Thursday, October 29, 2009

Drugged-Out Justice

Wouldn't the prescription alter her judgment and give her a conflict of interest in related cases?

"Justice Ginsburg in hospital overnight" by Jesse J. Holland, Associated Press | October 16, 2009

WASHINGTON - “Prior to the plane taking off, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg experienced extreme drowsiness, causing her to fall from her seat,’’ a court statement said....

The statement said doctors attributed Ginsburg’s symptoms to a reaction caused by the combination of a prescription sleeping aid and an over-the-counter cold medicine....


I don't want some bombed-out judge deciding cases and falling asleep during arguments! They have to do something about these fossils, folks!


They need to RETIRE WHEN it is TIME, sorry!!!

Also see: Drug-Addicted Doctors

I'll pass on the national health plan and public option.