Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lying Looters Large and Small: Paulson's Puppet Masters

Yeah, I love this. Nine months later Congress is finally asking questions (and that's all, this item went nowhere since as far as I can see from the coverage in the BG).

Not when Paulson was threatening them with financial meltdown and martial law to gets his open-ended bailouts through.

"Ethical questions raised about Paulson’s actions during crisis; He was often in contact with Goldman chief" by Gretchen Morgenson and Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times | August 9, 2009

Isn't that a CONFLICT of INTEREST!?

NEW YORK - Today, seven months after Henry M. Paulson Jr. left office, questions are being asked about his part in decisions last fall to prop up the teetering financial system with taxpayer dollars, including aid that benefited his former firm....

A day after the government agreed to lend $85 billion to the American International Group, which used the money to pay off Goldman and other banks financially threatened by AIG’s potential collapse.

Sort of like MONEY LAUNDERING, huh?

While Paulson spoke to many Wall Street executives during that period, he was in very frequent contact with Lloyd C. Blankfein, Goldman’s chief executive, according to a copy of Paulson’s calendars acquired by The New York Times through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Related: Bailout Went For Bank Execs Bonuses

The Gall of Goldman Sachs

The Miraculous Turnaround of AmeriKa's Banks

The Galling Greed of Goldman Sachs

Government Can't Add When it Comes to Goldman Sachs

So it is ALL STILL a FRAUD, hanh?

During the week of the AIG bailout alone, they spoke two dozen times, far more frequently than Paulson did with other Wall Street executives.

Michele Davis, a spokeswoman for Paulson, said Federal Reserve officials, not Paulson, had played the lead role in shaping and financing the AIG bailout. But Paulson was closely involved in decisions to rescue AIG, according to two senior government officials who requested anonymity. Ethics specialists said the circumstances of Paulson’s waivers were troubling.

“I think that when you have a person in a high government position who has been with one of the major financial institutions, things like this have to happen more publicly and they have to happen more in the normal course of business rather than privately, quietly, and on the fly,’’ said Peter Bienstock, the former executive director of the New York State Commission on Government Integrity....

Last month in Washington, answering questions from members of Congress about his relationship with Goldman, Paulson testified....

If you want to read his lies you can click on the link.


Ever hear back on any 'investigation," or was this just more huff-and-puff for the public.

Also see:
Government Passes the Bucks on AIG

Congress to Let AIG Keep Bonuses

Who REALLY Runs Washington