Why not some WEB CENSORSHIP for the WORLD, huh?
"Obama: Al-Qaida would use nuke if it could" by Anne Gearan, AP National Security Writer | April 11, 2010
WASHINGTON --If al-Qaida acquired nuclear weapons it "would have no compunction at using them," President Barack Obama said Sunday on the eve of a summit aimed at finding ways to secure the world's nuclear stockpile.
So which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?
The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
Oh, AmeriKa's MSM KNOWS ALL ABOUT and yet STILL PUSHES the CHARADE, huh?Yes, the ZIONIST WAR LIES never stop here in New England's largest daily.
Yeah, well, if a CITY GOES UP, do not expect us to believe the cover story that it was with help from Iran, 'kay?
Turns out, the MILITARY KNOWS what WE ALL KNOW: that 9/11 was a MOSSAD OPERATION!
However, if one does mushroom during the next false flag attack, we are GOING TO BLAME "Al-CIA-Duh" and YOU, President Obama!
If ISRAEL is allowed to ATTACK THIS NATION in such a way, we will HOLD YOU and YOUR GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBLE, sir!!
Now, what do you have to say to that?
"The single biggest threat to U.S. security, both short-term, medium-term and long-term, would be the possibility of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama said.
Israel already has them.
"This is something that could change the security landscape in this country and around the world for years to come."
So WHEN is the FALSE FLAG, Obama?
"If there was ever a detonation in New York City, or London, or Johannesburg, the ramifications economically, politically and from a security perspective would be devastating," the president said.
Related: "Al-CIA-Duh" Has a Nuclear Bomb
Get the hell out of dodge, readers!!
"We know that organizations like al-Qaida are in the process of trying to secure nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, and would have no compunction at using them," Obama said.
And so is Iraq, Iran, and anyone else we don't like or built up as a threat, America.
Haven't you HAD ENOUGH?!!
The Nuclear Security Summit of more than 40 world leaders in Washington this week is aimed at securing "loose nuclear material," Obama said. He was holding one-on-one meetings Sunday with several of those leaders. He said other world leaders have offered "very specific approaches to how we can solve this profound international problem."
Obama singled out South Africa for giving up its nuclear program, and said it "has been a strong, effective leader in the international community on nonproliferation issues. South Africa has special standing in being a moral leader on this issue."
South African President Jacob Zuma was among the leaders Obama met with Sunday at Blair House, across from the White House. Others included Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev....
Even this is a piece of rewritten shit, and I'm tired of it.
Then I type in "Anne Gearan, Obama, Clinton, uranium 235" to try and find Hitlery's comments on Google:
"Al Qaeda would use nuclear weapon, Obama warns - The Boston Globe

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-- Your friends at Boston.com "Looks like the Globe is also full of nonsense.
This is "update" you webbers got:
India-Pakistan rivalry not part of nuclear summit (By David E. Sanger and William J. Broad, New York Times)
I'm sorry, readers, I don't feel like reading such shit today.
"Reports shed light on efforts to secure nuclear materials; Obama increases funding to protect foreign warheads" by Walter Pincus, Washington Post | March 17, 2010
Oh, great, the CIA's favorite newspaper.
Yeah, here is your "news," America.
WASHINGTON — While public attention is focused on a new arms-control treaty between Russia and the United States, the slow, dull work of keeping nuclear warheads and weapons-grade uranium and plutonium protected from terrorists goes on almost unnoticed.
See: Starting in on Russia
The US system: ‘guns, gates, and guards.’
Securing other countries’ nuclear warheads and materials is a focus of President Obama’s fiscal 2011 budget, with a $2.7 billion request for nuclear nonproliferation efforts, up 26 percent from the current year’s spending.
Don't you wish we had never built them like so many of us wanted?
Now we have to pay to destroy them?
Yeah, they have extra dough for this, even though we KNOW who the TERRORISTS are!
This isn't about them at all, this is about GLOBALIST CONTROL over EVERYTHING!
Steven Black, who runs those programs for the National Nuclear Security Administration, defended the increase before the House committee last week as he laid out the variety of efforts to secure nuclear warheads and vulnerable fissile material. The Global Threat Reduction Initiative program, Black told lawmakers, is working to remove 1,168 pounds of weapons-grade highly enriched uranium, or HEU, from countries such as South Africa, Mexico, Serbia, Ukraine, and Belarus....
How about ISRAEL?
In addition, Black is working to convert 10 research reactors in foreign countries to low-enriched uranium, which cannot be used for weapons.
Then WHY CAN'T IRAN have one?
Seven countries have signed cooperative agreements for the switchover, but South Africa and Ukraine are two of the holdouts. “We’re fairly confident the new president of Ukraine will be receptive to the work,’’ Black said....
Related: Ding-Dong, the Witch is Dead!
And away from my agenda-pushing news pages the country went.
Black said the largest part of his budget, about $1 billion, is being spent on programs to dispose of surplus plutonium and HEU. Beyond that, he said, “our priority is to create multiple layers of defense such as deploying radiation-detection monitors at critical transit points so we can intercept this dangerous material as far from our shores as possible.’’
Yeah, this is ALL ABOUT the GLOBAL CONTROL GRID, not "terrorists" getting a bomb!
He said Russia’s Federal Customs Service has agreed to equip all of the country’s approximately 350 border crossings by 2011 with radiation-detection devices and to split the cost with the United States. The United States will pay for 55 similar devices in 19 other countries and four foreign seaports....
Of course, that means YOU will PAY, taxpayers!
All over a DAMN LIE!!!
"Obama to reset policy on using nuclear arms; Bid to eliminate others’ rationale for proliferation" by David E. Sanger, New York Times | April 6, 2010
Yeah, if it is not one it is the other.
WASHINGTON — President Obama said yesterday that he is revamping American nuclear strategy to narrow substantially the conditions under which the United States would use nuclear weapons, even in self-defense.
But the president said in an interview that he is carving out an exception for “outliers like Iran and North Korea’’ that have violated or renounced the treaty to halt nuclear proliferation....
I'm telling you, if I were them, that would not make me feel good at all.
Related: The Boston Globe's Stupid Ideas: Nuclear Disarmament
So that is how Obama and company are going to get rid of them, huh?
Also see: Obama Goes Nuclear
Still building new ones, 'eh, Obomber?
White House officials said the new strategy will leave open the option of reconsidering the use of nuclear retaliation against a biological attack, if the development of such weapons reaches a level that makes the United States vulnerable to a devastating strike.
So despite the agenda-pushing MSM fanfare, there IS NO CHANGE!!!
Obama’s new strategy is bound to be controversial, both among conservatives who have warned against diluting America’s most potent deterrent and among liberals who were hoping for a blanket statement that America would never be the first to use nuclear weapons.
On the JAPANESE!!!
Nothing like some MSM distortions, 'eh, 'murkn!?
Wouldn't want you looking in the mirror at your WAR CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT!!!
Obama argued for a slower course, saying, “We are going to want to make sure that we can continue to move towards less emphasis on nuclear weapons,’’ and to “make sure that our conventional weapons capability is an effective deterrent in all but the most extreme circumstances.’’
The release of the new strategy, known as the Nuclear Posture Review, opens an intensive nine days of nuclear diplomacy geared toward reducing weapons. Obama plans to fly to Prague to sign a new arms-control agreement with Russia on Thursday, and next week will host 47 world leaders in Washington for a summit on nuclear security.
The most immediate test of the new strategy is likely to be in dealing with Iran, which has defied the international community by developing a nuclear program that it insists is peaceful but that the United States and its allies say is a precursor to weapons. Asked about the escalating confrontation with Iran, Obama said he is now convinced that “the current course they’re on would provide them with nuclear weapons capabilities.’’
So WHEN do the NUKES FLY, Obama?
This as there is NO EVIDENCE that Iran is doing ANY SUCH THING!!
Once again we are being told WAR LIES for the sake of ISRAEL!!!
He dodged when asked whether he shares Israel’s view that a “nuclear capable’’ Iran would be as dangerous as one that actually possessed weapons....
Yeah, he doesn't want to step on those toes; he might end up dead.
Related: Usraeli Food Fight
Yeah, but it will make the U.S. look good after Israel attacks Iran with their nuclear weapons.
They just get to keep 'em, right?
"Canceled summit trip highlights Israel’s nuclear program" by Steven Gutkin, Associated Press | April 10, 2010
JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to abruptly cancel a trip to a nuclear conference in Washington spotlighted a key sore point yesterday in international nonproliferation efforts: Israel’s own atomic weapons.
Yeah, he cancelled because he was GOING to be CONFRONTED over it by Turkey and Egypt!!
The Jewish state wants to help lead the charge against allowing nuclear weapons to end up in undesirable hands, even when nobody doubts that Israel itself possesses them.
So that means the Zionist criminals are giving their up, 'ey?
And nothing like more MSM distortions when it comes to Israel, 'eh?
An Israeli official said yesterday that Netanyahu called off his trip after his government received word that participants at next week’s conference would “push an Israel-bashing agenda.’’
Yeah, you guys can't go anywhere now.
One wonders why you lying assholes can't get it through your thick skulls that everybody hates you now for the many things you have done and are doing.
Israel’s official policy of “nuclear ambiguity’’ — neither confirming nor denying that it has nuclear weapons — has long been a cornerstone of its military deterrence. But officials and analysts from various countries, in addition to one well-known Israeli whistle-blower, have all said the truth is not ambiguous: that Israel has dozens, perhaps hundreds, of nuclear bombs.
Yes, the ZIONIST NEWSPAPER can't utter the name Vanunnu, watch.
Muslim countries have long complained of a double standard when the West asks them to stay nuclear-free while turning a blind eye to Israel’s program. Many Israelis see atomic weapons as their ultimate defense against annihilation.
I'm so sick of the whining Jews and their lies!!!
Netanyahu’s announcement that he would be at the summit, which is supposed to focus on how to prevent terrorists from getting nuclear materials, would have made him the first Israeli prime minister to attend an international nuclear forum. The announcement raised some eyebrows at home, with some wondering why Netanyahu would attend a meeting where the words “Israel’’ and “nuclear’’ would inevitably be uttered in the same breath.
Two ministers who asked not to be named said they had warned Netanyahu against going because of the potential for unwanted attention on Israel’s nuclear program.
Don't worry; MSM will not broach this topic again after this Slow Saturday Special!!!!!!
US and diplomatic officials in Washington familiar with Netanyahu’s decision said he opted to bow out after learning that several Muslim nations wanted to use the summit to criticize Israel for not having signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and renew calls for a nuclear-free Middle East.
Oh, and IRAN HAS SIGNED, huh?
Related: How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb
Yeah, Americans, Israel has the bomb because they STOLE IT from YOU!!!
TEHRAN — US allies yesterday lined up behind President Obama’s new policy aimed at reducing the likelihood of nuclear conflict. But Iran, classified as a possible target under the guidelines, dismissed it as a “cowboy’’ policy by a political newcomer doomed to fail.
President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia, in the Slovak capital, Bratislava, for an official visit, did not address the issue before leaving for Prague to sign a landmark treaty today with Obama aimed at paring US-Russian strategic nuclear weapons by 30 percent. But Washington’s supporters in Asia and Europe welcomed Obama’s pledge Tuesday to reduce America’s nuclear arsenal, refrain from nuclear tests, and not use nuclear weapons against countries that do not have them.
Doesn't it seem odd that he would be praised for such a thing?
North Korea and Iran were not included in that pledge....
All I needed to see.
The United States considers them nuclear rogues — Pyongyang for developing and testing nuclear weapons and Tehran because it is suspected of trying to do the same under the cover of a peaceful program, something Iran denies. Outlining the policy Tuesday, Robert M. Gates, US defense secretary, said the focus would now be on terror groups such as Al Qaeda as well as North Korea’s nuclear buildup and Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Well, Gates should KNOW ALL ABOUT THEM!
He was WORKING at CIA-Duh in the 1980s!!!
Addressing thousands in the country’s northwest, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran derided Obama. Ahmadinejad said Obama “is under the pressure of capitalists and the Zionists,’’ and vowed Iran would not be pushed around.
My first thought was THEY MISTRANSLATED HIM AGAIN; however, even if not, he is correct!
We all know who this government serves; you would have to be brain-dead not to see it.
American officials “bigger than you, more bullying than you, couldn’t do a damn thing, let alone you,’’ he said, addressing Obama.
He almost guarantees an attack with the finger-in-the-eye, doesn't he?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, whose country is the only Mideast nation considered to have nuclear weapons, dismissed speculation the Jewish state could come under pressure. “I’m not concerned that anyone would think that Israel is a terrorist regime,’’ he said. “Everybody knows a terrorist and rogue regime when they see one...’’
Yes, and I am LOOKING at the LEADER of one RIGHT NOW!!!!
Washington’s key European partners on its efforts to contain Iran’s nuclear activities welcomed the Obama initiative....
In Asia, key allies benefiting from being under the US nuclear defense umbrella expressed support, suggesting the Obama statement helped defuse concerns that they would be left vulnerable by a change in Washington’s policy.
“This is a first step toward a nuclear-free world,’’ said Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of Japan.
They would be the first ones to want one, wouldn't they?
There was no immediate reaction to Obama’s plan from North Korean state media.
Related: Israel warns of Iran nuclear threat
And at the height of the hypocrisy:
"Alarm over shortage of nuclear experts; US races to draw interest in field" by Bryan Bender, Globe Staff | April 3, 2010
WASHINGTON — The United States is facing a critical shortage of nuclear scientists and engineers, even as demand rises for their expertise in managing an aging US arsenal, monitoring dangerous weapons stockpiles around the world, and operating new nuclear power plants, according to the latest government figures and independent studies....
So? What are we going to need them for?
Related: Obama's Mushroom Cloud of a Bailout
Yeah, it is OKAY if WE BUILD 'EM!!!
To narrow the gap, the Obama administration is proposing to boost a series of programs — including cash bonuses and tuition reimbursement — to persuade a new generation of students to earn degrees in nuclear physics, engineering, and other related disciplines and choose a career in weapons work, according to budget documents.
Yeah, he HAS MONEY for these school programs!
But he wants to REDUCE and ELIMINATE NUKES, sure!
Are you TIRED of the BULLSHIT yet, readers?
The nuclear security agency has also established guidelines requiring contractors that run its weapons laboratories — currently on the order of 30,000 — to recruit and train more workers.
But the government and papers tell us we are cutting back, blah, blah, blah.
So when do the H1-B visas and the illegals start coming to do the work?
Underscoring President Obama’s commitment to the work, his budget request for the agency, unveiled last month, calls for a 13.4 percent increase in fiscal year 2011 to $11.2 billion, the largest increase of any agency.
And this is a "change" from the last guy how?
Los Alamos National Laboratory, one of the primary facilities that designs and certifies nuclear weapons, would see a 22 percent increase, the largest since the Manhattan Project built the first atomic bomb in 1944.
“Senior people at Los Alamos tell us that the quality of science has dropped like a stone,’’ said Greg Mello, who runs the Los Alamos Study Group, a think tank in Albuquerque that specializes in nuclear weapons policy. “People with options don’t want to stay.’’
The phenomenon is part of what specialists say is a wider trend: Universities have scaled back some of their degree programs and are not turning out enough graduates in the nuclear sciences to meet national demand in the military and civilian sectors....
The Obama administration last month announced plans for at least two new reactors — the first in three decades — and has expressed support for building more as part of a renaissance in nuclear energy to help reduce reliance on fossil fuels that are damaging the environment....
It is the erosion of expertise in US nuclear weapons complex — which requires workers to be American citizens and eligible to hold some of the highest security clearances — that is most alarming, officials say.
Aww, I'm really feeling sorry for the over-charging, over-priced, war-criminal state, aren't you?
Maybe all those tax dollars won't be wasted building bombs they will just destroy using taxpapyer dollars later, huh?
It comes as the Obama administration is preparing to make deep cuts in the American arsenal, which many specialists say will place a higher premium on technical know-how. The average age of US weapons is 26 years and with no plans to design new ones, the weapons will need key modifications to ensure they will work , if they are ever deployed.
Spy Satellite Shit and Rods From God
U.S. Seeks New Nukes
So HOW MANY LIES are they going to TELL US, dear readers?
And what a bummer if we dropped a nuke and it didn't go off, huh?
“There is a paradox,’’ said Thomas P. D’Agostino, undersecretary of energy for nuclear security. “As the number of weapons come down, what becomes even more important is having the people who understand how they work.’’
Senior military officials responsible for operating the weapons agree....
What warped logic.
Even the staunchest supporters of arms control, who believe the size of the US arsenal far exceeds security needs and will even after Obama’s proposed cuts, agree the need for more trained nuclear specialists is critical....
And those are the "peace" people, huh?
The lack of expertise could have global consequences. The same scientists and engineers who work on the US nuclear weapons are also responsible for tracking the progress of other nations developing nuclear weapons and for helping countries secure their bomb-making material from theft by terrorists.
Oh, like Valerie Plame, the CIA agent Bush outed?
One growing mission of the nuclear security agency is called “nuclear archeology,’’ using measurements and samples of fissile material and waste products to identify how much uranium or plutonium a particular facility in producing. This is expected to be critical in ensuring that nations such as Iran or North Korea live up to their commitments in arms control agreements....
I think that will be the day I STOP READING YOU!!
Think that explosion will be noticed?
Of course, here is your REAL NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE:
"A recurring nuclear nightmare" by John E. Rosenthal | February 27, 2010
PRESIDENT OBAMA must have discovered the cure for radiation-induced cancer, the solution for long-term safe storage of nuclear waste, and the secure containment of nuclear materials from theft or terrorist attack at nuclear power plants. Why else would he propose to expand nuclear power plants with an additional $54 billion in loan guarantees to the already heavily subsidized nuclear industry?
And one leaking the stuff is just over the state line and we are downriver.
How nice.
It’s more likely that the president is poised to repeat the same costly mistakes of the past at the expense of public health and safety and national security.
It's a heck of a change, I must admit.
Nuclear energy is anything but “clean and safe,’’ as Obama has said. Utilities have traditionally refused to accept the risks without legal indemnification and almost total government underwriting.
Yeah, I'd say about 80% is near total.
Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act in 1982, obligating the taxpayer to underwrite all costs associated with managing, storing, and safeguarding nuclear waste.
Yeah, that is YOUR CONGRESS working FOR YOU, America.
The NUCLEAR POLLUTERS don't pay a damn thing; they just get the government check.
Today there are 104 commercial nuclear reactors in the United States, with several of the oldest and “dirtiest’’ plants in New England. The Associated Press recently reported that 27 of the 104 reactors are leaking potentially dangerous levels of carcinogenic radioactive tritium into local groundwater supplies. The Pilgrim plant in Plymouth and Vermont Yankee are among the nuclear plants with leaking reactors.
Actually, it is worse. They found something called cesium 137 in the soil where the company said there were no leaks.
The Vermont Senate voted this week to close Yankee.
Related: Around New England: Vermont Votes Yankee Down
Yeah, but it turns out that didn't mean anything:
"Public Service Commissioner David O’Brien, made some of his strongest comments yet, saying a February Vermont Senate vote blocking relicensing of the reactor did not matter."
That is your "public service" commissioner, Vermont?
And I'm still here downriver.
Still, Obama and some “environmentalists’’ are promoting nuclear energy as a solution to everything from climate change to Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions....
I like the quotations.
The use of airplanes as missiles [on] Sept. 11, 2001 brought home the reality that Al Qaeda could have caused a nuclear nightmare had they targeted nuclear plants instead of our financial, military, and government institutions.
Yeah, what STOO-PID "terrorists" and MORE SCREAMING EVIDENCE of a FALSE FLAG FULL of SYMBOLISM, 'eh, America?!!!!
According to national security experts, Al Qaeda operatives, when asked in interrogations why they didn’t attack nuclear facilities, replied “not this time.’’
Yeah, right, the "Al-CIA-Duh" they TORTURED, right?!
Again, the REAL NUCLEAR THREAT that is being PROMOTED by LIES from the same government and MSM that is bringing you "Al-CIA-Duh," folks!
The risks from nuclear power begin with uranium mining, where tailings can contaminate groundwater, air, and soils. Then follows the increased cancer risk to uranium miners, nuclear plant workers, and neighbors living near nuclear facilities.
Yeah, HI, neighbor, can you see how furious I am?
Finally we must consider the devastating impacts of a possible major nuclear accident like Three Mile Island or Chernobyl.
I actually try not to think about it with that leaking hulk 20 miles away.
The proliferation of nuclear power is simply not worth the costs to public health and the environment or the extraordinary and endless financial costs to the American taxpayer.
Hey, they have a bottomless wallet so who cares?