Moralizing bastards sicken me, and then they LIE on top of the perversion.
Sorry to give you this on a Saturday morning, but I'm on an up-and-out mission.
You might want to eat later.
"Calif. lawmaker quits amid sex scandal" by Associated Press | September 10, 2009
SACRAMENTO - A Republican state lawmaker from Southern California resigned yesterday amid growing outrage over a videotape that caught him bragging in graphic detail about having sex with a female lobbyist and another woman.
Assemblyman Mike Duvall of Yorba Linda, whose is married and has two adult children, said it would not be fair to his family, constituents, or friends to remain in office.
Unless, of course, he had not been caught.
The 54-year-old lawmaker made the comments about the affair to another man during a break in a committee meeting at the Capitol over the summer, and they were caught on a microphone at his desk.
In a legislative recording of the hearing, Duvall can be heard talking about a recent sexual escapade with a woman he says is 18 years younger.
“I like spanking her,’’ he is heard to say on the videotape.
He then brags about an affair he is having with another woman....
You know what I like for perverts, war criminals, and looters?
"Calif. lawmaker in sex scandal denies affairs" by Associated Press | September 11, 2009
SACRAMENTO - A California lawmaker who resigned after being caught on tape boasting about his sexual conquests denied yesterday that he had extramarital affairs, saying “my offense was engaging in inappropriate storytelling.’’
You know, when you LIE on TOP OF IT, well.... whoooooosh, off, head!
Mike Duvall, who supports family values, stepped down Wednesday after a videotape surfaced in which he was overheard telling a lawmaker about having sex with a lobbyist and another woman.
The 54-year-old Republican is married with two adult children. Duvall said yesterday that his “decision to resign is in no way an admission that I had an affair or affairs.’’
“My offense was engaging in inappropriate storytelling, and I regret my language and choice of words,’’ Duvall said in a statement posted on his website....
GOODBYE, sickie!!!!!!.
Duvall made the comments about the affairs to Assemblyman Jeff Miller during a break in a committee meeting inside the Capitol on July 8, apparently unaware the microphone at the desk was on. “I’m getting into spanking her,’’ Duvall is heard saying on the videotape, which was made as a matter of routine by a legislative office.
Miller asks if she likes it. Duvall responds: “She goes, ‘I know you like spanking me.’ I said, ‘Yeah, that’s ‘cause you’re such a bad girl.’ ’’
The lawmaker had received a 100 percent rating from Capitol Resource Institute, a conservative advocacy group, for his votes on legislation considered profamily during the 2007-08 legislative session.Yeah, THANKS, THANKS a LOT for TARNISHING the WHOLE DAMN BRAND when WE are TRYING to BUILD IT UP with GOOD, DECENT, HONEST, folk!
Related: Why I am Not a Real Republican
And how do you like this.
When was the LAST TIME a PEDOPHILE got a RADIO SHOW, hanh?
"Ex-US representative Foley hits airwaves" by Associated Press | September 10, 2009
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - There’s a surprising new voice in the world of political talk radio as former US representative Mark Foley returns to the spotlight three years after a lurid scandal ruined his congressional career....
This guy is worse than Rush! At least he was only popping pills! Tommy Chong even felt sorry for the Fat Fascista when he was in jail.
Foley, who represented parts of Palm Beach County in Florida, resigned in 2006 after sending salacious Internet messages to male teens who had worked on Capitol Hill as congressional pages. Criminal investigations ended without charges.
The popular politician was seeking his seventh term in his South Florida district, where he kept busy attending lavish parties and fund-raisers in glitzy Palm Beach.
Bernie Madoff's home base for funding? No wonder Foley never hit jail or, anything!!! Oh, man, is AmeriKa ILL in SO MANY WAYS!
His sexual orientation was a poorly kept secret, but he cloaked himself in a false public persona and kept his personal life hush.
Other than Ron Paul and a couple others, they are all false.
This whole covering up the "lifestyle." WE ARE TALKING about ADOLESCENT KIDS HERE, folks!! TEENAGERS, right?
Oh, right, we send them of to wars based upon the unholiest of lies!
Upon resigning, Foley announced to the country he was gay.
You know, I don't really care either way, not when KIDS are INVOLVED! KEEP your HOOKS OFF 'EM, you predator! How come THAT GETS LOST in this? Oh.
He has since been working in real estate investment and has shied from the spotlight - until now....
Foley taped his first stint behind the mic for “Inside the Mind of Mark Foley’’ on Tuesday.
I would RATHER NOT GO THERE, thank you (as blog editor turns radio dial).
It will air Sept. 22 on WSVU out of North Palm Beach, Fla. On it, he tackles topics such as the Securities and Exchange Commission and its role in the Bernie Madoff scandal. There’s even hope for eventual syndication of the show, which will explore Washington politics.
“I don’t see anything stopping it,’’ said Joe Raineri, the show’s producer....
Well, I don't know?
Raineri said Foley approached the station a few months ago about doing a show....
With a salacious e-mail for the intern?
And for something REALLY DEPRAVED come to liberal ol' Massachusetts.
"Accused kidnapper held without bail
A Massachusetts man accused of kidnapping and drugging his 6-year-old neighbor has been ordered held without bail for at least 90 days. Superior Court Judge Joseph Walker on Tuesday granted the prosecution’s motion to hold Justin Shine, 26, based on testimony at a dangerousness hearing last week. Shine is accused of binding the girl with tape and leg shackles, injecting her with cocaine, and trying to rape her June 27.
You remember that GUILLOTINE from above, readers?
PLEASE USE IT HERE and RID US of this scum!
WTF is this?
The girl lived in the same apartment building in Hanover. She fled the apartment as police went door to door looking for her. Shine is charged with assault with intent to rape a child under 16, kidnapping for the purpose of sexual intercourse, and indecent assault and battery on a child under 14. His next court date is Sept. 30 (AP)."
I'm so embarrassed of this state. It's perversions and its fascist, one-party rule. I know this stuff happens everywhere, but I.... I'm at a loss for words!!!
I'm HORRIFIED by this stuff, and I sit here and say to myself WTF?
What is WRONG WITH some PEOPLE in my state?
By comparison, this -- while important - seems rather boring, tame, and self-evident, doesn't it?
This "update" was way better than my printed paper, and I wonder what is going on at the BG, duh!.
"Fight intensifies over campaign funding laws; High court case looks at ban on corporate cash" by David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times | September 10, 2009
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court’s conservative bloc sounded poised yesterday to strike down on free-speech grounds a 100-year-old ban against corporations spending large amounts of money to elect or defeat congressional and presidential candidates.
Yeah, right, like it ISN'T ALREADY HAPPENING as I type!
If the justices were to issue such a ruling in the next few months, it could reshape American politics, beginning with the congressional campaign in 2010. Big companies and industries - and possibly unions as well - could fund campaign ads to support or defeat members of Congress.
For example, the health insurance industry would have a much greater ability to target lawmakers who supported a so-called public option for medical insurance. Banks and investment companies could oppose representatives who favored stricter regulation of the financial industry.
Like it is not that way now!
And far more money could flow into elections.
Yeah, but the POLITICOS are WORKING for YOU, 'murkn! One BREAKFAST BOWL of SCITTE ready!!!
Last year, the political parties spent about $1.5 billion on the 2008 campaigns, while corporations earned more than $600 billion in profits.
Hey, THEY could have BAILED OUT the BANKS and ABSORBED TARP, huh!!!!??
At least NOT EVERYONE, er, uh, thing(?), was CLOBBERED by this "recession," 'eh, 'murka?
Since 1907, federal law has prohibited corporations from giving money to candidates. And since 1947, corporations and unions have been barred from spending money on their own to urge voters to elect or defeat federal candidates.
Corporate executives, as individuals, can contribute money to a corporate political action committee or PAC, but these amounts are relatively modest compared with the funds available to the corporate treasury. At least 24 states have similar bans on corporate spending in state races.
All those spending limits have come under growing legal attack from conservatives and libertarians who say the government should not be allowed to set limits on campaign spending and electioneering, even when corporate or union money is in play....
I don't know what I am then because I'm not for more money influencing politics, but I am really becoming a staunch libertarian in so many other ways regarding war, size of government, social positions, and the like.
Washington lawyer Ted Olson, the former solicitor general under President George W. Bush, pressed the justices to rule broadly. “Corporations are persons entitled to protection under the First Amendment,’’ said Olson, who represented Citizens United....
Should have called it Corporations United!
Btw, his wife made a phantom phone call from Flight 77 before she was incinerated beyond belief when "it" hit the Pentagon.
The court will meet behind closed doors later this week to vote on the case. A decision could come within a few months.
"ACORN turns in workers for voter fraud" by Associated Press | September 10, 2009
MIAMI - Armed with a tip from the grass-roots group ACORN about its own workers, authorities yesterday began arresting 11 people suspected of falsifying hundreds of voter applications during a registration drive last year....
Gotta love that GOOD OLD HYPOCRITICAL stench, don't you, world?
Miami-Dade prosecutors gave credit to the group for coming forward.
Pffft! You CAN'T TRUST the ELECTIONS PROCESS around here anymore, what with the funky machines and all. Not that elections really matter anymore. The lack-of-change change proves it!
Although ACORN is nonpartisan, its registration efforts focus on low-income and minority populations who tend to vote for Democrats.
Yeah, when the shoe is on the other foot they wail!
That's why Americans are SICKENED by the WHOLE THING -- perverts and all!