"Jerusalem court, protesters reach deal" by Associated Press | July 18, 2009
JERUSALEM - A judge in Jerusalem and leaders of the city’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish community agreed yesterday to a compromise aimed at ending days of rioting by religious protesters, Israeli police said.
The protesters have been enraged at the arrest of a mentally ill Hasidic woman who authorities say was starving her child. The insular ultra-Orthodox community resents outside interference in its affairs.
But if you are anything other than a Jew it is a problem.
Micky Rosenfeld, police spokesman, said police agreed to release the woman into the custody of a local rabbi, on the conditions she undergo psychiatric evaluation and post bail. She was also forbidden to see her other four children pending the outcome of tests, he added.
The compromise is expected to cool tempers somewhat ahead of the Jewish Sabbath.
Don't you wish YOU were catered to so much, (fill in your religion if not Jewish)?
In recent weeks, ultraOrthodox Jews and authorities have clashed repeatedly over a decision by Jerusalem’s mayor to open a municipal parking lot on the Sabbath. Police and ultra-Orthodox protesters have clashed nightly since Tuesday.
And yet I am ONLY READING a BRIEF about it on Slow Saturday!
Rosenfeld said 18 police officers were injured and 50 protesters were arrested during the overnight street battles. Hadassah Hospital, where the woman’s 3-year-old son is recovering from malnutrition, said the mother suffers from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a condition in which a person deliberately makes another sick.
But poor peaceful Joos aren't violent or mentally ill; that's always for OTHER PEOPLE!

Palestinian children released balloons during a protest in the West Bank village of Burin against confiscation of land by Jewish settlers from a nearby settlement. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Associated Press)
Yeah, not much about settlements in the Zionist paper, either.
.... and a one time wonder (written with the traditional, one-sided Zionist bias the AmeriKan MSM is famous for):
"Israeli veterans of Gaza war call military force excessive; 26 give testimony about use of phosphorus, human shields, heavy firepower" by Steve Weizman, Associated Press | July 16, 2009
Now THAT can't be dismissed as some fringe criticism!
JERUSALEM - Israeli soldiers who fought in last winter’s Gaza war say the military used Palestinians as human shields, improperly fired incendiary white phosphorus shells over civilian areas, and used overwhelming firepower that caused needless deaths and destruction, according to a report released yesterday.
The testimonies were by far the strongest allegations to come from war veterans that the army used excessive force during the three-week offensive and echoed claims already leveled by Palestinian and human rights groups. The military rebutted the report, saying the accounts were anonymous and impossible to verify.
You aren't winning yourselves any points here, you lying Nazionist s***s!
The accounts of 26 war veterans were collected by Breaking the Silence, an organization of Israeli army reservists who are critical of their country’s treatment of Palestinians.
May GOD BLESS the GOOD JEWS of ISRAEL!!!! The rest can FRY!
They described demolishing buildings, vandalizing homes, and using more than essential firepower, given the relatively light resistance they encountered.
Related: Staying at the Samounis
One said the army needlessly used white phosphorus a masking agent that can cause severe burns, for smokescreens. Others said regulations for opening fire were vague, and that soldiers were expected to do whatever was necessary to protect themselves.
“There were no clear red lines,’’ one soldier told the group. “If you’re not sure, kill. Firepower was insane,’’ said another. Military officers have acknowledged that rules of engagement were relaxed to minimize army casualties, but they insisted civilians were never targeted.
Israel launched the blistering offensive in December, after thousands of rocket attacks by Palestinian militants on southern Israel over an eight-year period.
More than 1,400 Palestinians, including at least 900 civilians, were killed in the fighting, thousands of homes were destroyed, and Gaza’s infrastructure was battered, according to Gaza health officials and human rights groups.
I'm surprsied they even mentioned the Palestinian dead.
Of course, then it is time to MOVE ON!
Yesterday’s report was sure to fuel a debate that still rages six months after the offensive over whether Israel violated the rules of war.
Oh, there is NO DEBATE! They DID!
International rights groups, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have said the degree of force and the heavy civilian death toll constitute war crimes, and the UN has launched an investigation, headed by a respected war crimes prosecutor, into the actions of Israel. Israel maintains that responsibility for the carnage lies with Hamas, which it says cached ammunition in schools and mosques, blended in with the general population, and used civilian areas and public buildings for cover.
Yeah, even though those are ISRAELI LIES!!!!!!!!
They are so fucking disgusting with their victim-blaming! That's why the world hates them!
The Israeli military said it “regrets the fact that yet another human rights organization is presenting to Israel and the world a report based on anonymous and general testimonies, without investigating their details or credibility.’’
They are sure fine ones to talk with their "annonymous sources" and "unidentified witnesses," etc, etc.
The military also said that since no identifying details were given, it was impossible to verify the accounts. It urged soldiers to come forward and register official complaints.
Why, so they can be punished or declared mentally ill?
Defense Minister Ehud Barak reiterated his belief that the Israeli military “is one of the world’s most moral armies and operates according to the highest moral code.’’
Hey, maybe YOU believe that you fat hunk of Jewish fat; however, the REST of the WORLD NOW KNOWS what SCUMBAGS you are!!!
Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas government in Gaza, said the report “reflects the crimes committed in Gaza.’’ He called on “human rights bodies and international groups’’ to put Israel’s leaders on trial.
The 110-page report, which included videotaped testimonies in which soldiers’ faces were blurred out, did not represent a cross-section of the army. Rather, they were troops who approached the group or were reached through acquaintances of group members. Two were junior officers, and the rest were lower-ranking personnel. It did not examine Hamas’s actions.
Update: Israeli forces penetrate half kilometer into Gaza; burn fields