Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Say Goodbye to the Gold Standard


"Fake Gold Bars in Fort Knox!

Officials were shocked to learn that the bars were fake. They contained cores of tungsten with only a outer coating of real gold. What's more, these gold bars, containing serial numbers for tracking, originated in the US and had been stored in Fort Knox for years.

"When this story first surfaced, I wondered if it was a rumor intended to discourage people from buying gold and keep them in the equities markets.

But in looking back at gold prices over the last several years, it has become apparent that a lot of gold was being dumped on the market whenever prices started to rise. IN many cases the gold sales were coming from central banks and the British and US Governments. Yet we are assured that plenty of gold to collateralize loans remains in the vaults.

Now we have these multiple reports of fake gold bars, all traceable back to Fort Knox and a single US smelter, and I am forming a new theory.

The US Government and Federal Reserve, already making worthless paper into money, decided that the bullion in Fort Knox and the Fed vaults did not have to be real gold as long as people believed it was real. So as the economy tightened and investors started to abandon the stock market (favored hunting preserve of Goldman Sachs) for precious metals, the Fed/US Government decided they could have their gold and sell it too!

So a huge amount of fake gold bars were crafted to continue to be used as "gaming tokens" for international transactions. Meanwhile the real gold could be dumped into the market to keep gold prices down and investors in the stock market (favored hunting preserve of Goldman Sachs). As long as nobody questioned the real worth of the bars, just as they never question the real worth of Federal Reserve Notes, the system works after a fashion.

But now the jig is up.

And we have a really good reason the Federal Reserve is working so hard to avoid an audit." -- Wake the Flock Up

"GLD ETF Warning, Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars

"Gold Finger - A New Take On Operation Grand Slam With A Tungsten Twist"

"Fake Gold Bars Discovered in HK LBMA Approved Vaults

It is proving quite difficult to find any mainstream information sources able to substantiate the rumors that have been circulating about the widespread distribution of fake tungsten filled gold bars. So the story goes, about 15 years ago between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400oz tungsten bars were allegedly manufactured by a sophisticated refiner in the US. To save you whisking out your calculator that’s more than 16,000 metric tons. Subsequently, some 640,000 of these tungsten blanks were 24kt gold plated and shipped to Fort Knox. Since then these or other bars manufactured by the same company have found their way into sovereign vaults and ETF’s holdings around the world.

A recent discovery — in October of 2009 — has been suppressed by the main stream media but has been circulating among the “big money” brokers and financial kingpins and is just now being revealed to the public. It involves the gold in Fort Knox — the US Treasury gold — that is the equity of our national wealth. In short, millions (with an “m”) of gold bars are fake!

Who did this? Apparently our own government.

The IMF sold Gold plated tungsten bars to India ?!?!?!