“Speaking as someone on the front lines, we’re still in a recession’’
They have you COMING, GOING, and while you are here America!
"Despite spending, US fares poorly in survey of child welfare; Watchdog urges more focus on those under age 6" by Greg Keller, Associated Press | September 2, 2009
PARIS - America has some of the industrial world’s worst rates of infant mortality, teenage pregnancy, and child poverty, though it spends more per child than better-performing countries such as Switzerland, Japan, and the Netherlands, a new survey indicates.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-based watchdog of industrialized nations, urged the United States to shift more of its public spending to its youngest children, under the age of 6, to improve their health and educational performance....
The United States spends an average of $140,000 per child, well over the OECD average of $125,000. But this spending is skewed heavily toward older children between 12 and 17, the survey showed....
As a result, infant mortality in the United States is the fourth-worst in the OECD after Mexico, Turkey, and Slovakia. American 15-year-olds rank seventh from the bottom on the measure of educational achievement. Child poverty rates are nearly double the average, at 21.6 percent compared with 12.4 percent.
Well, when a SMALL PERCENTAGE of the population is LOOTING YOU BLIND these things are going to happen.
The rate of teen births in the United States is three times the OECD average, with only Mexico recording a higher rate among OECD countries, the report said.
Ah, the hell with it. We SURE have enough KILLING going on!
I LOVE LIFE!!!!! Screw away kids! I never did!
Timothy Smeeding, author of “Poor Kids in a Rich Country: America’s Children in Comparative Perspective,’’ said America’s troubles stem from a flawed mix of government spending and not enough help for the working poor.
“Most of what we spend is for health care, so there is less money to spend on income support programs, to keep the incomes of the poor up. We do spend highly on education - but it’s off the charts on health care,’’ he said by phone from the United States.
Yeah, health care is breaking us! So you CAN'T HAVE THAT, 'murka!
Well, you tell 'em:
WASHINGTON - .... The National Academy of Science’s formula, which is gaining credibility with public officials including some in the Obama administration, would put the poverty rate for Americans 65 and older at 18.6 percent, or 6.8 million people, compared with 9.7 percent, or 3.6 million people, under the existing measure. The original government formula, created in 1955, doesn’t take account of rising costs of medical care and other factors....
If the academy’s formula is adopted, a more refined picture of American poverty could emerge that would capture everyday costs of necessities besides just food. The result could upend longstanding notions of those in greatest need and lead eventually to shifts in how billions of federal dollars for the poor are distributed for health, housing, nutrition, and child-care benefits....
Yeah, right. The needy will start getting more tax dough.
What, the war-looters full? Bank coffers overflowing?
"Car showrooms quiet after clunkers clamor ends; Dealers add other incentives in bid to entice buyers" by Megan Woolhouse, Globe Staff | September 19, 2009
It has been nearly a month since the car-buying frenzy of the Cash for Clunkers program ended, and many area auto dealers are longing for the good old days of July and August....
Once the federal money dried up, so did the sales rally....
Manager Adam Silverleib of Silko Honda in Raynham:
“.... we’re kind of back to where we were....’’
And do you know what that means, readers?
See: Globe Clunker Leaves Lot Missing Part
Yup, your NEW CAR is STILL on the LOT!!!
Also see: A Tale of Two Clunkers
Yeah, why is it TAKING SO LONG on the PAYMENTS!? Banks didn't have to wait!
“It was probably, in the end, a complete waste of taxpayer money,’’ said John Wolkonowicz, a senior auto analyst at IHS Global Insight, Lexington forecasting firm. “The dealers, who were supposed to be the primary beneficiaries, many were forced into cash flow problems because the government didn’t pay them in a timely fashion.’’
Yeah, Americans taking on more debt is not a good thing.
And I thought tis program was for the public and the environment! That's what I was told by the government and MSM!
In addition to the formidable paperwork, the government website set up to process the deals kept crashing, creating a backlog.
And you want them to run health care?
Wolkonowicz said the fall slowdown may have been worsened by the program because many buyers came out early to take advantage of the program instead of waiting until now to shop.
Silverleib: “Speaking as someone on the front lines, we’re still in a recession.’’
And then there are the ones who funded it all:
"Government: The TARP pans out
Here’s some news that will confound those who think government messes up everything it attempts. The Treasury Department is realizing gains on some of its bailouts. So far, reports the New York Times, the Treasury has made an extra $4 billion - or about a 15 percent annual profit - on funds from eight large banks that have now fully repaid their federal obligations.
I'm so sick of lies posing as news.
Related: Government Can't Add When it Comes to Goldman Sachs
Taxpayers Take Profits on Bailout
That doesn’t mean the entire effort to rescue troubled institutions will be a money maker, of course. Large federal commitments to
See: Lying Looters Large and Small: AIG's Excesses
Lying Looters Large and Small: The Fannie-Freddie Family
GM Getaway Car Hauls $81 Billion in Tax Loot Away
Nevertheless, the BG uses the shop-worn machine again:

But the bailout program clearly helped rescue the nation’s financial system.
Did it? Or did it just shove a lot of tax loot into bank pockets?
And if taxpayers end up doing well by doing good, so much the better.
Notice how your concerns are always last, taxpayers?
Also see: Who REALLY Runs Washington
The Fed is Your Friend