Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome to the Camps

You hear that "never again" refrain a lot, and yet here we are: modern day concentration camps.

Latest related:
Seeping Out of Sri Lanka

"Sri Lankan official says refugees redetained" by Associated Press | September 18, 2009

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - Hundreds of Tamil war refugees whom the Sri Lankan government said it had released from military-run camps last week were simply moved to other detention centers, a lawmaker said yesterday.

Mavai Senathiraja, a parliamentarian from the Tamil National Alliance, an opposition party representing ethnic Tamils, also alleged that thousands of others who were promised freedom remain in the camps.

Related: No Place is Safe in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Slaughter Slipping Away From AmeriKan MSM

When Was the Last Time You Heard About.... Sri Lanka?

His allegations came as a top UN official, who toured camps in the north yesterday, urged the quick release of nearly 300,000 minority Tamils forced from their homes by the civil war. The 25-year war ended in May when the government routed the Tamil Tiger rebels.

So they SAW 'EM, huh?

Human rights advocates have called on Sri Lanka to immediately release all the civilians held in the camps and have warned that monsoon rains due to start next month could create a public health crisis. The government has refused to open the camp gates.

No Security Council meeting?
