other spot on the Globe:

You GET the POINT, world?

This is NEW ENGLAND'S LARGEST NEWSPAPER we are talking about here!!!!

Actually, it shouldn't really surprise me. Look at what they are looking through (sun = truth, reader):

The total eclipse was the longest of the 21st century so far.

Of course, they have PLENTY of the DIVISIVE, AGENDA-PUSHING garbage!

It's the TALK of the TOWN!

Sergeant gets backup

Some successful blacks find Gates’s episode all too familiar

Residents deplore, hail remarks by Obama

Obama’s defense of Gates remark draws more fire

Hey, let’s talk about the Gates situation

Hey, let's not.

I don't think I'll be
buying today.
