Wednesday, July 1, 2009

U.S. Government Backs 9/11 Truth Blogs

Since when?

"American officials have worried publicly that the initiative could stifle free speech"

Read: ADL, DHS & DOJ Form "Thought Criminal" Squad

Terrorists...High and Low


Inflamed CNBC host calls bloggers ‘digital dickweeds’ Television is a place of maturity and thought. The blogosphere is a place of dickweeds. That’s according to CNBC host Dennis Kneale, who’s declared the recession over, and went postal on critical financial bloggers."

"That's MISTER digital dickweed to you, asshole!" -- Wake the Flock Up

Murdoch CEO Labels Bloggers “Political Extremists” A stinging attack by John Hartigan, the CEO of Rupert Murdoch’s News Limited, labels bloggers and alternative media outlets as “political extremists”. Hartigan implies that bloggers should be jailed as they are in oppressive police states like China and Burma.

"Yeah, we bloggers believe in things like the truth, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights! CNBC calls us 'Dickweeds', now News Corp calls us 'Political Extremists'; I am feeling VERY unloved right now!


-- Wake the Flock Up

Me, too, Mike.