Related: What the Senate Won't Ask Sotomayor
"Cordial beginning is followed by political push-and-pull" by Joseph Williams, Globe Staff | July 14, 2009

The first day of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court drew protesters and supporters. Some demonstrators interrupted the hearings shouting antiabortion slogans before they were taken away. (Mark Wilson/ Getty Images)
So the pro-abortion, agenda-pushing Globe does mention these protesters -- and I'll bet it is not in a good way.
WASHINGTON - Old grievances: warrantless wiretapping during the Bush administration.
Yeah, that's an old grievance -- even though it is continuing under Obama.
And four times, protesters interrupted the proceedings shouting antiabortion slogans before Capitol police hauled them away. Four were arrested, including 61-year-old Norma McCorvey of Texas, the plaintiff in the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion who has since become an antiabortion activist. “Stop the genocide!’’ one man yelled before officers dragged him from the room. “Stop the murder!’’
In one corner, a small collection of protesters held a banner with an unflattering picture of Sotomayor on one side and an aborted fetus on the other, urging senators to block her nomination. Ruby Nicdao 47, wore a black judge’s robe and carried a plastic toy scythe stained with fake blood. “I’m letting people know that she’s in favor of baby-killing,’’ Nicdaw said....
Hey, the truth always hurts.
Related: False-Flag Friday: Antiabortion and Antitax = Terrorist
Abortion: The Kosher Slaughter
Yeah, they sure do make the first out that way in the pro-abortion jewspaper.
Another reason to oppose her:
"Sotomayor’s cautious openness to foreign laws" by Daniel Terris | July 16, 2009
The United States is sometimes cavalier about its international treaty obligations, and Americans have maintained an attitude of selective respect for institutions like the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
The United States is not a nation unto itself, but a nation among nations, working toward justice for its own citizenry and for men and women around the globe.
Can you believe that globalist s***-spew? Sigh.
So WHAT are the TORTURE CHAMBERS for, 'eh?
And what is that they say about three strikes?
WASHINGTON - The National Rifle Association announced it would oppose Sotomayor, saying she held a “hostile view’’ of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, although a spokesman declined to say whether the group would include her confirmation vote in its ratings of lawmakers.
May GOD BLESS the NRA!!!
When I think of where I came from in Marxist Massachushitts.... eat your hearts out, Mass. DemocraPs.
The NRA’s closely watched “scores’’ weigh heavily on lawmakers in both parties, since they’re a powerful motivator for politically active gun rights supporters.
But NOT as powerful as the YOU-KNOW-WHO OCCUPIERS of D.C.!
They don't call it Zionist-control territory for nothing.