Friday, July 3, 2009

Hearing the Call of the Minaret

It is Friday, isn't it?

"A call to prayer, a long quest fulfilled; Celebration follows years of controversy" by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff | June 26, 2009

Nine-year-old Sarah Erritouni of Revere was busy learning calligraphy yesterday at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury.
Nine-year-old Sarah Erritouni of Revere was busy learning calligraphy yesterday at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury. (Suzanne Kreiter/Globe Staff)

Critics of the $15.6 million mosque in Roxbury Crossing continue to assert that it is backed by extremists and will become a breeding ground for hatred.

Like the synagogues?

But for many local Muslims, the criticisms are biased and racist, the controversy a tragic distraction from what they view as a joyful moment. They have succeeded, they said, in constructing a landmark facility that heralds their presence in a city founded by people fleeing religious persecution....

The truth is we could use a mosque around here. It would really brighten up the neighborhood.

Conspicuously absent will be leaders of most of the city’s major Jewish organizations, who have been made uneasy by critics’ assertions....

What, the tolerant, open-minded, peace-loving Jews are ABSENT? Yeah.

The primary critic of the mosque has been Charles Jacobs, a longtime Jewish activist in Boston who previously founded the American Anti-Slavery Group, which works to oppose slavery in Sudan and elsewhere, and The David Project, an Israel advocacy organization.


See: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews

Jewish Involvement in Black Slave Trade to the Americas

He has founded an organization called Americans for Peace and Tolerance with two longtime allies, Boston College political science professor Dennis B. Hale and Virginia-based Islamic scholar Ahmed S. Mansour. The group plans to stage a protest at the opening today.


The truly are the most sickening s***s on the face of the planet!

Jacobs has worked to persuade local Jewish leaders to keep their distance from the Roxbury mosque and has asserted that the mosque’s leaders, contributors, and ideology are “extremist.’’ He and others have contended that the mosque got a sweetheart deal from the city to buy the land at a discount price.

As opposed to all the TAX-FREE FOUNDATIONS all the Jews of Boston have created.

After a while, you don't even get angry. You just thank God there are so few of these s***s around, and stop listening to them.

Jacobs played an audiotape of a man he says was a recent speaker at the mosque describing Christians in previous comments as “filth’’ and denying the Holocaust.

Ever hear a Zionist rabbi?

The critics also contend that the bulk of the mosque’s financing came from Saudi donors, which is problematic, they said, because Saudi Arabia is associated with a conservative strain of Islam.

Of course, Zionist purchase of this government through its looting operation is just fine. Btw, the Saudis are allegedly our friends.

“We are concerned about the radicalization of the Boston Muslim community, which has historically been quite moderate,’’ Hale said. Jacobs accused the local civic, religious, and media establishment of allowing itself to be blinded by political correctness and what he calls “Islamophobiaphobia.’’

Well, if that ain't the Jew kettle calling pot!

This is why people end up despising their s*** asses!

Tired of the constant whining!

Kaleem reacts wearily to the assertions....

Sounds like my blogging style

by this cottage industry of people who are very well financed and connected,’’ he said.


“When the big threat to America was the Soviet Union, people were accused of being associated with Communism, and now the Islamophobia industry says everyone is a radical Muslim.’’

Several mainstream Jewish leaders have been concerned enough about the allegations that they declined to participate in the interfaith breakfast.


Two Jewish leaders agreed to be listed as among the event’s sponsors: David M. Gordis, president emeritus of Hebrew College in Newton, and Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, director of the Interreligious Center on Public Life at Hebrew College.

“I would have to be shown chapter and verse before I would or could accept these allegations, and frankly my associations with the people of the mosque that I know have always been very positive,’’ Seltzer said.


Also see: B'Tselem

Neturei Karta

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss

The allegations led to litigation in the past, but have never been resolved in court. In 2005, the Islamic Society of Boston, which owns the new mosque, as well as a mosque in Cambridge, filed a defamation lawsuit against The David Project, two media outlets, and others asserting that the defendants had maliciously spread rumors that the Islamic Society had terrorist links.

Typical lying Zionists.

The suit was dropped two years later after another suit by critics, challenging the city’s handling of the land sale for the mosque’s construction, was dismissed. Among the mosque’s defenders, Menino, the mayor, shrugged off the controversy, saying: “Are there some extremists in Islam, no question, but do I have some in my religion? Yes, there are. We have to get beyond that.’’

I'd expect that the mayor is about to begin getting some bad press in Boston.

William A. Graham, dean of Harvard Divinity School and a noted scholar of Islam, said that “there can always be a single person in any community who is supporting questionable causes,’’ but that “the phobia about it that is generated by a lot of the fearmongers in our community is highly exaggerated.’’


Take a look at him

Imam Abdullah Faaruuq (left) and Charles Jacobs argued over the merits of the new mosque in Roxbury (in background) after supporters of the mosque presented Jacobs and other protesters with white roses in a gesture of peace.
Imam Abdullah Faaruuq (left) and Charles Jacobs argued over the merits of the new mosque in Roxbury (in background) after supporters of the mosque presented Jacobs and other protesters with white roses in a gesture of peace. (David L. Ryan/ Globe Staff)

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this picture is pretty clear: the ZIONIST JEW DOESN'T WANT TO HEAR IT, doesn't want to talk, doesn't want to do anything except PUSH HIS RACIST HATRED and INTOLERANCE!!!!

Meet Your Future Female Suiciders

The fact that the Zionist-controlled Boston Globe is giving such attention to this LIMITED PROTEST also speaks to their biased, one -sided interest.

"Dissent greets mosque opening; Hundreds attend afternoon service, as a few protest" by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff | June 27, 2009

With the cutting of a taut green ribbon and the haunting chant of a call to prayer, a crowd of hundreds of local Muslims inaugurated a large new mosque yesterday in Roxbury Crossing.

Yup, it is a "haunting" call to prayer.

I'll tell you this: it sounds better than anything coming from the Jewish temple across town.

The official opening of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, which has been in use since last fall, was greeted with relief by many Muslims, who had faced enormous controversy and financial challenges that caused the planning and construction to drag on for two decades. The building remains incomplete - many decorative elements have not yet been added, and a second phase with a school building remains just a dream - but Muslim leaders decided it was time to open.

And it is going to look just beautiful when those are added!

A handful of protesters stood on the other side of Malcolm X Boulevard holding signs reading “Prayer, Yes. Extremism, No!’’ A group of Muslims marched from an interfaith breakfast over to the protest carrying white roses, which they gave to the protesters as a sign of peace.

Rejected, of course!

A brief argument ensued between Charles Jacobs, the leading critic of the mosque, and supporters of the mosque, and along the sidewalk a few mosque advocates carried on parallel debates with demonstrators. Eventually, the groups retreated to opposite sides of the street.

That's what happens when ZIONISTS are involved in anything!

For local Muslims, it was a day for celebration.... An estimated 1,800 worshipers packed into the building for the Friday afternoon worship service, which normally draws about 600.


“This is a big event, especially given what the Muslim community has been through,’’ said worshiper Ahmed Jabrane of East Boston, carrying a toddler on his shoulders. “This shows what America is about - pluralism, and diversity.’’

And WHERE is the ADL, hanh?

And Siham Jihad of Winthrop, wheeling her child into the mosque in a stroller, said she feels she now has a place she can call home.

“Finally I can call myself a citizen of Boston. To us, this is very significant - the end of one era, and the beginning of a new one,’’ she said. “We are here, we are here to stay, and we are here to help build this community.’’

I'm in tears right now! Happy tears!!!!

Bilal Kaleem, the executive director of the Muslim American Society’s local chapter, pointed out that the celebrants vastly outnumbered the protesters, “and that speaks volumes about America.’’


Kaleem elliptically acknowledged that the mosque’s backers - some of whom have been accused of saying hateful things - have made mistakes. “There have been shortcomings on our part,’’ he said.

Been accused? Of course, Zionists never say hateful things:

"Neither The US Nor Israel Is A "Genuine Party To Peace."

(Hattip to WRH)

Peace will come when Israel gives to Palestine only that which Israel demands for itself; a right to exist and a state of their own.

But Israel in incapable of this. Their attitude continues to be that everyone should recognize Israel's right to exist, but that nobody should dare to think Palestine has an equal right.

"The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more".... Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000

" [The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts". New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." " Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.

"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." Golda Maier, March 8, 1969.

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969

"The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972.

David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

Ben Gurion also warned in 1948 : "We must do everything to insure they ( the Palestinians) never do return." Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. "The old will die and the young will forget."

"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. (Certainly the FBI's cover-up of the Israeli spy ring/phone tap scandal suggests that Mr. Sharon may not have been joking.)

"We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.

"We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return" David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar's Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

" ... we should prepare to go over to the offensive with the aim of smashing Lebanon, Trans-jordan and Syria... The weak point in the Arab coalition is Lebanon [for] the Moslem regime is artificial and easy to undermine. A Christian state should be established... When we smash the [Arab] Legions strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Transjordan, too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt still dares to fight on, we shall bomb Port Said, Alexandria, and Cairo." " David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'" Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.

Rabin's description of the conquest of Lydda, after the completion of Plan Dalet. "We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters" Uri Lubrani, PM Ben-Gurion's special adviser on Arab Affairs, 1960. From "The Arabs in Israel" by Sabri Jiryas.

"There are some who believe that the non-Jewish population, even in a high percentage, within our borders will be more effectively under our surveillance; and there are some who believe the contrary, i.e., that it is easier to carry out surveillance over the activities of a neighbor than over those of a tenant. [I] tend to support the latter view and have an additional argument:...the need to sustain the character of the state which will henceforth be Jewish...with a non-Jewish minority limited to 15 percent. I had already reached this fundamental position as early as 1940 [and] it is entered in my diary." Joseph Weitz, head of the Jewish Agency's Colonization Department. From Israel: an Apartheid State by Uri Davis, p.5.

"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them." Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism,colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands." Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.

"Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine,Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]

Nice bunch of people, huh?

I'd rather be with a better group:

Despite the controversy, a number of dignitaries were present, including Mayor Thomas M. Menino and some city councilors and state lawmakers....

Those guys better watch it; I'll bet they are all challenged in their next election and will get bad press.


Then again, maybe the protesters are correct!

Passing out roses and SINGING! HOW EXTREME!!!!!!

Children sang at the grand opening of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury Crossing on Friday. The opening was attended by the mayor and a host of city religious leaders.
Children sang at the grand opening of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury Crossing on Friday. The opening was attended by the mayor and a host of city religious leaders. (David L. Ryan/ Globe Staff)

"At mosque opening, tensions permeate interfaith gathering" by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff | June 28, 2009

The controversy over the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury Crossing has posed one of the biggest challenges to interfaith relations in Boston in years, and the tension was readily on display during the Friday morning opening ceremonies for the new mosque.

Inside the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center at Roxbury Community College, mosque backers hosted an interfaith breakfast whose honorary cochairmen included an Episcopal bishop, a Catholic priest, and the heads of the Black Ministerial Alliance, the Unitarian Universalist Association, and the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization.

Critics have accused the mosque’s backers of being extremists and radicals, but much of the mainstream Christian leadership, as well as the political leadership, in Boston appears to have rejected the allegations.

As opposed, of course, to that war criminal state of NaZionists: Iz-ray-HELL!!!

On the way in to the breakfast, I encountered Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, the Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts and asked him why he was there. He noted that about 400 Muslims who work downtown regularly worship in St. Paul’s Cathedral, and said he wanted “to honor them,’’ he also called the new mosque “much needed for interfaith dialogue.’’

Harvard Divinity School dean William A. Graham, a scholar of Islam, gave the keynote speech and sharply rebuked the mosque’s critics, saying, “the mindless attacks in recent years from so-called religious people will soon be forgotten as the center proves itself a center for good people.’’

Already forgotten here! We DO NOT LISTEN to UNIMPORTANT PEOPLE!

Governor Deval Patrick had to cancel his appearance at the breakfast at the last minute to attend the funeral of a soldier from Massachusetts who was killed in Afghanistan, but sent along a video greeting that made his support for the project quite clear. Patrick opened his taped remarks with the Arabic phrase, “Assalamu alaikum,’’ meaning “peace be upon you’’ and called the mosque opening a “wonderful milestone.’’

Later, at the ribbon-cutting, Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who was greeted as a hero, told the crowd, “I am so proud to stand with all of you.’’

I'm warming up to ya, Tom!

A string of local religious leaders offered greetings at the breakfast. Among them, was the Rev. Raymond Helmick, a Jesuit priest who teaches theology at Boston College, who said, “You’ve had a very rough ride here in Boston, where you were confronted by a great deal of bigotry and rejection.’’


Helmick compared the response to the mosque to the bigotry that previously greeted Catholics and Jews in America, and he called the mosque a “beautiful monument.’’

I'd expect some pedophile priest stories soon.

Interestingly, the mosque chose one of its more controversial trustees, Walid Fitaihi, to recite from the Koran. Fitaihi has been a lightning rod for criticism because he wrote an essay in an Arabic-language newspaper calling Jews “murderers of prophets.’’ He has since apologized, and the mosque said it had reprimanded him.

No one likes being called out on their guilt -- especially Zionist Jews.

Much of the criticism and suspicion of mosque leaders has come from the Jewish community, although the new organization criticizing the mosque, called Americans for Peace and Tolerance, is led by an Episcopal layman, a Muslim scholar, and a Jewish activist.

If you spread enough hate around, it will be called tolerance!

None of the major Jewish organizations in Boston were represented at the interfaith breakfast or the ribbon-cutting that followed, but there were Jews present, including two Hebrew College officials who agreed to be named as honorary cochairmen of the inaugural breakfast.

It's what is known as ZIONIST INTIMIDATION!!!!

In fact, there may have been more Jews at the interfaith breakfast than at the protest outside the mosque, where about a dozen people gathered holding signs reading “Prayer, Yes. Extremism, No!’’

Yesterday it was a HANDFUL (5 or less) and NOW it is a DOZEN (more than two handfuls)? Pffft! Zionist s*** rag can't even report that correctly.

At long last, Islam has taken its rightful place as a full partner on the American scene,’’ said Rabbi Sanford Seltzer of Hebrew College, who spoke at the breakfast. And Enid Shapiro, who attended the breakfast, e-mailed me to say, “I was very disappointed that representatives of the established Jewish Community (CJP) were not represented. The demonstration outside the Reggie Lewis Center was appalling and certainly did not represent me or in my mind the Jewish Community.’’


Later, at the ribbon cutting, I ran into Rabbi Moshe Waldoks of Temple Beth Zion in Brookline, who told me he counted six local rabbis at the celebration. “For those in the Jewish community who have been involved in dialogue with the Muslim community, we celebrate what our cousins are doing by establishing this symbol in the community for many years to come.’’

Michael Ross, the first Jewish president of the City Council, greeted celebrants at the ribbon-cutting in Arabic and Hebrew and said he was present “to honor this very important day.’’

Several Jewish community leaders I contacted for comment about the mosque opening simply declined to speak; many have privately made it clear they’re uneasy about the allegations but reluctant to join in the criticism.

Translation: they are INTIMIDATED by a SMALL but POWERFUL BLOCK of a**holes!

The mosque’s critics have argued that interfaith leaders, as well as the news media and the political leadership, have allowed political correctness and an emphasis on tolerance to blind them to legitimate concerns about the mosque, and they cite as evidence for their concern offensive remarks by mosque backers and a mosque speaker, as well as the high number of Saudi contributors to the mosque project.

That is beyond chutzpah when HIS KIND OWN the Muslim-hating, war-promoting, enemy-creating PAPERS!!!

“We have let sensitivity trump truth,’’ said Charles Jacobs, the leading critic of the mosque, while Boston College political science professor Dennis Hale, said, “Our political leaders are failing us by embracing the radical leadership.’’

Was he LOOKING in a MIRROR when he said that?


Oh my, it is almost dawn.

I need to go pray!!!!