"Immigrant faces illegal documents case
Piedad Toro, 38, an illegal immigrant from Colombia, was arrested yesterday on charges of illegally purchasing US immigration documents, according to the US attorney’s office in Boston. A complaint filed against her by state and local officials said Toro, a resident of Winthrop, bought a green card from an undercover agent and was told that the documents were real but that she was obtaining them unlawfully. She introduced 17 other illegal immigrants seeking such documents illegally to the undercover agent and received $30,000 from 13 of them, according to the complaint.
"New US immigration center to open
A Citizenship and Immigration Services center is set to open in Lawrence. The $15 million building’s grand opening is scheduled Sept. 15 during a citizenship swearing-in ceremony to be taped by the History Channel for a video installment at New York’s Ellis Island. Six hundred visitors are expected daily at the new federal facility, where immigrants can petition for residency and citizenship and receive information and support. Citizenship and Immigration Services planned the Lawrence office to help ease traffic at the Boston office, often plagued by long waits. Lawrence has historically had a large immigrant population. About 70 percent of Lawrence residents are Latino (AP)."
Related: The Latin Looter of Lawrence
People are the same all over, no matter what ethnicity, huh?

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-- Your friends at Boston.com"Another illegal?
"Pursuit leads to leap, rescue, arrest
A New Bedford man shouted for a police rescue from a frigid river early Tuesday, moments after leading them on a high-speed chase, police said. Joaquim Fortes, 38, allegedly stole a vehicle at about 3:30 a.m. Tuesday and led pursuing police down Route 6 to the New Bedford-Fairhaven bridge, which was raised for boat traffic, police said. Fortes slammed the car he was driving through the bridge's first barrier and into the second, before fleeing on foot to jump through the bridge's gap into the Acushnet River, police said. New Bedford and Fairhaven police later pulled him from a nearby dock to which he was clinging. Fortes faces five criminal charges, including operating a vehicle without a license."
The piece REEKS of ILLEGAL, but the pro-illegal, agenda-pushing Glob omits it.
"Immigrant advocates to push for grants
Immigrant advocates are scheduled to tour the state to promote new grants aimed at helping immigrants learn English. Next week, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition is slated to visit New Bedford, Northampton, Pittsfield, and Lowell to discuss the “English Works Campaign.’’ Last week, state officials announced $1.3 million in grants from the Obama administration stimulus package for English classes.
Is that what you meant for your STIMULOOT dollars, America?
How many JOBS is that?
The grants come after a coalition of business, labor, and civic leaders in New Bedford launched a campaign to improve immigrants’ English proficiency by supporting reforms and investment in English programs. About 17,000 immigrants in Massachusetts on are waiting lists for English classes (AP)."
I wouldn't be such a prick about it if OUR SERVICES were not being SHREDDED and our TAX LOOT being TOSSED AWAY!!!
"Immigration proposals go to Cabinet
A governor’s advisory council outlined a number of measures yesterday to improve the lives of immigrants in Massachusetts. As a result, Governor Deval Patrick gave his Cabinet 90 days to craft a plan for better integrating all foreign-born residents into life in the Bay State. The report included 131 recommendations on ways to assist immigrants, who make up 14 percent of the state’s population.
How come no one is making a recommendation to assist you, taxpayers?
Those recommendations include expanded English classes and job training. The council also urged Patrick to push for extending in-state tuition at public colleges and driver’s licenses for immigrants here illegally.
Why? So some idiot won't jump into the river?
All for which YOU PAID, taxpayers!!
And you have to give their lobby credit; they are relentless.
"Advocates push immigrant English classes
Immigrant advocates are helping Brockton business and community leaders apply for new grants to create English classes for immigrants.
Meanwhile, YOUR SCHOOLS are being GUTTED, Bay-State taxpayers.
And you know, if we were not giving TRILLIONS to WARS and BANKS, I would NOT MIND the English lessons one bit!
Brockton officials and advocates are slated to speak today on the new grants. Earlier this month, state officials announced $1.3 million in grants from the Obama administration stimulus package for English classes. Around 17,000 immigrants in Massachusetts are on waiting lists for English classes. The grants come after Governor Deval Patrick announced last week that his Cabinet is studying recommendations from an immigrant advisory panel (AP)."
They even have agenda-approved protesters behind them, readers.
"Hundreds march for immigrants' rights; They advocate for workers, call for legal residency" by Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff | May 2, 2009
EVERETT - Hundreds of people marched from East Boston to Everett under threatening skies yesterday to demonstrate for workers' rights and to call for legal residency for the 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States.
The annual May Day march was repeated across Massachusetts and the nation, in large part to back President Obama's pledge to pursue immigration reform this year.
He meant next year.
Obama is facing stiff opposition from groups that say the United States cannot afford increased immigration, legal or illegal, because of the economic crisis and high unemployment rates. But
Let's not focus on them and their concerns, let's focus on the agenda-pushing.
the 400 people who turned out yesterday, holding signs that read "Citizenship yes! Deportation no!" and "Amnesty now!" said immigrants will be a key part of the nation's economic recovery....
After you guys have helped undermine its labor force?
others were illegal immigrants hoping for legal residency.
For others, the march was deeply personal.
Estela, a housewife from Colombia who would not give her last name because she is here illegally, held signs calling for the government to allow undocumented children to pay in-state tuition at state colleges and universities. Two of Estela's four children are here illegally and cannot pay the in-state rate. She wants her oldest to go to college, she said, but he doesn't believe he can afford it. "He is losing faith," she said.
So am I. In America, her newspapers, or any other institution.
Rosa, a 45-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico City who also declined to give her last name, said she came to America 16 years ago illegally because, as a single mother, it was the only way she could give her boys an education. Now one is a doctor and another is a lawyer. She has not seen them for seven years....
Why not?
And why are your successful sons taking care of you, Mom?
And the Globe never misses an agenda-pushing moment, does it?
"Immigration advocates to stage a rally
Immigration advocates are planning a rally to support changing federal immigration laws. The Massachusetts Immigrants & Refugee Advocacy Coalition has scheduled a rally Thursday at City Hall to push major overhaul of federal immigration laws, including a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Immigration advocates nationally are also trying to gather support for a bill introduced in Congress by Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois that seeks to legalize undocumented immigrants by requiring them to learn English, register with the federal government, pay a $500 fine for each adult, pass background checks, and meet other requirements (AP)."