Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lying Looters Large and Small: Reading the Fein Print

"Compensation plans due in to ‘pay czar’" by Ken Thomas, Associated Press | August 15, 2009

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration’s “pay czar,’’ Kenneth Feinberg, who ran the government’s fund for families of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.... will have a difficult balancing act: He faces pressure to curb diamond-studded compensation packages that have led to public outrage.

They haven't curbed a thing: The Return of the Million-Dollar Bonus

At the same time, he must ensure that financial institutions and car companies can keep talented executives needed to steer them clear of government assistance.

What an insult that sentence is. Pre-rationalizing and justifying looting.

Free market advocates, meanwhile, fault the government’s role in overseeing the private compensation. Besides AIG and GM, the companies involved include Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., GMAC Inc., Chrysler Group LLC, and Chrysler Financial.

Quite a list of looters there, huh?



"Feinberg, a dual U.S./Israeli citizen, is the 'perfect' choice for overseeing compensation for the criminal financial organizations of Wall Street. As a cover up artist, he won't let his fellow dual citizens down."


Also: GM Getaway Car Hauls $81 Billion in Tax Loot Away

Slow Saturday Special: Suffering Banks

Who REALLY Runs Washington