For that they got a U.S.-BACKED ETHIOPIAN INVASION and OCCUPATION for more than TWO YEARS -- with OCCASIONAL FORAYS into Somalia territory continuing to this day.
Oh, another by-product for the plan; Ethiopia is mostly Christian and Somalia mostly Muslim. WHO BENEFITS there, huh?
"Clinton promises support for Somalia; Goal is to bolster region’s stability" by Stephanie McCrummen and Mary Beth Sheridan, Washington Post | August 7, 2009
NAIROBI, Kenya - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton promised more US assistance to bolster Somalia’s fragile government yesterday, calling it “the best hope we’ve had in quite some time for a return to stability’’ in the volatile Horn of Africa nation.
As WE CREATE INSTABILITY with our "Al-CIA-Duh" in Somalia!!!!
Following a meeting with Somali President Sharif Ahmed, whose government is fighting Islamist rebels, Clinton said that a strong Somali government has security implications for the entire region.
Related: Somali Peace Pleas Met With Silence
“President Sheikh Sharif’s government has taken up the fight on behalf of the Somali people [against] al-Shabab, a terrorist group with links to Al Qaeda and other foreign terrorist networks,’’ Clinton said just hours after laying a wreath at the site of the 1998 US Embassy bombing here, which was blamed on Islamist militants thought to have been sheltered in Somalia. “They see Somalia as a future haven for global terrorism.’’
Memory Hole: Somali Slander
Memory Hole: More on Somalia
Somalia: Worse Than Darfur
Yes, ALL THINGS "ISLAMIST" are unacceptable -- unless they serve USReal like the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Jordanians....
If they SERVE THEMSELVES, well, it's bye-bye time.
The United States recently shipped 40 tons of ammunition to Ahmed’s government, which is in a military stalemate against the rebels, who control most of southern Somalia and half of the capital, Mogadishu.
How about some FOOD INSTEAD?
US officials say that the Shabab has received weapons and other support from Eritrea and that several hundred fighters from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Britain, and the United States are battling alongside them.
Also see: What Happens When You Don't Cooperate With The FBI
Ahmed, a widely respected moderate Islamist and former geography teacher, has been trying to rally his own support internationally. He has embraced the United States despite the risk that doing so will allow the rebels to cast him as a puppet of the West.
“In terms of promises, there were many,’’ Ahmed said at a news conference with reporters after his meeting with Clinton. “There were promises on the security front, there were promises on the humanitarian front. When they materialize, it will be very helpful to the people of Somalia.’’
I got news for you. THEY NEVER WILL! The U.S. DOES IT ALL the TIME!
I mean, c'mon, they are working to undermine this guy with their terrorist dupes!
As the news conference closed, Ahmed and Clinton shook hands, ending a matter of great speculation among Somalis who had wondered whether Ahmed might avoid the diplomatic gesture in order to appear more devoutly Muslim....
He should have avoided it simply because she is a slimy war criminal and liar!
Of course, who do you think absorbs the refugees from the CONFLICTS WE START, 'murka?
"Helping Somalis build bridges of language" by Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff | August 12, 2009
Until this year, 14-year-old Burhan Ali could hardly speak to his mother.
His mother, a refugee from Somalia, would scold him in her native tongue, and Burhan would fume silently. For the American-born teenager, it was living “like I’m on mute.’’
They were mother and son, separated by one language: Somali.
But that has been changing in the past few weeks. Every morning, Burhan has voluntarily studied his mother’s language as part of a six-week summer program in Boston that offers youths jobs and free classes.
Meanwhile, our kids can't get jobs.
For Somali-Americans, it is a chance to recapture a dying language that was only written down for the first time in the early 1970s and is rapidly being overtaken by English and other languages. It is also bringing youths closer to their parents and to their culture.
“The language is tied with the culture, which is tied with the history,’’ said Abdulkadir Y. Hussein, founder and chief executive of the African Community Economic Development of New England, which is running the program for about 80 children and youths ages 6 to 18. “If the language dies, then the culture dies and then your history dies, too.’’
It is an issue that advocates say has only grown in importance in the past year amid concerns that disengaged Somali youths in the United States, particularly in Minnesota, may be joining militant groups in their homeland.
I KNEW there had to be a TERRORIST ANGLE to it all.
"Young Somali jihadists ‘radicalized’ while in US, federal investigators say; Joined Shabaab, group aligned with Al Qaeda" by Andrea Elliott, New York Times | July 12, 2009
Oh, HOW SWEET! A Jew York Times piece!
MINNEAPOLIS - They had fled Somalia as small boys, escaping a catastrophic civil war. They came of age as refugees in Minneapolis, becoming naturalized US citizens and embracing basketball and the prom, hip-hop, and the Mall of America. By the time they reached college, their dreams seemed within grasp: one planned to become a doctor; another, an entrepreneur.
But last year, in a study room on the first floor of Carlson, the men turned their energies to a different enterprise.
See: What Happens When You Don't Cooperate With The FBI
And follow my links (clap, clap), dear readers, follow my links (clap, clap), follow my links (clap, clap), follow my links (clap, clap), follow my links (clap, clap)!
In November, Hassan and two other students dropped out of college and left for Somalia, the homeland they barely knew. Word soon spread that they had joined the Shabaab, a militant Islamist group aligned with Al Qaeda that is fighting to overthrow the fragile Somali government.
The students are among more than 20 young Americans who are the focus of what may be the most significant domestic terrorism investigation since 9/11. One of the men, Shirwa Ahmed, blew himself up in Somalia in October, becoming the first known American suicide bomber. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert S. Mueller III, has said Ahmed was “radicalized in his hometown in Minnesota.’’
Meanwhile the GLOBE is CELEBRATING Somalia terrorists, 'er, immigrants here in New England!
I don't even want to comment anymore because I'm sick of this puke shit passing as 'news" in the "jewspaper!"
An examination by The New York Times, based on interviews with close friends and relatives of the men, law enforcement officials, and lawyers, as well as access to live phone calls and Facebook messages between the men and their friends in the United States, reveals how a far-flung jihadist movement found a foothold in America’s heartland.
So BE SCARED, America!
Those "terrorists" could STRIKE ANYWHERE, at ANYTIME!!!
The men appear to have been motivated by a complex mix of politics and faith, and their communications show how some are trying to recruit other young Americans to their cause.
The case represents the largest group of US citizens suspected of joining an extremist movement affiliated with Al Qaeda. Although friends say the men have never thought of carrying out attacks in the United States, FBI officials worry that with their training, ideology, and US passports, there is a real danger that they could.
You know what else I heard?
INERT BOMBS will also BLOW UP and STEEL SKYSCRAPERS will fall into their own footprint at free-fall speed because of fire.
Most of the men are former Somali refugees who left the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in two waves, starting in late 2007. While religious devotion may have predisposed them to sympathize with the Islamist cause in Somalia, it took a major geopolitical event - the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia in 2006 - to spur them to join what they saw as a legitimate resistance movement, said friends of the men.
Yup, COVER UP ALL U.S. INVOLVEMENT, you sacks of sh....!
Please see Slow Saturday Special: Ethiopia Reinvades Somalia and rememeber, link, link, clap, clap!
Yeah, that's right, they are STILL OCCUPYING the place even though you NEVER HEAR ABOUT SUCH things from the agenda-pushing MSM!
The case has forced federal agents and terrorism analysts to rethink some of their most basic assumptions about the vulnerability of Muslim immigrants in the United States to the lure of militant Islam. For years, it seemed that “homegrown’’ terrorism was largely a problem in European countries like Britain and France, where Muslim immigrants had failed to prosper economically or integrate culturally. By contrast, experts believed that the successful assimilation of foreign-born Muslims in the United States had largely immunized them from the appeal of radical ideologies.
So BE PREPARED for a WAVE of a CRACKDOWN coming up, Muslims of AmeriKa!
Return to present:
Advocates for Somalis, who have said they have not heard of such recruitment in the Boston area, say the classes seek to build students’ confidence and self-esteem by connecting them to their history and their families, which can help them in all areas of life, from avoiding extreme behavior to succeeding in school.
Shirwa Hassan of Scansom Publishers, a Toronto-based Somali publishing house that participated in the Boston-area’s first Somali book fair last month, said Somali is a poetic, nuanced language of a mostly nomadic people, who confronted drought, lack of food, and civil war.
Isn't it nice that we have contributed to the division in that country for so long, America?
The language of the nation on the Horn of Africa was exclusively oral until the early 1970s. The alphabet is Latin, but is pronounced like Arabic. It is so new that only about 250 Somali books exist, and they are mostly distributed outside Somalia. In Somalia, barely 38 percent of the population can read or write, according to the US State Department. About 5,000 Somalis and Somali-Americans live in the Boston area.
One day last week, in an airy classroom with yellow walls in a Roxbury community center, eight boys and girls huddled over workbooks in Somali and English, learning grammar, vocabulary, history, and culture. The scratchy roar of an air conditioner filled the room....
In this room, the Somali-American teenagers fit in perfectly, with the girls dressed in head scarves and long, modest skirts. But in regular schools, the girls’ garb can stand out, and the Somali-Americans are in many ways very different from other students.
What does the jewspaper mean by "regular schools?"
The Zionist-inculcated curriculum I was brainwashed with?
Their parents speak a different language, come from a different country, and worry about different things. Their parents are consumed with worry about their homeland, which is still run by a transitional government and struggling to recover from the civil war and deal with militant insurgencies. Family members back home increasingly depend on the money sent by relatives in the United States.
More money leaving the U.S economy never to return.
For the children of immigrants, even those who were born in refugee camps, the issues can often seem distant. Despite cultural differences, especially in the girls’ clothing, many often blend easily in America, with their
Ayan Abdullahi, 16, wanted to improve her Somali to better communicate with her grandmother, who nags her to eat more because she thinks she is too skinny....
I must be a weak old man because THAT ONE SENTENCE BROKE ME!!!
That JUST SHOWS YOU, 'murka, that PEOPLE are THE SAME EVERYWHERE -- despite the WAR-PROMOTING, AGENDA-PUSHING, Muslim-hating, DIVISIVE RACISM of the AmeriKan MSM!!!
Until he began the classes, Burhan Ali had relied on his sister to translate between him and his mother, which often worked against him. Once, she broke a cup and blamed him for it.
“I couldn’t say anything about it,’’ he said, still upset.
Is that racist or what? Are they trying to imply that blacks are shifty?
Is that something the jewspaper would say about Bernie Madoff?
But now, he surprises his mother when they settle in to watch the news. His mother is desperate to know what is going on in the world, but understands little of the newscast.
And the DESPERATION for the TRUTH explains the EXPLOSION of the BLOGOSPHERE!
“Now, I can actually tell her what the news is about,’’ he said, a warm smile going across his face. “She thinks it’s wonderful. She says she loves it.’’
She is not seeing what I am.
As for his sister, “she doesn’t like it that much,’’ he said with a laugh.
Yeah, that lying bitch, huh?
Btw, what about those PIRATES!?
"Hostages attack pirates, end 4-month trial" by Mohamed Olad Hassan, Associated Press | August 15, 2009
MOGADISHU, Somalia - .... A pirate, who said he escaped during the fight Thursday, described the struggle in a telephone interview....
The struggle took place off the coastal town of Las Qorey along the Gulf of Aden, one of the world’s busiest waterways. Pirate attacks worldwide more than doubled in the first half of 2009 amid a surge in the gulf and along the east coast of Somalia.
My concerns? The PEOPLE THERE!
"40 dead in Somalia fighting, witnesses say" by Associated Press | August 21, 2009
MOGADISHU, Somalia - At least 40 people were killed in fighting between government soldiers and Islamic insurgents in central Somalia yesterday as the warring sides tried to gain ground in strategic towns.
Witnesses also reported seeing troops from neighboring Ethiopia roll into the country - a development that would enrage insurgents, who saw Ethiopia as an occupying force after it helped drive out Islamists in 2006....
Related: Slow Saturday Special: Ethiopia Reinvades Somalia
Notice how sanitized the Ethiopian invasion and coup is in the AmeriKan newspaper?
Btw, newspaper, it ENRAGES ALL SOMALIS!
The fighting started yesterday in Bula Burte, about 130 miles north of the capital, Mogadishu, when government soldiers moved into the town controlled by al-Shabab. The United States says the group has ties to Al Qaeda, which al-Shabab denies. Resident Osman Ganey said that he saw 15 corpses and that the fighting was continuing. In another area of town, resident Farah Abdi Barre said he counted 25 corpses....
Also yesterday, al-Shabab fighters moved into Belet Weyne, near the border with Ethiopia, forcing government soldiers to retreat to the far side of town. The insurgents moved in after witnesses spotted Ethiopian troops there, identifying them by their uniforms and their trucks with Ethiopian license plates. Ali Mohamed Gedi, regional government spokesman, denied Ethiopians were in the country.
What, a government lied again?
I guess it was only one day's worth of fighting, 'eh, readers?
"Somalia crisis worsening, UN warns" by Associated Press | August 26, 2009

Displaced Somalis demonstrated against reduced relief food distribution at a camp outside of Mogadishu. (Feisal Omar/Reuters)
Oh, THAT is what I CARE ABOUT!!
Look at those BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, folks!!!!
Doing the HARD WORK of PROTEST -- in an ISLAMIST COUNTRY!!!!!!!
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia is facing its worst humanitarian crisis in 18 years, with more than half of the population needing humanitarian aid amid an escalating crisis, the UN said yesterday.
One wonders why it is SO ABSENT from my paper SO OFTEN!
I mean, I'M WORKING BRIEFS here, readers!
The United Nations said that 3.76 million people are getting humanitarian assistance and warned of further deterioration because of the country’s ongoing insurgency.
That MUST BE the WORSE REFUGEE CRISIS on the PLANET RIGHT NOW!! I mean, PAKISTAN has about 3 million and Iraq 2 million. Palestinians, who knows? GENERATIONS in REFUGEE CAMPS makes it HARD to GAUGE!
Anybody NOTICE a PATTERN there?
And WE KNOW who is BEHIND the INSURGENCY, folks: AMERIKA'S "Al-CIA-Duh" warlords!!!!
“This signals a serious deterioration in the emergency food security and nutrition situation from earlier this year,’’ said Cindy Holleman, the chief technical adviser of the Somalia Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit....
Thus it must DISAPPEAR from the Globe's news coverage.