What it is all about for me. Look at 'em. Aren't they lovely?

Somali women who have been forced from their homes by violence in Mogadishu protested the lack of water near a camp for internally displaced people. (Mohamed Dahir/ AFP/ Getty Images)
Related: Slow Saturday Special: Somali Summer Camp
And I told you this story would be a one-day wonder.
"Militants raid 2 UN compounds in Somalia, ban relief agencies" by Associated Press | July 21, 2009
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Islamic insurgents with alleged links to Al Qaeda looted two United Nations compounds in southern Somalia yesterday, and announced that they will ban three UN agencies from operating in areas that the militants control.
Those are OUR GUYS, America!
The United Nations confirmed that al-Shabab militants had stolen emergency communication equipment from its compound in Baidoa city, and two cars and some furniture from its compound in the town of Wajid. No injuries were reported. The United Nations said it was suspending its operations in Baidoa and continuing them in Wajid, which serves as the world body’s hub for humanitarian aid in the region.
Al-Shabab is battling to overthrow Somalia’s government, and it controls large areas of Mogadishu, the capital, and southern Somalia. The US State Department says the group has links to Al Qaeda, but al-Shabab denies that. Somalia has not had a functioning government for 18 years since clan warlords overthrew a brutal dictator and then turned on each other, plunging the Horn of Africa nation into chaos and anarchy.
I'm so tired of the omissions, distortions, and lies when it comes to Somalia and the U.S. role there when it comes to AmeriKa's MSM.
Just another reason to sour on them.
Poverty is widespread, and the country’s civilians rely heavily on the food, drinking water, and medical treatment that relief agencies provide.
Yeah, and somehow that situation continues unabated and rarely remarked upon.