Monday, January 11, 2010

The Sotomayor Shift

Slight change in style for you, readers. Enjoy.

"Supreme Court returns with major campaign finance ruling due

She could play a key role in deciding how to implement a decision the court reached seven months ago - or whether it should be reversed. Sotomayor’s influence is outsized in Briscoe v. Virginia because David Souter, the justice she replaced, was in the majority of the 5-to-4 ruling that defendants have the right to question crime lab analysts about the reports they produce.

I expect that ruling will be reversed.


"Massachusetts routinely violated the constitutional rights of drug defendants.... and the state Appeals Court is applying the same standard to gun possessions"

Also see: Supreme Court Administers Truth Serum to Massachusetts

Coakley's Missing Case

The smug self-righteousness is getting a bit stale, Massachushitts!