"Gunmen trying to pass themselves off as US and Iraqi soldiers.... the gunmen gained entry to her home by speaking English and convincing her mother they were US soldiers on patrol. A senior Iraqi Army official who arrived at the scene Friday evening said witnesses told him the gunmen were wearing army uniforms and carrying guns that resembled those of the American military.... their uniforms are also widely available on the open market and have been used by insurgents as disguises. Militants also have pretended to be Americans in attacks...."
Well, who else would it have been?
"Bombs kill 5, injure 26 near house linked to Sunni parliamentary candidate in Iraq" by Associated Press | March 29, 2010
BAGHDAD — Several bombs exploded yesterday near a house linked to a prominent Sunni figure who ran in this month’s parliamentary elections in Iraq, killing five people and wounding 26 others, a police official said.
The attack adds to fears of postelection violence as the bitter election rivals enter what are expected to be drawn out talks on forming the next government that will rule Iraq as US troops leave by the end of 2011....
--more--""Panel to challenge Iraq vote results; Group cites wins by six loyalists to Ba’ath Party" by Leila Fadel, Washington Post | March 30, 2010
BAGHDAD — Also yesterday, in a sign of the violence Iraqis fear will overtake the nation as political battles for seats of power ensue, a double bombing ripped through the holy southern city of Karbala. At least 50 people were wounded, officials said. It was unclear whether anyone was killed.
You know, when I get reedited, rewritten, and censored "updates" I begin to get suspicious.
"Gunmen in military uniforms kill 24 in Iraqi Sunni village; Group apparently targeted for revolt against Al Qaeda" by Elizabeth A. Kennedy, Associated Press | April 4, 2010
BAGHDAD -- Gunmen trying to pass themselves off as US and Iraqi soldiers raided a Sunni village outside Baghdad and killed at least 24 people in an execution-style attack, apparently targeting a Sunni group that revolted against Al Qaeda in Iraq, authorities and witnesses said yesterday.
The bloodshed late Friday occurred amid increasing concerns that insurgents will take advantage of Iraq's political turmoil to further destabilize the country, nearly a month after parliamentary elections failed to give any candidate a decisive win.
And just as SADR was about to CROWN a KING!
I SURE SMELL some tortured MSM logic around here, don't you?!
Many fear a drawn-out political debate could spill over into violence and complicate American efforts to speed up troop withdrawals in the coming months.
Details remained sketchy, but....
The killings were reminiscent of those that plagued Iraq at the height of the sectarian bloodshed of 2006 and 2007, when men, sometimes dressed in police or army uniforms, snatched people from their houses at night before killing them and dumping the bodies. Similar violence still plagues the country, but it has ebbed sharply. In November, gunmen in Iraqi Army uniforms abducted and killed 13 people in the village of Saadan near the town of Abu Ghraib on Baghdad's western outskirts.
One survivor of Friday's attack said the gunmen gained entry to her home by speaking English and convincing her mother they were US soldiers on patrol. "My mother thought they were Americans who came to search the house, that's why she opened the door," said the woman, who ran to another room. Her mother and two brothers were killed....
A senior Iraqi Army official who arrived at the scene Friday evening said witnesses told him the gunmen were wearing army uniforms and carrying guns that resembled those of the American military....
The US Embassy in Baghdad condemned the attack and urged Iraqi authorities to conduct a thorough investigation. The American presence on Iraqi streets has been drastically reduced since the United States withdrew from cities last summer, the first step toward a full withdrawal by the end of next year.
Yeah, now the lying, cover-up MSM excuses start!
US raids of people's homes were common in the years that followed the 2003 invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein, but the Americans have turned over authority to the Iraqis and no longer have free reign in the country.
Yeah, right, the Iraqis are telling us what to do, uh-huh!
The LIES just KEEP on coming, huh?
Major General Qassim al-Moussawi, an Iraqi military spokesman, said that by late afternoon, 25 people had been arrested. Moussawi said some witnesses reported Friday's attackers wore Iraqi military uniforms, an assertion echoed by other police officials and villagers. Moussawi blamed the killings on Al Qaeda, which has frequently targeted the groups.
Police cordoned off the area and forced residents to stay inside their homes as helicopters swarmed overhead and authorities searched for suspects. Members of the Iraqi military have been accused in the past of taking part in past extra-judicial killings, but their uniforms are also widely available on the open market and have been used by insurgents as disguises. Militants also have pretended to be Americans in attacks....
"Suicide bombers target embassies in Iraq, kill 42" by Elizabeth A. Kennedy and Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Associated Press Writers | April 4, 2010
BAGHDAD --Suicide attackers detonated three car bombs in quick succession near foreign embassies in Baghdad on Sunday, killing more than 40 people in coordinated strikes that Iraqi officials said were intended to disrupt efforts to form a new government.
The bombings followed the execution-style killings of 24 villagers in a Sunni area two days earlier, a spike in violence that suggests insurgents are seizing on the political uncertainty after the recent election to try to destabilize the country as U.S. troops prepare to leave. No clear winner emerged from the March 7 vote.
Sunday's explosions went off within minutes of each other, starting shortly after 11 a.m. One struck near the Iranian Embassy and two others hit an area that houses several diplomatic missions, including the Egyptian Consulate and the German and Spanish embassies. It was not immediately known whether diplomatic staff were among the victims.
Authorities said they foiled two other attacks aimed at diplomatic targets by stopping the would-be bombers' vehicles and defusing the explosives....
There was no immediate claim of responsibility, although multiple, coordinated bombings in the capital are a hallmark of al-Qaida in Iraq.
So which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?
The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?
Also see:
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
Oh, what do you know, MORE "Al-CIA-Duh" SPEAKING ENGLISH(?)!
All make sense now, readers?
The violence suggests insurgents are trying to regroup in the political vacuum left after the elections....
This f***ing news media that has LIED to WHOLE TIME and CONTINUES to LIE!!!!!!
No, that is what THEY and their FALSE FLAG PROMOTIONS are SUGGESTING!
A senior Iraqi security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said Iraqi forces were tipped off about a possible attack against diplomatic targets and had started beefing up security Saturday, which he credited with keeping the embassies from serious damage....
Yup, the REEKING STENCH of another INSIDE JOB!!!!!!!!!!
While overall violence has dropped considerably in Iraq since 2006 and 2007, the ability of insurgents to carry out well-planned attacks against prominent targets shows that significant security lapses remain....
On Friday, gunmen trying to pass themselves off as U.S. and Iraqi soldiers raided a Sunni village outside Baghdad and killed at least 24 people in an execution-style attack, apparently targeting a Sunni group that revolted against al-Qaida in Iraq.
Since the MOSSAD SQUAD got BUSTED in DUBAI I will NEVER VIEW the MSM term "gunmen" the same ever again.
The killings were reminiscent of those that plagued Iraq at the height of the sectarian bloodshed of 2006 and 2007, when men, sometimes dressed in police or army uniforms, snatched people from their homes at night.
Like the U.S. or their proxies have never, ever done that. Sigh.
After Sunday's attacks, U.S. military spokesman Capt. Jay Ostrich said American forces, including explosives disposal teams, were assisting Iraqi troops at the government's request. He said the U.S. military is "ready to support any further requests for assistance" from Iraqi authorities....
Yup, FURTHER IN we go as we are getting out, cui bono.
Version number three?
"Gunmen in military uniforms kill 24 in Iraqi Sunni village; Group apparently targeted for revolt against insurgents" by Elizabeth A. Kennedy, Associated Press | April 4, 2010

Women reacted to the killing of relatives at one of the houses in Baghdad that was attacked yesterday. The bloodshed occurred amid increasing concerns that insurgents will take advantage of Iraq’s political turmoil to further destabilize the country. (Saad Shalash/Reuters)
BAGHDAD — Gunmen pretending to be Iraqi security forces and US soldiers killed at least 24 people, shooting some and slitting others’ throats as they moved from house to house, officials and residents said yesterday.
The victims of the hourlong incident included women and children, but most were members of the Awakening, a Sunni paramilitary force also known as the Sons of Iraq that battled insurgents at the behest of the US military. The targeted killings were perhaps the most brutal since the horrific spiral of sectarian assassinations in 2006 and 2007 pulled Iraq into a state of civil war.
This is just sad, readers.
The MSM and its lying and censorship is JUST SAD!!!!!!!
With American forces no longer patrolling Iraqi cities, the killings also reinforced a sense of abandonment among Iraqi Sunnis....
The US military pulled out of Iraq’s cities over the summer, but maintains a small presence in the rural belt of Baghdad....
The incident began Friday morning when gunmen slipped into the neighborhood of Hor Rajab, a vast area of farmland just south of Baghdad, and hid in a house waiting for darkness. Rumors quickly spread that Americans were in the area after the men inside the house yelled “Go, go!’’ in English to approaching residents, Jubouri said. Accounts of the incident differed, but residents said the killings started about 8 p.m. Friday.
Some residents and relatives of the victims said the gunmen arrived in what looked like the pickup trucks driven by Iraqi federal police.
Related: Occupation Iraq: Government Death Squads
Well, he did lose the election.
Also see: Occupation Iraq: Government Hit Squad Killed Reporters
Yeah, if it gets to chaotic, Maliki will have to invoke martial law and stay in control(?) of the country, right?
Others said that the men came on foot and that they apparently killed a man and a woman in the house where they hid all morning. They then reportedly walked to the house of Shaker Hamid, a member of the Awakening. The gunmen locked women and children in one room and took five men to the roof, where they slit their throats, residents said.
The attackers stole a truck from the house and drove to their next target, Jubouri said. At least 16 people were shot in two other houses, residents said. According to Qassim al-Aamree, whose sister-in-law was killed in the attack, the gunmen carried a list and called out names of residents, lined them up, and shot them. He said 25 people were killed before the gunmen left about 9 p.m....
A US military official said he was seeing signs that Al Qaeda in Iraq was making overtures to the Sons of Iraq, whose members feel targeted by the government. Many of them are former insurgents, and government officials are distrustful of them....
And just as we were allegedly leavin'!!!
"Wave of coordinated violence strikes Iraq; Bombers target embassies; scores die in Baghdad" by Elizabeth A. Kennedy, Associated Press | April 5, 2010

Family members in Najaf, Iraq, mourned Karima Mohammed, 48, killed yesterday when suicide bombers struck in Baghdad. (Alaa Al-Marjani/ Associated Press)
BAGHDAD — Suicide attackers detonated three car bombs in quick succession near foreign embassies in Baghdad yesterday, killing more than 40 people in coordinated strikes that Iraqi officials said were intended to disrupt efforts to form a new government.
The bombings followed the execution-style killings of 24 villagers in a Sunni area two days earlier, an abrupt rise in violence that suggests insurgents are seizing on political uncertainty after the recent election to try to destabilize the country as US troops prepare to leave....
Yesterday’s explosions went off within minutes of each other, starting shortly after 11 a.m. One struck near the Iranian Embassy and two others hit an area that houses several diplomatic missions, including the Egyptian Consulate and the German and Spanish embassies....
Authorities said they foiled two other attacks aimed at diplomatic targets by stopping the would-be bombers’ vehicles and defusing the explosives.... There was no immediate claim of responsibility, although multiple, coordinated bombings in the capital are a hallmark of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
A senior Iraqi security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said Iraqi forces were tipped off about a possible attack against diplomatic targets and had started beefing up security Saturday. He said the tactic kept the embassies from serious damage.
While overall violence has dropped considerably in Iraq since 2006 and 2007, the ability of insurgents to carry out well-planned attacks against prominent targets shows that significant security lapses remain. Many fear that such attacks will complicate American efforts to speed up troop withdrawals in the coming months.
On Friday, gunmen trying to pass themselves off as US and Iraqi soldiers raided a Sunni village outside Baghdad and killed at least 24 people in an execution-style attack, apparently targeting a Sunni group that revolted against Al Qaeda in Iraq. The killings were reminiscent of those that plagued Iraq at the height of the sectarian bloodshed of 2006 and 2007, when men, sometimes dressed in police or army uniforms, snatched people from their homes at night.
Yesterday’s bombings were among the worst this year, but there have been deadlier attacks recently....
Yeah, get that sectarian war going again, cui bono?
BAGHDAD — A Shi’ite couple and four of their children were gunned down in their home outside Baghdad yesterday, the latest in a string of attacks that have killed about 70 people since Friday, police said.
The violence is stoking fears that security in Iraq could dissolve as the country’s political leaders scramble to win enough support to form a government. Last month’s elections failed to produce a clear winner.
Then we will just have to stay, America.
Yesterday’s shooting happened around 2:30 p.m. 25 miles south of Baghdad, said a police commander, Major Aziz al-Amarah. The gunmen shot four children — ages 11, 10, 9, and 6 — and their parents. Two teenage daughters escaped.
The killings followed two other bloody attacks. On Friday, gunmen went house to house in a Sunni area south of Baghdad, killing 24 villagers. Many were members of Sons of Iraq, a Sunni group that revolted against Al Qaeda and joined forces with the US military.
The MSM SURE CLEANED THAT UP, didn't they?
On Sunday, suicide attackers detonated three car bombs near embassies in Baghdad, killing more than 40 people in strikes that Iraqi officials said were intended to disrupt efforts to form a government. Colonel Ben Danner, a US military spokesman, said the attacks on Friday and Sunday have no connection to the sectarian bloodshed that plagued Iraq in 2006 and 2007.
There was no known motive in yesterday’s attack. But many fear that such violence and a drawn-out political dispute could complicate American efforts to speed up troop withdrawals. The violence also suggests insurgents are trying to regroup. Nearly a month after the national vote, Iraq still finds itself in a political deadlock....
Don't worry; Sadr took a vote.
And this would never have gotten coverage were it not for the blogs:
"Video shows ’07 US air attack that killed news photographer, driver in Iraq" by New York Times | April 6, 2010
WASHINGTON — The website WikiLeaks.org released a graphic video yesterday showing an American helicopter shooting and killing a Reuters photographer and driver in a July 2007 attack in Baghdad.
A senior American military official confirmed that the video was authentic.
Reuters had long pressed for the release of the video, which consists of 17 minutes of black-and-white aerial video and conversations between pilots in two Apache helicopters as they open fire on people on a street in Baghdad. The attack killed 12, among them Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and driver Saeed Chmagh, 40.
At a news conference at the National Press Club, WikiLeaks said it had acquired the video from whistle-blowers in the military and was able to view it after breaking the encryption code.
David Schlesinger, editor in chief of Reuters news, said in a statement that the video was “graphic evidence of the dangers involved in war journalism and the tragedies that can result.’’
Then you shouldn't have brought it to us with your lies.
On the day of the attack, US military officials in Baghdad said the helicopters had been called in to help American troops who had been exposed to small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades during a raid. “There is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force,’’ Lieutenant Colonel Scott Bleichwehl, a spokesman for the multinational forces in Baghdad, said at the time. But the video does not show hostile action.
That's why if it comes from the military's mouth you know it's a lie.
Instead, it begins with a group of people milling around on a street, among them, according to WikiLeaks, Noor-Eldeen and Chmagh. The pilots believe them to be insurgents, and mistake Noor-Eldeen’s camera for a weapon. They aim and fire at the group, then revel in their kills.
“Look at those dead bastards,’’ one pilot says. “Nice,’’ the other responds.
Doing it with drones in Pakistan right now.
A wounded man can be seen crawling and the pilots impatiently hope that he will try to fire at them so that under the rules of engagement they can shoot him again. “All you gotta do is pick up a weapon,’’ one pilot says.
A short time later, a van arrives to pick up the wounded and the pilots open fire on it, wounding two children inside. “Well, it’s their fault for bringing their kids into a battle,’’ one pilot says.
Yeah, this is why I no longer shed tears for AmeriKa and its war dead.
Fuck 'em.
Watch for yourself: Collateral Murder
I'm just wondering when reporters are going to get it through their heads that they are nothing but tools to their editorial bosses.
They DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU and NEVER DID, otherwise, they would be making a major stink of this, not passing it off as a one day brief.
"50 dead as Baghdad bombings stoke fears of warfare" by Elizabeth A. Kennedy and Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Associated Press Writers | April 6, 2010
BAGHDAD --Bombs ripped through apartment buildings and a market in mostly Shiite areas of Baghdad on Tuesday, killing 50 people in postelection bloodshed that threatens to rekindle sectarian warfare that nearly destroyed the country three years ago.
The attacks appeared to be an attempt by al-Qaida in Iraq or other extremists to exploit a power vacuum during what promises to be lengthy negotiations to form a new government. About 120 people have been killed in and around the capital over the past five days -- some of the most brutal strikes on civilians in months. For two terrifying hours on a warm, sunny Tuesday morning, at least seven bombs rocked a broad swath of Baghdad. In a new tactic, several bombs were planted inside empty apartments....
The explosions reduced one building to rubble, knocked out windows and doors and ripped off facades. People rushed to the blast sites, digging through the rubble with their hands to find loved ones....
With militants singling out entire families of both Muslim sects for slaughter, the recent violence is reminiscent of the far more widespread fighting that tore Iraq apart from 2005 to 2007 and prompted the United States to send tens of thousands more troops to this country.
Yeah, they have only intermarried and lived together for centuries -- UNTIL WE GOT THERE!
U.S. officials sought to downplay the possibility that Iraq is sliding toward major sectarian fighting and insisted there were no plans to slow the withdrawal of American troops.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. military official in Iraq, does not believe the violence threatens the ability of the U.S. military to draw down its forces this year....
But just in case: Occupation Iraq: Obama's Plan B
While there was no claim of responsibility, the latest spike in attacks suggest to some analysts that al-Qaida or other extremists wish to provoke mayhem or otherwise sabotage negotiations to form a stable government after the March 7 parliamentary election that failed to produce a clear winner....
And WHO would want to sabotage negotiations when SADR shall be KING(maker)?
A secular bloc is currently holding talks with religious Shiite parties, a threatening prospect for insurgents whose stock-in-trade is rage, not peace.
Pfft! I'm so sick of AmeriKa's s*** MSM!
Such attacks might inflame sectarian tensions and make Shiite parties less likely to join former prime minister Ayad Allawi, a secular Shiite backed by Sunnis.
Allawi's political coalition, Iraqiya, came out ahead in the vote, narrowly edging Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's bloc by just two seats. Allawi raised the prospect that terror attacks will only increase if the negotiations drag on for months to form a new government....
Oh, I would BET ON IT!!
Tuesday's attacks killed at least 50 people and wounded 187, including women and children -- a toll the AP reached after talking with police and medical officials in different parts of the capital. All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to release information publicly.
The attackers detonated homemade bombs and, in one case, a car packed with explosives, according to Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, an Iraqi military spokesman for Baghdad's operations command center. He said there were at least seven blasts. The U.S. military in Baghdad said there were eight....
"Wave of bombings rocks Baghdad, killing dozens; More than 140 are injured in at least 7 blasts" by Timothy Williams and Yasmine Mousa, New York Times | April 7, 2010

Boys gathered around their brother, who was wounded in one of seven bombings in Baghdad yesterday (Reuters)
BAGHDAD — Deadly blasts shook Baghdad for the second time in three days yesterday, deepening fears of a new outbreak of insurgent and sectarian violence....
There are also new concerns that Iraq’s army and police may drift back into sectarianism....
Yesterday, Major General Qassim Atta, spokesman for Baghdad’s security network, said insurgents connected to Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia were seeking to destabilize Iraq during its postelection confusion. In the past, Iraqi and American officials have said the Sunni insurgent group had been all but routed....
Yes, we know why "Al-CIA-Duh" never goes away.
After an explosion at an apartment building in Shuala, in the city’s northwest, dozens of people came to help. Men got on their knees to dig out bricks and chunks of concrete to free anyone who might have been trapped. As American helicopters circled overhead, women shouted out the names of loved ones.
But they are blowing each other up and slitting each others throats, yup.
“I saw one woman being pulled out of the collapsed building and about five others who had been injured,’’ said Hussein al-Marsumi, 48, a laborer. “They were screaming and covered with blood and dust. They looked like they had been buried in their graves.’’
Violence during the past several days has also claimed the lives of 25 members of an extended family of Sunni Arab men and women, whose hands were bound before they were shot or their throats were slit in a village south of Baghdad. Their killers wore uniforms that resembled those of United States and Iraqi military and security forces....
But the NYT isn't going to look too closely at that.
Has Blackwater gone away yet?